Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 12 October 2023

Report Card for Corporators

 Report Card for Corporators

Mumbai: Now, get ‘report card’ of your corporator on your mobile screens  /  Ind Express / 06 Oct 2022


Extract :

Ahead of civic elections, a Mumbai-based citizen’s group has designed a unique mobile application through which residents can request personalised report cards of performance of corporators from their respective areas.

Nagarikayan Research Center, a citizen’s representative forum, has designed the ‘My Corporator’ (Majha Corporator) app, which is available in Google playstore, through which a citizen living in any municipal ward can request for a report card of their corporators.

After a citizen flags a request, members of this organisation bring out information from the civic body by filing RTIs and other documents, following which a report is prepared.


Anand Bhandare, coordinator from Nagarikayan, said there are five parameters based on which the corporators are marked.


These are:


Ø  attendance in various civic committees and meetings,

Ø  number of questions asked,

Ø  number of motions filed,

Ø  amount of funds utilised and

Ø  how they are utilised.

This report card is prepared only after we receive a request from citizens. After we receive the request, we access the attendance logs and scrutinise the purchase document orders that reflect the expenses incurred by the corporators,” Bhandare said.

“Our volunteers also carry out a ground-level social inspection to check the quality of raw materials used for projects like road to check if same work is being implemented in a particular area,” he said.

So far, 56 report cards of 44 corporators have been uploaded on the app. Some of these corporators include Pratima Khopade, Sunil Prabhu and Geeta Singhan from the Shiv Sena, Kamlesh Yadav, Prakash Gangadhare and Neil Somaiya from the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and Vinnie D’souza, Sonam Jamsutkar and Sneha Jagade from the Congress.


Bhandare said that besides marking corprorators, the application also evaluates independent experts that are inducted on various civic development committees.

“Based on the parameters, we evaluate the performance of the corporators and have specific colour markings to assess their performance. If the average marking or percentage is below 40, then it is highlighted with grey colour, if the percentage ranges between 40 and 70, it is highlighted with blue colour, and above 70 is marked with green colour,” Bhandare said.

Congress corporator, Jagdish Amin, BJP’s Geeta Kiran Bhandari and Sena’s Sandhya Doshi are some of the highest performers with scores above 70. On the other hand, Sena’s Dilip Lande and BJP’s Anita Panchal and Parag Shah are among the low performers.



RTI activist Anil Galgali [ a.galgali@rediffmail.com  ],


said it is time the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) come up with such mobile application on its own to disseminate information about fund allotment and usage.

“Usage of mobile application is the way forward. In this app, we are trying to track the actual money spent by the BMC during and after the pandemic which will give us the real on-ground scenario in Mumbai,” Galgali said.




My  Take :



Dear Shri Anand Bhandareji ,


Congratulations on this initiative . Unfortunately I just could not find your email ID anywhere



I urge you to take it further as suggested in my following blog ( sent as email to all Union Cabinet Ministers ):

Ø  Filtering Candidate Information ? ………………………………..[  18  Sept  2016  ]



Extract :




Would voters be enthused to come forward to vote , if


#  Latest info about ALL of those candidates was available at finger-tips on his Mobile ( authenticated by

    Election Commission ), eliminating hours of " searching " on the Net and hours of " filtering "

  #  That info would comprise,


     *  Affidavit filed by the Candidates


     *  Police Record including cases filed / pending / disposed off , against the candidates

     *  Past political history ( no of political parties changed )


     *  Director-ship ( direct / indirect ) in private businesses and NPA of those businesses

     *  Results of open Surveys on " ROMP – Recall Our Member of Parliament "


     *  Whether the candidate has accepted to implement the " 
Charter of Demand " ( if elected ) , submitted

         and uploaded by the Voters of his Constituency on the web site of the Election Commission

#  He can vote directly from his Mobile , without having to go to a Polling Booth and spend 4 hours


#  He can take 5 minutes to cast his vote, sitting in his bedroom , without holding up other voters in the queue

#  He can vote at any time of the voting day and from any place on the earth !


#  And get to know the very next morning , who got elected


 , of course !

And voter turn-out would be 
95 %  !

HOW  ?

By implementing , " 
VotesApp " 

( a Mobile App which , effectively shrinks a bulky, common , special purpose  Electronic Voting Machine - EVM - into a tiny, personally-owned , versatile Mobile )





Central Government , can earn Rs 20,000 crores , by enabling 15 million Indian businesses to advertise to 850 million voters thru this mobile VotesApp,  sharply targeting by Gender / Age / Marital Status / City / Street / Education / Income Tax paid / Employed or Jobless ....etc


With regards,



Hemen Parekh




25 Oct 2022




Related Reading / Viewing :











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