Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 4 October 2023

FW: Hemen, Let's get started with Browse AI!



If you can manage to build a robot  , it can be a great help to me


After I cut out interesting news-reports from Times of India / Economic Times / Hindustan Times / Business Line / Indian Express / Business Standard etc., each morning , I type out the HEADLINE of each news report in Google , go through several links , ( if I find ) select that link which belongs to the news paper , open it , read the headline ( by way of confirmation ) and then try to copy-paste the full text of that report into a word document


I suppose , robot will have provision for :


Ø Entering names ( URLs ? ) of the above-mentioned news papers

Ø Entering some “ Keywords “ for the “ News Topics “ in which I  am interested


Obviously, I do not want news on each and every topic !


If you face any problem, please reach out to Ahmad  


Keep me informed of the progress


As far as my yesterday’s note re OCR of my HANDWRITTEN notes is concerned, what have you concluded ?




Subject: RE: Hemen, Let's get started with Browse AI!


Hi Hemen,

Thanks for clarifying your use case. There are two ways to do that.

I would suggest letting your colleague build a robot. Then you can reach out to support@browse.ai if you run into any issues.

The useful articles to do that:
1. How can I build a robot?
2. How to setup monitoring for changes?
3. How can I extract data from lists and their associated details pages? (Deep scraping)

I'm here to help if you need more assistance: https://meetings.browse.ai/meetings/ahmad-nasiri

Thanks for using Browse AI.


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Ahmad Nasiri

Business Development

Browse AI

Browse AI Inc., 5333 Goring Street, 2601, Burnaby, BC, Canada

{#HS:2081972846-909#} Description: Image removed by sender.

Hello , Ahmad,

Thanks for writing

I am not a tech guy so I got 2 other persons ( our System Admin and my son ), to try out your service , as I watched

The process of creating a robot [ to extract some text from some website ] , seems rather complicated

My needs are simple. I need to visit websites of a few News Papers or other sources, click on links of interesting news items , visit that page and then copy paste that article / report in a word document

Then I write a blog about that news and publish it on my blogging site :


Following is today's example :

My blog ED says : No ED ( Escape of Data )

News link > Centre allows ED to share info with 15 more agencies including NIA, CCI / BS / 29 Nov 2022

With regards,


Subject: Hemen, Let's get started with Browse AI!

Hi Hemen,
It's Ahmad from Browse AI. I noticed that you recently signed up on our website. Welcome!
I would love to help you get the most out of the software.
Browse AI can automate data extraction from (almost) any website on the internet. Since it's a No-Code software, you don't have to learn coding to build even complex data extraction automation.
I invite you to watch a tutorial on building a robot. After watching this tutorial, you can extract data from any website on the internet in a couple of minutes!
Let me know if you have any questions! or you can book a 1:1 meeting with me to help you get started.


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