Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Mobile Phones : Bad Use / Good Use

 Mobile Phones :  Bad Use  /  Good Use



Technology is neutral. Whether it gets used for bad purpose or for beneficial purpose, depends upon us


Following are examples



Your Smartphone Is Listening to Everything You Say. Here’s How to Stop That     /  Medium  /  22  May 2022


Extract :

Do you ever get the idea that your phone is secretly listing to your conversations?


The short answer is yes. 


Now we know that your phone does in fact listen to you


There are 3 main reasons for these.

These are:

·         To confirm requests

·         To show you personalised ads

·         To keep an eye on your internet activities


Is your phone listening to you bad ? Only you can decide that




Ø Fast Forward to Future ……………………………[  20  Oct  2016  ]


Extract :


There is hope , Dr Hawking  !



In the form of the " Speech Recognition " technology breakthrough , announced yesterday by Microsoft



A system that recognizes spoken words , just as well as a human


How can this breakthrough save the humanity from a " Evil Runaway AI - ERA " ?




Here is how :



#  Every smart phone to be embedded with this technology ( and every human to carry one , all the time ), in


    the form a mobile app to be called ARIHANT (  Conqueror of Kaam-Sex / Krodh-Anger / Lobh-Greed / Moh-


    Desire / Mud-Ego / Matsar-Envy )




#  24*356 , this technology will pick up ( record ) , every single word spoken by the owner , throughout his life




#  All these spoken words ( conversations ), will be transmitted to a CENTRAL DATABASE called ,


                                      MIND-READER  Of  HUMAN  INTENTIONS




#  There , the BIG DATA ANALYTICS / AI , will interpret those " Intentions " and alert authorities for any EVIL


    INTENTIONS ( those that break the 3 LAWS Of ROBOTICS , formulated by Isaac Asimov )




#  Authorities will be alerted to arrest the owners of EVIL INTENTIONS ( captured by ARIHANT )




If Google could become a " Database of written Intentions " ( through more than a billion typed Search


Queries per day ) , then there is no reason to disbelieve that ARIHANT could become a " Database of Spoken


Intentions " of the entire mankind ( may be a billion conversations , EVERY SECOND ! )




And since Google is a member of a consortium formed a few weeks back for the advancement of AI , it will be


too happy to integrate its own , very powerful " Language Translation Software " into the ARIHANT




This will enable catching of  EVIL INTENTIONS  expressed in any language !

Fast forward to 2026



If implemented ,  ARIHANT  ( the Omnipotent / Omnipresent / Omniscient AI ) will eavesdrop on every spoken


word of every human being , decipher the problem faced and deliver personalized / customized solutions


through IoE ( Internet of Everything ) network




And what can stop ARIHANT  from picking up all exchanges of data communication, between those " powerful


autonomous weapons " if they are embedded with IoE enabled sensors and each assigned its own IP V 6


address ? 




It is not enough to raise questions about the potential evil usage of AI



We must find methods to prevent such evil use of AI



Mankind must be saved !



With Regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  12  July  2022




Related Readings ( 23 ) :



2017  ( 6 )

          2024 ! – V 2.0 of Orwellian 1984 ?.....................   07 July 2017 ]

      Wherefore Art Thou, O Romeo ?............. ……………….[ 20 Sept 2017 ]


      Artificial Intelligence : Destroyer of Privacy?............ [ 26 July 2017 ]


      Delusion of Privacy ?............................................. [ 10 June 2017 ]


            Racing towards ARIHANT ?                                      [ 04  Aug  2017 ]


          to : Alphabet / from : ARIHANT                               [ 12  Oct  2017  ]



2018  ( 7 )

    Data Privacy Law : a Pandora’s Box ? …..[ 15 July 2018 ]

    Facebook  :  The  Formidable ………………..[ 27 Apr 2018 ]

    Facebook   Replies ………………………………….[ 29 Mar 2018 ]

    Beaten  by  Facebook  …………………………….[ 21 Mar 2018 ]

 Disruption : The Inevitable……………………….[ 08 July 2018 ]

       ARIHANT  :  on the  horizon ?                    [ 17  May  2018 ]


      ARIHANT : Beyond “ Thought Experiment   [ 21  May  2018 ]


2019  ( 5 )

      Dangerous ? Orwellian ? Stringent ? …   [ 11  Dec  2019 ]

      Ban ? How many things ? …………………[ 31 Dec 2019 ]

      Data becomes an Air Molecule…………….. [ 30 July 2019 ]

      Will ARIHANT humble the hackers ?       [ 11  Feb  2019 ]

      Faith Renewed in ARIHANT                     [ 23 Dec 2019 ]


2020  ( 2 )

     A Greed-Ship named Facebook …………………….[ 21 Sept 2020 ]

   The Hidden Agenda of Tech Giants Gatekeepers …[ 17 Oct 2020 ]


2021  ( 2 )

     Supremely Satisfactory ………………………………………….[ 27 Oct 2021 ]

     Balancing : National Security vs Personal Privacy    [ 19 July 2021 ]


2022  ( 1 )

    Inching closer to ARIHANT ? …………………………………….[ 30 Jan 2022 ]










When Mind Melds With Machine, Who's in Control? | WIRED /  11 Jan 2022

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