Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 12 October 2023

RE: FW: πŸš€ We’re combining the power of your personal AI with GPT-3



Thanks for your prompt response


I will ask Kartavaya, if he can implement option # 1


I will get back to you next week






From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:suman@personal.ai]
Sent: 27 October 2022 17:22
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Sahiti Bondelepati; System Administrator; Xiaoran Zhang; kartavya.chitalia@atidan.comofficeassistant@3pconsultants.co.in
Subject: Re: FW: πŸš€ We’re combining the power of your personal AI with GPT-3


Hi Hemen, 


There are 3 options:

1. API integration directly into your UI - this is possible today if you have your developers can make this integration although some functionality such as clicking on topics would need additional custom implementation if needed. This can be used to do other integrations as well such as alexa integration. 


2. Profile update which is near term likely another 1-2 months 


3. Embed asp in roadmap but likely early next year.


Based on that you can devise a strategy that works for you.




On Thu, Oct 27, 2022 at 1:33 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



I am yet to have a meeting / discussion with Kartavya. In the meantime, I kept thinking about your following comment :


Regarding your plan for your personal AI to be embedded in http://www.digitalavatarofhemenparekh.in/- I'm afraid that at this time embedding your personal AI will not be possible onto other sites.


The design and avatar at the above link can be set up as you please, complete with any messaging inviting others to create their AIs as you'd like- which I will help provide for you as needed,


but the site will have to redirect to our site for your personal AI lounge where visitors can message you



From your comment, it seems that at some FUTURE TIME, such embedding might become possible


With such a hope, for the time being, I would like to delay the launch of http://www.digitalavatarofhemenparekh.in/- 


My reasons are :


Ø  With such “ re-direction “ , there is no MAGIC , there is no AMAZEMENT


Do you remember  “ Wizard of Oz “ , where the wizard conjures up tricks for amazing the spectators sitting in front of a curtain, while,  all the time , himself hiding behind the curtain ?


Here is that scene :




Also imagine the following scene from that very popular film AWAARA  :


Raj Kapoor , as he briskly walks under an open sky, sings > Mera joota hai Japani……




After 50 years, every time some one watches that video on Youtube, it casts a SPELL  !


But what would be the spectators reaction, if , side by side with each line of that song Raj leap-syncs, they also see Mohamed Raffi – and his orchestra - , recording the song in a Studio ?





          We need to come up with something that will FOOL , Penn and Taylor – not just the spectators !


          See the attached screenshot of my personal.ai lounge


          It is unlikely to inspire 1,000 visitors to “ register as members “ on personal ai , EVERY DAY


          But the U / I  , that I have proposed, will


          What we need ( to market personal.ai ) is to MOTIVATE each visitor to create his / her own Digital Avatar !



With regards,




PS :


When someone lands on one of my poem links on www.hemenparekh.in , he does not even realize that it is “ powered “ by Blogger platform !


One suggestion ( what only a novice like me can make ) :


Can my Digital Avatar U/I, get hosted on your server , to seamlessly integrate with my “ Invisible Lounge “ staying in the background ?





From: Sahiti Bondelepati [mailto:sahiti.bondelepati@personal.ai]
Sent: 26 October 2022 13:20
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: suman@personal.ai; Xiaoran Zhang; kartavya.chitalia@atidan.com; System Administrator; officeassistant@3pconsultants.co.in
Subject: Re: FW: 
πŸš€ We’re combining the power of your personal AI with GPT-3


Hi Mr.Parekh,

Thank you immensely for your patience. I wanted to address all of your recent requests in one email once getting feedback from the team as we are still working on figuring out what is feasible by November 17th for your launch as planned. 

Regarding the features list you've asked for@Suman Kanuganti & @Xiaoran Zhang are looking at which of those features can be made available by your launch date. I'll have Suman reach out in an email once they finish reviewing your list. In the meantime I wanted you to know you can access our Product Roadmap with requests for each feature here: https://roadmap.personal.ai/b/feature-requests/?force-redirect-after-login=cm9hZG1hcC5wZXJzb25hbC5haQ== , where feature requests can be submitted as well. 

Regarding your plan for your personal AI to be embedded in http://www.digitalavatarofhemenparekh.in/- I'm afraid that at this time embedding your personal AI will not be possible onto other sites. The design and avatar at the above link can be set up as you please, complete with any messaging inviting others to create their AIs as you'd like- which I will help provide for you as needed, but the site will have to redirect to our site for your personal AI lounge where visitors can message you. 


Mr. Chitalia- It's great to meet you! Mr.Parekh spoke very highly of you. Please let me know if I can assist with any conceptual ideas or functions in the process of setting up http://www.digitalavatarofhemenparekh.in/. I will be working with my team to provide the redirect link that will go to Mr.Parekh's AI Lounge as described above^. 

Mr.Tamhankar & System Admin- Regarding audio recording capabilities: we use voice prints associated with the owner of the personal AI in order to transcribe spoken English audio by that individual only (for security purposes). In Mr.Parekh's case since the audio would be coming from various of your voices, the team here is considering suggesting a third-party application such as Whisper which is a transcription tool by the company OpenAI. I am getting confirmation on if that is the advised method for translating Mr.Parekh's Gujarati and Hindi poems and writings so I will let you know as soon as possible on the steps to move forward there. 

Mr.Parekh, given the progress we can make if above circumstances will still work for your wishes to launch http://www.digitalavatarofhemenparekh.in/, I am confident that your launch in November will be a great success and catch the attention of all those you hope to introduce to personal AIs. Let me know what you think of all that has been established so far and I'll be sure to give prompt responses to your next emails regarding how we move forward. 

I'll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts, and thank you again for being so patient and enthusiastic- it means a lot to us.  





On Mon, Oct 24, 2022 at 9:26 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



Is there a way we can integrate this ( GPT -3 Suggestions , given a TOPIC keyword ), into :


www.DigitalAvatarOfHemenParekh.in  ?



Pl cover this in your reply for 22 Feature List and your comments to be able to “ power / service “ the revised U / I sent to you last week






From: Personal.ai [mailto:learn@personal.ai]
Sent: 25 October 2022 09:30
To: hcpblogs@gmail.com
πŸš€ We’re combining the power of your personal AI with GPT-3


Description: Image removed by sender.


Unlock the full potential of your knowledge with your personal AI + GPT-3


Your personal AI is built around your unique knowledge, memories and experiences to inspire you and help you write new content. But what if you don’t have a lot of personal knowledge around a specific topic, or need additional information to complete your thought?


Introducing general AI suggestions. Now, in addition to your personal knowledge, you can also quickly and seamlessly tap into the knowledge of the web through OpenAI’s GPT-3.


You can use general AI suggestion to:

  • Generate relevant content ideas for new topics you’re writing about from scratch.
  • Stay in the flow by getting suggestions for variations on thoughts and different perspectives as you write.
  • Save time by pulling from a huge database of knowledge without having to sift through thousands of links and articles.


Description: Rounded Rectangle: Try General AI Suggestion


How it works

In the AI editor, write some text—it can be the beginning of a sentence, a question, a topic, or even just a random thought. Then, highlight the text and click on the globe icon in the toolbar. General AI suggestion will give you a useful, high-quality thought generated from GPT-3. If you’d like to use it, you can click “Add Suggestion” to add it directly to your doc.


Description: Image removed by sender. Image showing the difference between general AI and personal AI


The combination of your personal AI and GPT-3 helps scale your creativity and streamline your writing process like never before.


Description: Rounded Rectangle: Try General AI Suggestion


πŸ’‘ Tip


Personal AI is a unique platform that gives you access to suggestions from both your personal AI and GPT-3. That means you can use the best suggestion depending on your need or combine the two to take advantage of your unique point of view with support and information from the web to make your writing stronger. The next time you’re writing in your personal AI editor, try suggestions from both models and see how they can inspire completely new thoughts.



The Personal.ai Team

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