Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday, 30 September 2011

Job Alerts Widgets


Many thanks for both the widgets

You have done better than your promise !  It is now our turn to live up to your expectations. We will try our best.

After our telecom this morning, I spoke to Shuklendu and explained what was happening. He thinks the reason could be due to the fact that, for SMS purpose, we could be limiting the no of jobs to only 2 or 3 in aspx page

He will urgently examine the possibility of creating one more page ( jamwidgetalert.aspx ) where all the matched jobs ( found at “ Job Alert Summary “ page ) can be displayed AND your tasklet can, then access / retrieve data from such a new page. He will talk to you during the course of the day – and proceed , if you agree

I have also mentioned to Shuklendu about the “ Acknowledgement Message “ missing. He will look into this

I may have some more comments after I meet him tomorrow

I think ,” Jobs for All “ widget serving the purpose of an internet kiosk ( for the limited purpose of job alerts ) is a tremendous idea and I want to congratulate your entire team for conceiving and implementing this idea so elegantly.

In closing : I hope you and your family have a very nice holidays.


hemen parekh

Jobs  for  All  =  Peace  on  Earth

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Screen Shots

Shuklendu  /  Nitin  / Hardik

This has ref to my earlier emails as also my talk with Hardik yesterday

I attach herewith, a page containing some screen-shot “ sketches ” illustrating how  JOBS  widget works ( - my current understanding , in any case )

Of course, actual screen shots of a mobile-screen would look absolutely AUTHENTIC

After seeing the actual widget – and, if required – making necessary changes ( especially , in Acknowledgement Message ), please incorporate these screen shots on

Ø “ Free  App for Smart Phone “  page

Ø “ Job Alerts on Mobile “ page

After these pages are ready, Hardik may show me thru TeamViewer


hemen parekh

Jobs  for  All  =  Peace  on  Earth

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

RE: Spam Apply Jobs on Smartphone

Shuklendu  /  Nitin

Thanks for this link

From this, we should consider adopting following :

Ø  Screen shots ( to be placed on our “ Free App “ and “ Job Alert on Mobile “ pages

We had shown screen shots on several pages of IndiaRecruiter.net. I suppose it is fairly easy.
We can substitute these later when we succeed in developing a visual like one I sent you for World-Wide-Jobs.com

Of course, even for the screen shots, we will have to wait till we receive  JOBS  widget from Revathi

Ø  Horizontal Bar Graph showing “ Ratings “ of jobseekers who downloaded and used  JOBS  widget

If users really like our widget and a large no provide high rating, then it has a highly “ reinforcing “ effect and can start a “ Viral Buzz

Please examine whether we can incorporate such a “ polling “ mechanism on both the pages mentioned earlier



From: shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net [mailto:shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net]
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 8:06 PM
To: hcp@recruitguru.com; hcparekh@recruitguru.com
Subject: Spam Apply Jobs on Smartphone

Monster seem to have launched a similar application to ours. https://market.android.com/details?id=com.monsterindia.seeker.views


Tuesday, 27 September 2011

FW: Spam Graphic Visual for " Free App for Smart Phone " page


Revathi spoke to me yesterday around 4 pm about this and immediately I spoke to Nitin who asked Hardik to look into this

When I spoke to Hardik around 5;45 pm, he was still working on this and promised to let me know as soon as this problem got resolved

I hope it is resolved by now. After confirming from Hardik, I would appreciate if you can phone-up Revathi and inform her so that her team can finish the testing of the Widget today

I tried to reach you yesterday but you were not in office and your cell was switched off



From: Team SiteonMobile [mailto:siteonmobile@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 3:38 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net; Nitin Ruge; kailas@3pconsultants.co.in
Subject: Re: Spam Graphic Visual for " Free App for Smart Phone " page

Dear Hemanji,

Requesting your support/help please..

Today, our team noticed that JAM ALERT takes 80 seconds to load the page and JAM ALERT takes 40 seconds. We are unable to conduct some tests as JAM Alert does not display any message after the APPLY button has been selected by the User.

Requesting you to kindly do the needful please ASAP.

Please let us know.

Thanks & Regards
On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:
Shuklendu / Nitin

In my mail yesterday, I stressed the need to incorporate some attractive / intuitive visual on “ Free App for Smart Phone “ page which would essentially, substitute “ Instruction Manual “ !

By itself, the visual should be capable of explaining how the  JOBS  widget works at each touch and what the user can expect to see when he ‘ touches ‘

We had some such visual in our ( now defunct ) web site , www.world-wide-jobs.com

We may not be able to come-up with something similar before Oct 06, but let us certainly do this immediately thereafter

47 lakh candidates who will, hopefully visit our site, must easily / quickly grasp the “ Power of Simplicity “ of the widget to solve their biggest “ Unmet Need “, viz :

How to find jobs and apply without a PC / Internet connection ?



Android widget


I talked to you about this just now

It is good to know the reactions of users

In the meantime, I have talked to Shuklendu who will phone you right away

hemen parekh

Jobs  for  All  =  Peace  on  Earth

Monday, 26 September 2011

Today's Priority

Shuklrndu  /  Nitin  /  Hardik

Congratulations on uploading revised Side Bar

I presume, today’s priority for Hardik would be to prepare

Ø New page  “  Free App for  Smart Phone “

Ø Revised page for “ Job Alerts on Mobile “

You have write-ups for both. In case of doubt, phone me.

As far as uploading of these revised pages is concerned, we will need to wait for receipt of widget from Revathi – then study how it works

Actual process may turn out to be different than what my write-up says. In which case , write up will require changes

But, if these pages are kept ready ( Hardik may show to me thru TeamViewer ), then changing the write up would take a few minutes

Also please keep in mind the following :

Considering that today, CustomizeResume has NO source of income, I am very keen to register for Google AdSense

If, as a result of Widget, traffic on our site goes up to say, 10,000 per day, then AdSense can bring-in some badly needed revenue

But this would require a 45 mm wide FREE space on the right side of every page, where Google can insert its Ads

How easy or difficult is it to re-configure ALL of our pages to provide such “ Real Estate “ for AdSense ?




Including today, our D-day is 9 days away !

Re: Spam Graphic Visual for " Free App for Smart Phone " page

Dear Hemanji,

Requesting your support/help please..

Today, our team noticed that JAM ALERT takes 80 seconds to load the page and JAM ALERT takes 40 seconds. We are unable to conduct some tests as JAM Alert does not display any message after the APPLY button has been selected by the User.

Requesting you to kindly do the needful please ASAP.

Please let us know.

Thanks & Regards

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 12:14 PM, Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:
Shuklendu / Nitin

In my mail yesterday, I stressed the need to incorporate some attractive / intuitive visual on “ Free App for Smart Phone “ page which would essentially, substitute “ Instruction Manual “ !

By itself, the visual should be capable of explaining how the  JOBS  widget works at each touch and what the user can expect to see when he ‘ touches ‘

We had some such visual in our ( now defunct ) web site , www.world-wide-jobs.com

We may not be able to come-up with something similar before Oct 06, but let us certainly do this immediately thereafter

47 lakh candidates who will, hopefully visit our site, must easily / quickly grasp the “ Power of Simplicity “ of the widget to solve their biggest “ Unmet Need “, viz :

How to find jobs and apply without a PC / Internet connection ?



Saturday, 24 September 2011

Pending work

Shuklendu  /  Nitin  /  Hardik

When I talked to Hardik last evening, he told me that revised Side Bar is ready and he is testing

He will upload it today morning after showing to me thru TeamViewer

With this out of way, we should take up the remaining items listed in my earlier emails

I have divided these in following lists :

LIST  A  ( items to be completed latest by Oct 05 ) :

Ø  New page for “ Free App for Smart Phone “ ( revised write-up as per my email to Revathi dt Sept 13 )

Ø Revised page for “ Job Alerts on Mobile “ ( as per my hand-written note )

                    After keeping these pages ready , we may need to revise the write-ups based on what process we find in Widget when delivered

Ø Script ( and Template ) for Promo Email to be sent to 47 lakh candidates on Oct 06 , including UNSUBSCRIBE link

Ø MS Sql Indexing

Ø Heavy usage of memory

Ø Non working links ( Job search by Job Title )

Ø Crawl Errors

Ø Change email ID in “ Contact Us “ page and incorporating new links / newly visible links in SITE MAP

Ø Adding RecruitGuru Phone No ( 92-22-67070360 ) and email ID ( contact@RecruitGuru.com ) on ALL pages, at the bottom

Ø Pointing Web site DNS towards Google to take advantage of Google’s FREE page optimization service

LIST  B  ( to be taken up after Oct 06 – as per following priorities ) :

Ø Visual to illustrate exact working / process flow of JOBS widget ( similar to what we had in www.world-wide-jobs.com )

Ø  Re-uploading of 47 lakh old records

Ø Capture data and show counter ( on “ Free App “ page ) >>> “ No of Widget Users “ ( once you understand working of widget )

Ø Separate-out “  Jobs applied thru JAM “ counter on “ Job Alerts on Mobile “ page

Ø Counter to show how many candidates EDITED their resumes

Ø In the newly made visible links / pages, show BLANK forms / tabulations, to give an idea to jobseekers what they can expect if logged in

Ø Introduce all forms for “ FRESH GRADUATES “ as per my handwritten notes

Ø Page Speed Tester

As far as LIST A is concerned, we should not waste any time in estimating / preparing Gantt Chart. Just get on and complete one after another

But, as far as LIST B is concerned, I would very much like to see a Gantt Chart by Oct 15 – and then discuss with all of you



FW: Spam Completed: Deletion of customize-resume.com

From: IndiaInternet Domains Team [mailto:domains@indiainternet.in]
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 11:00 PM
To: hcp@recruitguru.com
Subject: Spam Completed: Deletion of customize-resume.com

Your Domain Name customize-resume.com has been Deleted. This Domain Name will no longer be active, and will be available for anyone to Register

Order Details
Order ID: 29125016
Domain Name: customize-resume.com

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Sales Contact:
Email Address: domains@indiainternet.in
Tel No.: +91.1204224190

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Email Address: domains@indiainternet.in
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Changing Name Servers or DNS of your Domain Name
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Alliance Web Solution Pvt Ltd D-190, Sec-10,
NOIDA - 201301 (Delhi NCR), INDIA
Ph: +91-120-4224190
Email: support@indiainternet.in

Friday, 23 September 2011

Re: SpamSize of JOBS icon

Thanks a lot for your suggestions humanoid.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from !DEA

From: "Hemen Parekh" <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 10:12:32 +0530
To: 'Team SiteonMobile'<siteonmobile@gmail.com>
Cc: <shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net>; <kailas@3pconsultants.co.in>
Subject: Spam Size of JOBS icon


Last few minutes, I was looking at various icons on my phone as well as on iPad

I found that

Ø Icons on mobile screen appear to be  5  mm square

Ø Icons on iPad are  14  mm square

Great majority of icons are square with rounded corners

Most icon carry below the square, a brief description of one/two words

iPad icons , [ being bigger in size ? ] , often carry , within the square, one or two words, often the same words which appear below the square

Mobile phone icons rarely carry any word within the square – obviously due to size-limitation

In iPad, I found, icons of a few job portals such as ; Indeed.com / JobsDB.com / Beyond.com / TimesJobs.com etc

Since the screens of both , iPad as well as a Mobile , are  BLACK , many icons are rendered in   LIGHT  BLUE   or  LIGHT  YELLOW   colors – in order to provide a good contrast and resultant better legibility

Because of size limitation, I cannot think of any IMAGE which would, intuitively convey to the user that this icon has something to do with jobs / job alerts / finding of jobs etc

Hence we must fall back on some  WORD  to convey this message

Only word [ in English language ], which could convey this meaning to people of all countries, is  ”  JOBS “

Therefore, perhaps , the ideal icon for our widget could be :

Ø A square with rounded corners

Ø Word  “ JOBS “ appearing inside the square

Ø Square to be solid sky-blue ( see icon of MySpace )

Ø Word “ JOBS “ in contrasting yellow lines

Ø Word “ JOBS “ to also appear below the square

Please treat these as mere suggestions. Final decision rests with you



Re: SpamSize of JOBS icon

Sorry for the Typo

Resending ..

Thanks a lot for your suggestions Hemanji

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 11:21 AM, <siteonmobile@gmail.com> wrote:
Thanks a lot for your suggestions humanoid.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from !DEA

From: "Hemen Parekh" <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 10:12:32 +0530
To: 'Team SiteonMobile'<siteonmobile@gmail.com>
Subject: Spam Size of JOBS icon


Last few minutes, I was looking at various icons on my phone as well as on iPad

I found that

Ø Icons on mobile screen appear to be  5  mm square

Ø Icons on iPad are  14  mm square

Great majority of icons are square with rounded corners

Most icon carry below the square, a brief description of one/two words

iPad icons , [ being bigger in size ? ] , often carry , within the square, one or two words, often the same words which appear below the square

Mobile phone icons rarely carry any word within the square – obviously due to size-limitation

In iPad, I found, icons of a few job portals such as ; Indeed.com / JobsDB.com / Beyond.com / TimesJobs.com etc

Since the screens of both , iPad as well as a Mobile , are  BLACK , many icons are rendered in   LIGHT  BLUE   or  LIGHT  YELLOW   colors – in order to provide a good contrast and resultant better legibility

Because of size limitation, I cannot think of any IMAGE which would, intuitively convey to the user that this icon has something to do with jobs / job alerts / finding of jobs etc

Hence we must fall back on some  WORD  to convey this message

Only word [ in English language ], which could convey this meaning to people of all countries, is  ”  JOBS “

Therefore, perhaps , the ideal icon for our widget could be :

Ø A square with rounded corners

Ø Word  “ JOBS “ appearing inside the square

Ø Square to be solid sky-blue ( see icon of MySpace )

Ø Word “ JOBS “ in contrasting yellow lines

Ø Word “ JOBS “ to also appear below the square

Please treat these as mere suggestions. Final decision rests with you



Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Re: SpamFW: Security risk found in message "Re: Scan from a HP Officejet #13241874"

Dear hemanji,
This is not from our team.
Thanks and regards,
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from !DEA

From: "Hemen Parekh" <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 16:02:25 +0530
To: 'Team SiteonMobile'<siteonmobile@gmail.com>
Subject: Spam FW: Security risk found in message "Re: Scan from a HP Officejet #13241874"


Is this from your team ? Is it meant for me ?


From: Cooley_ELOISA@aol.com [mailto:Cooley_ELOISA@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 1:19 AM
To: hcp@recruitguru.com
Subject: Security risk found in message "Re: Scan from a HP Officejet #13241874"

Attached document was scanned and sent
to you using a Hewlett-Packard HP Officejet 16542A.

Sent by: ELOISA
Images : 5
Attachment Type: ZIP [DOC]

Hewlett-Packard Officejet Location: machine location not set
Device: OFC310AA9BSX927600




Soon, we will get JOBS widget – courtesy HP Labs

We will talk about this on following pages of our web site :

Ø Job Alerts on Mobile

Ø Free App for Smart Phone

Everyday, some users will download this App from whatever link we indicate

But we want them to talk about this to their friends  / colleagues. Share it , if possible

Will following news which appeared ( Mumbai Mirror ) sometime back, help ?

“ So you are showing off this cool new app on your Android phone to your friends, and they all want it.

Why not make their life a little easier by sharing it with them quickly ?

As the name suggests, MyAppSharer lets you quickly share the app’s installation file or the Market link through SMS, Gmail, Bluetooth, Whatsapp, Facebook, QR-Code, Dropbox and many other options.

How can we take advantage of this ?

How do we tell users to get hold of MyAppSharer in the first place ? – then use it to help-out their friends ?

hemen parekh

Jobs  for  All  =  Peace  on  Earth

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Resume Search


I just tried to conduct Resume Search but it showed “ Appli error “

May be I did not try properly but you may still want to check up

hemen parekh

Jobs  for  All  =  Peace  on  Earth

Monday, 12 September 2011

Re: Spam Two Touch Process

Dear Hemanji,

We did receive both your e-mails.   We are able to envisage your requirements for smartphone apps.

Due to high priority experiments here, we will require 2-3 weeks time for implementing the special app on the Android.

We will get back to you at the earliest.

Thanks & Regards

On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 9:12 AM, Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

I hope you received my last mail

What I have in mind is a 2 Touch process, viz:

Ø  Step # 1…………..  Touch “ JAM “ icon………………………….  reveal first matching “ Job Detail “ page

Ø Step #  2……………  Touch “ APPLY “ button …………………. Resume gets delivered to concerned job advertiser

Then a  message flashes………….. “ Your resume delivered to Job No……… “

I presume, that in order to see the next matching job, user would need to touch the “ JAM “ icon once again,


We manage to show the next matching job automatically under the message “ Your resume delivered to Job No …….”

Of course, if there are no matching jobs whatsoever, then the usual message ,as follows, will flash :

“ We could not find any jobs matching your resume. You may see some if you EDIT your resume, incorporating more details / skills-related keywords in your resume “

In this 2 Touch process, what I have in mind is the context of supply of electricity or water in our homes

Just throw the switch or open the tap – and supply starts, without login !

While spending an hour on HP Labs website yesterday, I found that HP wants to utterly simplify the user interaction with the web

Especially when we are developing an application for millions of jobseekers in remote parts of India who have a mobile ( soon a Smartphone ), but poor internet access

And today ,HP is best poised to bring about this “ Social Revolution “ !



Friday, 9 September 2011

RE: SiteonMobile Android Widget for Customize resume


Many thanks for the widget

We installed it on a colleague’s phone and checked it

I have following request :

Ø Let us do away with the LogIn process

In our present SMS-based process, server recognizes the phone no. If no is found in Resume database, then straight away, Job Alerts Tabulation page is shown.( Stage # 1 )

In ‘ Jobs for All ‘ Icon system, we should bypass the first stage ( of Tabulation of Jobs ), and directly show the “ Job Alert Detail “ page, which contains just ONE job with 3 buttons at the bottom, viz : “ Previous “  /  “ Apply “  / “  Next “.

You will agree that , without an “ APPLY “ button, there is no fulfillment ! After all, the ultimate objective of a candidate is to be able to apply against a desirable job, directly from his mobile. Only then the transaction becomes complete.

If we can do this, then there will be no need to show 3 jobs, nor any limitation on the No of jobs that can be seen by tapping on “ Next “ button.

That will be restricted by the no of matched jobs for that person for that day.

Ø As mentioned in my hand-written note ( Sept 01 ), we should show / display, a DUMMY / SAMPLE job advt to a person whose mobile no is NOT found in our database ie: to a person who is NOT registered as a candidate. Even this DUMMY job will carry the 3 buttons mentioned earlier- except these are inactive

Such a DUMMY job will carry below it, a 2/3 line write-up to motivate him to register.

Ø If possible, you may remove “ Customizer Resume “ from the Icon and just leave “ Jobs for All “ ( - which is very intuitive ! )

I have no doubt that with these changes, we would have a “ Killer App “ , which will re-write the paradigm of online recruitment and , as a result, be capable of taking on Goliaths like Naukri / Timesjobs / MonsterIndia.

These portals have set their own “Rules of the Game “. We have absolutely no chance of competing with them if we play the game by “ their rules “ !

When you succeed – and I have no doubt you will -, you will be following the footsteps of Neal Armstrong, who, upon landing on the moon, said :

A small step for a man : a giant step for mankind

Shuklendu- and his team – is ready to make whatever changes you want him to make in the web site. Just phone / write to him.

With regards

hemen parekh

Jobs  for  All  =  Peace  on  Earth

From: Team SiteonMobile [mailto:siteonmobile@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2011 3:18 PM
To: HCP; Hemen Parekh; H C Parekh; shuklendu.baji@sentientsystems.net; Kailas Patil
Subject: SiteonMobile Android Widget for Customize resume

Dear Hemanji, Mr Shuklendu, Mr Kailas,

Glad to inform you that SiteOnMobile Android Widget is available for 'Job matches' for a particular login on customizeresume.com.

The attachment contains installation steps and screen shots.

Please try and let us know.

Thanks & Regards