Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Supreme Fails to Speak : Because no one is Listening ?

 Context :

‘No citizen should die of hunger,’ says SC in migrant workers matter  /  The Print  /  21 July 2022


Extract :

The Supreme Court on Thursday while hearing a matter relating to migrant labourers remarked that no citizen should die of hunger and said that it was most concerning that there were deaths due to hunger.


When the court was apprised that a large number of migrant workers are without ration cards, the bench of justices MR Shah and BV Nagarathna said, “no citizen should die of hunger and it is most concerning that there were deaths due to hunger.”

The bench observed that migrants and other workers are the backbone of the country and they must be provided rations at subsidized rates.

The court further observed that in villages and in marginalised communities people tie a tight cloth around their stomachs to suppress their hunger pangs.

It was pointed out by the petitioners that the central government had failed to undertake any exercise to re-determine coverage under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) and as a result, more than 10 crore people who should have been issued ration cards were left out of the purview of the food security net.





I am surprized ( and shocked ) that the Supreme Court failed to ask the Government :


“ Even if you manage to issue ration cards to those 10 Crore poor people, do they

  have money to buy that subsidized ration ?


We think, millions among those 10 crore, just don’t have money to buy ration


A few who may have the money to buy ration, do not have money to buy LPG

cylinder or even chopped wood


How do you plan to ensure that they do not die due to hunger ?


Some 6 months ago, we had asked you to come up within 3 weeks,  a :

National Policy on Community Kitchens


Your Food Ministry even formed a committee of Food Secretaries from 8 States to

 frame such a policy


Since then, we have heard nothing from you in this matter


We ask you to give us , within 3 weeks, your response to the following proposed

 scheme, received from a citizen :


 [ Source :   Community Kitchen ? Never too late ! ………… 01 Dec 2021  ]


I urge the Group of Food Secretaries to consider following suggestions when formulating the Scheme :


[ A ]   Involvement / Participation

               Ø   This scheme should involve total involvement of all the States. They

                    should be made responsible for its implementation and monitoring (

                    within their respective States )



[ B ]    Organizational Framework

              Ø  Much similar to GST COUNCIL , this scheme must have an MANAGING

                  COUNCIL, consisting of Food Secretaries from ALL the States


              Ø  This Council may be named “ No One Starving Or Hungry in

                   India NOSOHI ) “


              Ø  NOSOHI will formulate Framework - Rules – Regulations – Systems –

                  Procedures etc re this scheme


              Ø  Proposed Framework may incorporate the desirable elements of Co-

                  operative Movement , enshrined in the examples of AMUL / LIJJAT Papad

                  / Anganwadi etc., which would convey the “ Spirit of Service 



[ C ]     Generation of Self Employment 

             Ø  The scheme should enable a large number of destitute women to

                 participate and become Self-Employed


             Ø  In the towns / villages / cities, selected by the State Governments, some

                 State Ministry must be tasked with the job of encouraging formation of

                 Women’s Community Kitchen Co-Op Societies

                 who shall manage these Community Kitchens


             Ø  To each such “ approved / enlisted “ Society, State Government will make

                 available the physical premises ( with water / power ). The size of

                 premises will be linked to the number of poor hungry  persons to be fed

                 by the Society, every day ( pre-determined )



             Ø  To each such Society, the Central Government shall make available ( free

                  of cost ) :


#  All Kitchen equipment ( including Gas Chulhas + Gas Cylinders ). In

     course of time, when available commercially, these gas stoves should be

     replaced with Solar Cookers / Chulhas .


#  All tables / chairs required for the Dining Area ( No food shall be allowed

    to be taken out )


#  All Storage equipment, including Refrigerators ( for Cereals  and for

    cooked food ) 


#  All Ancilliary equipment ( including cleaning equipment )



Downside of my above-mentioned suggestion :


           Ø  Creation of such a huge infrastructure is very difficult in a short time

           Ø  Once created ( at a huge Capital and Recurring Expense ), it is very

               difficult to administer

           Ø  There will be leakages and corruption ( in Supply Chain )


I urge the group of Secretaries to also consider following alternative :

NGO serves up free meals for kin of poor patients at JJ hospital    /   TOI   /   28 Nov 2021


Highlights :

I found that an NGO distributes free food here,” said Patil. 

He is among 600 people , all relatives of patients, who benefit from the scheme of

Fazlani Aishabai and Haji Abdul Latif Charitable Trust. ( info@aishabaitrust.com )

“ Relatives of many patients eat a vada pav for lunch or dinner. Two square meals a

 day in Mumbai costs Rs 150 –200, and the poor cannot afford this “, trust

 Chairman Abdul Kader Fazlani (roc.fazfoundation@sopariwala.comhad said



Procured from an ISO-certified caterer, the free meals are given twice a day.


“ As per our Chairman’s instructions, the food should be NUTRITIOUS and there

  should be no compromise  on QUALITY.


 We have kept it VEGETARIAN so that nobody has any hesitation in accepting it “ ,

 said Trust CEO Shabir Mushtaq Mir, adding that they often make surprise visits to

 the caterer’s kitchen to ensure QUALITY and HYGIENE



“ Beneficiaries get food coupons a day ahead so that the trust’s VOLUNTEERS

  know the NUMBER of FOOD PACKETS they need to arrange for that day. We

  ensure ZERO WASTAGE for the FOOD “, said Mir



Dear Secretaries :


While drafting your Community Kitchen Scheme , irrespective of its proposed

structure, I urge you to incorporate the following provisions :


       Ø   Hungry person who queues up to collect COUPONS  or FOOD PACKET,

            will NOT be asked  ANY QUESTIONwhatsoeve

            Please do not HUMILIATE a poor hungry human !


      Ø    He / she will not be asked :

       #    Domicile – Nationality – Name – Address – any Identity Card /

             Document – Community – Religion –Caste –Age – whether employed /

             jobless etc


     Ø  Although you may recommend installation of a FACIAL RECOGNITION system at

         each kitchen, it will be for  the sole purpose of keeping count ( of the numbers

         served each lunch / dinner ) and to avoid DUPLICATE issues  to same person.


       Ø  No beneficiary will be allowed to take the FOOD PACKET, outside the kitchen. It

           must be consumed inside the kitchen’s  Dining Area only


      Ø  However, your scheme should provide for taking home the Food Packets, in

           cases of OLD-SICK-INVALID-BED RIDDEN, poor humans who just cannot walk

           up to the nearest kitchen. In such cases, relative / family member /friend or an

           NGO volunteer may be allowed to take out the food packet, after entering  full “

           SICK  BENEFICIARY  DATA “ in a centrally computerized system



       Incidentally, all over India, religious trusts are running FREE " Bhojanalaya " ,

       serving meals to thousands of devotees every day. One such Community Kitchen

      is at Sarangpur in Gujarat which claims to be running this service for past 100

      years ( 24 x 7 ) , with 30 lakh ( 3 million ) being served every year


With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com / 23 July 2022


Related Readings :

Ø  There are no Starvation Deaths ? …………………………[ 19 Jan 2022 ]

Ø   No savings, income shortfall and much more: What data says about the lives of gig workers / BL / 22 July 2022

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