Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 13 October 2023

Single Business ID for businesses

 Single Business ID for businesses




Context :

Centre moving towards second phase of National Single Window System   /   Business  Line  /  14  Oct 2022

Extract :

The government is moving towards the second phase of the National Single Window System, envisioned as a one-stop shop for all regulatory approvals and services, and is focussing on creating a SINGLE BUSINESS ID , to make things seamless for existing as well as  new businesses


My  Take :


Ø  Aadhar Type Identity for Businesses ?................... [ 03  Nov  2017 ]


Extract :


I have no doubt that , India can “ break into the TOP 50 “ , if businesses do not need to register repeatedly and obtain umpteen REGISTRATION  NUMBERS , listed in my following blog


GSTIN on Sign Boards ? How about other 16 ?


Business Line ( 11 July ) carries following report :


Businesses must display GSTIN on sign boards


Traders and businesses will have to display the GST registration number on their business sign boards and the registration certificate in their premises.


 “Every taxable person is required to display his GSTIN number on name board or sign board of business and is also required to display his registration certificate in business premises so that a citizen can easily find out whether a person is registered or not,” a tax official said.


The Goods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number (GSTIN) is a 15-digit number which taxpayers get after registering with the GST network portal.


Just wait till those other concerned “ Government Authorities “ enact laws that require you to display on your business sign board , following numbers as well !



#   Corporate Identity Number...........................................   ( 21 digits )


#   Tax-payer Identification Number for commercial taxes......  ( 11 digits )


#   Service Tax Number...... ( Alpha-Numeric ) ....................  (  15 digits )


#   Permanent Account Number - PAN  ( Alpha-Numeric )........ (  10 digits )


#   Central Excise Number..................................... ( PAN + 2 Characters )


#   Provident Fund Number .................( Alpha-Numeric )...... (  11 digits  )


#   Profession Tax Registration Certificate ( Numeric )...............  ( 9 digits )


#   Profession tax Enrollment Certificate    ( Numeric ).............    ( 9 digits )


#   Income tax Deduction/Calculation Number ( Alpha-Numeric ) ( 10 digits )


#   ESIC Number ( Numeric )................................................  ( 17 digits )


#   Labour Department Registration(State specific alphanumeric) (13 digits )


#   Importer-Exporter Code  ( Numeric )................................. ( 10 digits )


#   Shops/Establishment Reg Number ( alphanumeric )............  ( 20 digits )


#   Contract Labour Registration ( alphanumeric ).................. ( 15+ digits )


#   Labour Welfare Board ( Numeric ).....................................   ( 5 digits )


#   Higher Court Case Number ( Alphanumeric ).....................   ( 12 digits )



Dear Shri  Jaitleyji :


I urge you to consider : ……… An Aadhar  for  Corpotates  (  12  May  2016  )




With regards,


Hemen Parekh


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