Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 12 October 2023





Ø  Feature List

          As I await this list from you , duly filled up with appropriate responses ( some of which you said were under implementation or to be introduced soon ) , I thought of updating


          you on following developments , at my end





Ø  Revised U / I for my lounge


           On second thought, I felt that ,


           #  The last template ( which divided the page into 5 vertical columns ), was not user-friendly. It would make it difficult for visitors to read . People are used to read from left to


               right , in a single horizontal line ( just like this e-mail ). Then move down to the left-side beginning of the next sentence


           #  I also felt that the 5th column ( showing my Physical Profile ) was unnecessary


          #   I was also not happy with the visual of a Genie , with my head replacing Genie’s head . Seemed a bit amateurish ! What we need is a VISUAL that conveys the “ SENSE “ of

               two persons , facing each other and engaged in a conversation . I felt that such visual must occupy the entire width of the page and have some “ Animation “ . It should be     


                able to be viewed ( in landscape mode ), on the mobile screen


               All of these considerations, motivated me to come up with a REVISED u/I , as seen in the ATTACHMENT



Ø  Developer


            During our Zoom talk, I mentioned about Mr Kartavya Chitalia  [ kartavya.chitalia@atidan.com] , who is the founder of www.Atidantech.com


           Despite his very busy schedule, he has agreed to develop this landing page for  www.DigitalAvatarOfHemenParekh.com [ I have booked this domain name ]


           I have sent to him the REVISED U/I , and we have planned a meeting next Thursday or Friday, to finalize the layout


           I would highly appreciate if you could send to me  ( cc: Kartavya ), your comments / suggestions for improvement of the U /I


           Of course, the most important “ CONFIRMATION “ we need from you is that :


           Personal.ai will deliver to www.DigitalAvatarOfHemenParekh.com , the services that its visitors expect ( the results of any action taken by a visitor )


           You will notice that ,in my page, in the very FIRST LINE, I have mentioned : … my Digital Avatar page is powered / serviced by personal.ai ….


           You would also notice that, against caption { How will this help me ? }, I have said :


          “ By creating your own Avatar ( at Personal.ai ), …………………… “  



         In all of our future email exchanges, we will mark a copy to Kartavya . The best thing would be for you and Katavya to talk to each other directly and mark a copy to me



Ø  Promoting Personal.ai


         Of one thing I am very certain . Among many companies that have sprung up lately in the area of “ Conversational AI “, you have an excellent product ( or service ? ) which


         remains unmatched ( so far ) . If , soon enough, answers being delivered by your ai are MOST APPROPRIATE / RELEVANT ( to questions being asked ), then we have an





         Question >  How to “ promote “ personal.ai, among MILLIONS of users and get a THOUSAND persons to sign-up EVERYDAY ?


         Answer   >  www.DigitalAvatarOfHemenParekh.com  , can do this promotion , IF it AMAZES / MESMERIZES , its visitors with the RELEVANCE of the answers ( and in my own


                           voice )


                          If we can achieve this LEVEL of MAGIC by 17 Nov 2022 ( my 63rd wedding anniversary ), then I propose to send out an e-Mail to Indian Prime Minister , Shri


                          Narendra Modiji, as per attachment





Sahiti – Suman,



Let us make HISTORY



With regards,


Hemen Parekh

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