Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Continuation of our Dialogue

 Hello Joe,



( A ) … Attachment :


Perhaps you already know about 3Dbear.io






During our talk, you mentioned about application of IKIN ARC which aims to provide a MALL –like reality experience , in RETAIL industry


In this context, you might like to go through following article ( summarized by me ) :







Infy, Tech Mahindra et al. have dipped their toes in metaverse waters. Can they cash in on the mania?


Author : Shelley Singh – shelley.singh1@timesinternet.in


( Eco Times  /  24  July  2022 )


Extract :

Ø It is not like heavyweights such as TCS ,Wipro,  HCL don’t have their takes on metaverse. But Infosys and TechM have gone on to start dedicated centres, building teams and TEMPLATISED solutions for RETAIL, telecom and banking sectors


Ø RaviKumar S , president Infosys, who leads the company’s metaverse practice , says :

“ As of now, we see metaverse being tapped and explored by RETAIL , SHOPPING , and GAMING industries “

Ø Some of the services firms have metaverse use-cases in the form of 3D AVATARS , cities , spaces , digital assets and digital economy


Ø Deutsche Telecom, Audi , Nestle , P&G are among other companies using the metaverse to find new ways to interact with customers and add value for them and RETAIL partners



Ø Infosys Metaverse Foundry is a set of 100 , ready-to-use TEMPLATES for clients. For example, Infosys is offering a TEMPLATE for businesses to set up IMMERSIVE RETAIL experiences where shoppers can explore a branded metaverse environment, buy NFTs or connect to an ONLINE CHECK-OUT COUNTER to get things delivered in the physical world. Infosys is selling this as a SERVICE-ON-TAP


Ø For instance, metaverse for EDUCATION and WORK PLACE ( for onboarding new hires ) is gaining traction



Ø For the $ 5.2 Billion TechM , metaverse is a COMBINATION of Software and Hardware capabilities to offer a 3D VISUAL EXPERIENCE to clients. The Pune-based company is offering AVATAR-AS-A-SERVICE, meta environment development, NFT marketplaces , content management and other services



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