Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 6 October 2023

Re: Adding New AND Relevant Content to my Personal.ai , automatically


I understand

But would it help if I copy paste these hyperlinks in my ai input page ?

Will it generate memory blocks by inputting the text behind those links ?


With best regards

Hemen Parekh

Subject: Re: Adding New AND Relevant Content to my Personal.ai , automatically
Hi Hemen, auto scrapping web is a bigger undertaking although we want to be able to automate data inputs from known sources and integrations such as emails, text, blogs etc. 
We'll likely partner with some when the time is right. 

On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 3:55 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Hello Suman :

My website ( www.hemenparekh.in ) contains thousands of documents , written by me over past  several years

In these, I have written about dozens of subjects / topics , which my AI identifies as following “ Keywords “ :

Powai / WRO / CWH / Pune / Feni / Dempo / Goa / letters / Vasudevan / mechanic / Caterpillar / representative / time / work / Baretto / sind / thirties / homi / pai / absence / attitude / section… etc

Next to each word is a number within bracket , which , I presume, denotes the “ Frequency of Occurrence “  of that word , within a small piece of text ( content ) just uploaded

However, this piece of text where I expressed my OPINION about that subject or listed a set of SUGGESTIONS ,  could be a few years old.

Now, on that same TOPIC , new knowledge / findings / news , continue to get added every day / week / month

It is necessary for my AI to IMBIBE this new – and RELEVANT – knowledge and keep learning / keep up-to-date on that subject

Once in a while, I cut out that piece of information from newspapers / websites and ( when time and energy permit ), write a fresh BLOG and upload it on my website as also on my AI page

With each passing day, this is getting more and more difficult

As a result , ( like my Physical Avatar ) my Digital Avatar – my AI , too is getting out-dated / obsolete

When a visitor ( to my web page under design ) asks a question and gets an answer quoting what I suggested in year 2012 ( already implemented by the Govt in 2015 ) , visitor is going to be turned off / get disillusioned !

However , if my answer goes on to add what news ( about that subject / topic ) appeared in newspaper last week , then the CONTEXTUAL RELEVANCE and CREDIBILITY , goes up

Trick would be for my AI to “ scour “ the web , find news in which those KEYWORDS appear, scrape that news, add to my AI and convert into Memory Blocks !

In your ROAD-MAP, are you planning to add such a project ?

Following tabulation shows a few such news items about which SUBJECT, I have written BLOGS in the past



Srl No

Subject Link








Farm, Fire, Stubble , Burn




Electric Bus , Wet Lease




NaVIC, GPS, Navigation System








Supreme Court , TV, Proceedings




Vehicle Scrapping, Alang, Grave Yard


Co-edited by my personal AI​​.

Suman Kanuganti

CEO & Co-founder, Personal.ai

Tw: @sumankanuganti​ ​

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