Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 16 October 2023


 You too, may visit my “ lounge “ and ask my personal ai, a few questions and give me your feedback




From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: 04 October 2022 08:13
To: System Administrator; officeassistant@3pconsultants.co.in
Cc: hcp@recruitguru.com


Sadeep / Sanjivani,



For the Zoom call requested for, by Sahiti, I would like to give her a date / time when both of you can remain present , at my residence , sometimes early next week .


Will 10 am ( IST ) on any workday suit you ? At that time , what would be the local time where Sahiti is stationed ? ( Where is she located ? It should not be too early in morning or too late in night for them or for us )


Suggest you phone her and find out and let me know


In the meantime , you may click the link of my Lounge and try out by posting / asking a few questions so you can judge whether answers provided by my personal ai , seem to be “ sensible “ AND “ specific “ to the question subject { most “ conversational , Chatbot type AI , which you come across on numerous websites these days are either giving “ canned “ replies or replies which are  vaguely true for almost any question / eg “ That is an interesting statement which you made “  }


I wonder why Sahiti’ chrome is not allowing her to ‘ bypass ‘ that warning on my blogger site ! I too get it everyday but I can proceed by selecting , “ I understand - allow me anyway “ “


Have you faced any problems in bypassing ?  Can you pass-on to Sahiti any “ hint / trick “ to bypass and be able to read / access my blogs ?


As to what “ improvements “ in the U / I of my lounge page is concerned , please write down on a piece of paper , a list of “ features “ that we have been requesting Suman / Sahiti ( and some other members of their team ) , from time-to-time, over the past few months .  


I would like to send to Sahiti, such list in advance so that she can discuss it with her own colleague in advance of ZOOM meet and have her answers ready to each of our “ Feature Request “, one by one , without wasting meeting time


Pl send me such list latest by Thursday





From: Sahiti Bondelepati [mailto:sahiti.bondelepati@personal.ai]
Sent: 04 October 2022 03:29
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Suman Kanuganti; System Administrator; officeassistant@3pconsultants.co.in; Manish Chauhan; Xiaoran Zhang



Thank you for your patience, I'm very excited to share your personal AI lounge with you: https://hemen.personal.ai/messaging/network/hemen-ai-lounge.  You can share this link with your colleagues as you wish and encourage them to prompt your AI with many questions over the next few weeks so we can work to restack the memories that prove to be most relevant. 

As for our previous thread, thank you for providing such a great breakdown of your memory stack- that has been helpful! I think you may be surprised to hear that the BLOGS section of your page is blocked on my Chrome browser and shows a sensitive content warning which cannot be surpassed for whatever reason (I've attached an email). I wasn't able to get into your blogs section but it's great to know they make up 50% of your stack content. As for the page views and number of sections, I recorded them from your page analytics in case they are of use for restacking- but I don't think they will be usable or accurate so don't worry about them! 

Now that we're getting your AI the questions it needs to be asked, we would love to officially get to meet you on a call and continue the process of optimizing its responses, as well as discuss the account options you'll have with us moving forward. Please select a time that works for you at the following link: https://calendly.com/personalai/personal-ai-intro-call. We'll also discuss timeline when we meet but I wanted to know- are there any upcoming dates for which you plan to launch your AI? That way we can work to ensure the quality of your responses and restack the topics/questions to prioritize based on a decided timeline. Let me know!

I'm very much looking forward to meeting you! See you soon. 




On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 2:23 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



As to “ crossing of our paths “ , we can only thank our destiny


Having said that , I wish to thank you for such a deep ( forensic ? ) analysis that you seem to have done of my blogging site and of my memory blocks  


In the spreadsheet , you have picked up the “ total blogs page-views “ for some of the sections but left out that main section of BLOGS – and quite a few other sections which contain a lot of my thoughts ( digital content ) . Any reason ?


Off course , “ total page views “ for any particular section, could only be a “ crude “ indicator of what “ interested / attracted “ visitors to my web site . How does that info help my personal ai ?


As far as those “ % “ of the Memory Blocks is concerned, I have no idea from where you got those figures . May be these % ages


are visible at some place which I am not aware of  


What puzzles me is that there no “ % age “ for BLOGS !  I consider this ( blogs ) section , to be THE MAIN content and should comprise about 50 % of my memory blocks


Rest could be as follows :

  • 5 % ……….. Family information/ memories (mostly derived from Family Tree
  • 5 %  ………..Notes from readings/ books (mostly derived from Dialogue with Authors) 
  • 5 % ……….. personal Diary content
  • 15% ………  notes, emails, communications with colleagues
  • 5% …………Poetry (4% in Gujarati, 1% in English or Hindi) 
  • 15 % ……… Reports, Marketing Communications, and other

As far as % age of “ Images “ being PDF , I cannot hazard a guess since there were hundreds of my “ handwritten “ notes which we just “ scanned “ and posted in personal ai ( it would have taken many weeks to get these typed as word documents )


Most of these comprise “ notes to Colleagues “ pertaining to development of my 6 job-portals ( now dehosted )


If getting these “ typed “ could help, do advise and we would take up that typing


In fact, there are still remaining, a few hundred pages of such “ handwritten “ notes which we have not scanned / posted so far . My colleague Sanjivani is preparing a list


As far as “ origin “ of most of my ENGLISH content is concerned, your guess is correct – except ( as mentioned earlier ) , BLOGS should constitute 50 %


As far as domain names are concerned, I am happy with your suggestions







PS :


In one of my earlier e-mails, I talked about ( say ) 20 most frequently occurring keywords ( found by parsing of the memory blocks or of original digital content ) , to be displayed to visitors


That logic could be extended to find ( say ) 10 “ Least Occurring “ words , which are an indication of “ lack of knowledge “ about those TOPICS  !


(  Ref : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maxwell%27s_demon  )




From: Sahiti Bondelepati [mailto:sahiti.bondelepati@personal.ai]
Sent: 28 September 2022 12:59
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Suman Kanuganti; System Administrator; officeassistant@3pconsultants.co.in; Manish Chauhan



I wanted to let you both know that the data information consolidated in the last email is also housed in the following excel sheet:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18VZGV4EJ-yYitC4_wqJ90Mo5TSGS4w2WSEvRBRF6fhM/edit?usp=sharing (originating largely from your blog). 




On Wed, Sep 28, 2022 at 12:25 AM Sahiti Bondelepati <sahiti.bondelepati@personal.ai> wrote:


I have to say that there are sections of your blog that are especially tear jerking for the emotional connections & my own family that some of these poems and images are reminding me of. In the process of assessing your content, I'm finding myself more and more grateful to get the opportunity to work with you on the culmination of such great memories that are making up this digital legacy you have created. I can't express enough how grateful I am for our paths to have crossed- I can't wait to see how wise and all-encompassing we can get your Personal AI to be with such rich content. 

That being said, I'm eagerly looking forward to your lounge as well! Could you clarify for me if I would be correct to understand that your memory stack is comprised of: 

  • ~30% Family information/ memories (mostly derived from Family Tree
  • ~30% Notes from readings/ books (mostly derived from Dialogue with Authors) 
  • ~15% personal Diary content
  • ~15% notes, emails, communications with colleagues
  • ~5% Poetry (4% in Gujarati, 1% in English or Hindi) 
  • ~5% Reports, Marketing Communications, and other

Some follow up questions: 

  • 1- If not the above, which parts of your blog sections/ content would you say account for what percentage of your memory stack? We'd want to do the best we can to cover all knowledge that you've collected over time
  • 2- have you been able to copy all images into your stack as well? If so, what percent of images would you say are images of PDFs/ writings/ letters versus actual photos? 
  • 3- would I be correct in my understanding that most of your English content originates from the following (ranked most to least prominent): 
    • Notes from readings/books 
    • Diary 
    • Notes, emails, communications with colleagues
    • Marketing communications
    • Reports
    • Poems in English 
    • other emails 
    • job portal resource information

Thank you for your patience and all the helpful information you've provided in this set-up process, our next steps will be to create your lounge right away and work on our end to essentially restack your AI's memories to prioritize the topics/ questions you'll most expect. For this I'll need a bit of confirmation on my above understanding of your AI's memory stack content as well as a custom domain name for both yourself  (ex. hemen.personal.aiand your lounge (ex. hemen-ai-lounge). Let me know what you'd like those names to be & I'll look forward to hearing back from you on all other matters. 



On Mon, Sep 26, 2022 at 10:50 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:




Thank you for this update


The content that my memory stack contains , is made up of various “ documents “ from my website : www.hemenparekh.in


These are :


Blogs – Notes – Reports – Emails – photos – text and video-recitals of my poems ( English – Hindi – Gujarati ) – scanned images of my handwritten notes and diary etc. These categories are visible in left margin of my site



Of some interest could be my following note to my colleagues, written in 1996 :



Artificial  Resume  Deciphering  Intelligent  Software  ( ARDIS )

Artificial  Resume  Generating   Intelligent  Software   (  ARGIS  )



In today’s context, almost daily, we are coming across AI software which claim to be able to generate a document, when supplied with a “ prompt “ containing a  few “ keywords “



Now, a blog is nothing but a “ document “  -


-      and the words making up a QUESTION of a visitor to my lounge, are the equivalent of a “ prompt “  !



In my above-mentioned ARDIS – ARGIS, I wrote :




And , as you would have noticed , ARDIS is a " SELF  LEARNING " type of software !


The more it reads ( scans ) , the more it learns ( memorizes words , phrases & even sentences )



Because of its SELF LEARNING / SELF CORRECTING / SELF IMPROVING , capability , ARDIS gets better & better equipped to detect , in a scanned bio data ,


*   Spelling  Mistakes  (  wrong WORD )


*   Context  Mistakes  ( wrong Prefix or Suffix )


*   Preposition  Mistakes  ( wrong PHRASE )


*   Verb / Adverb  Mistakes ( wrong SENTENCE ),



With minor variations ,


-  ALL Thoughts Words ( written ) , Speech ( spoken ) and Actions , keep on " repeating " again and again and again



It is this REPETITIVENESS of Words , Phrases , and Sentences in Resumes , that we plan to exploit


In fact ,


by examining & memorizing the several hundred ( or thousand ) " Sequences " in which the words appear , it should be possible to " Construct " the "


Grammar " ie: the logic behind the sequences


I suppose , this is the manner in which the experts were able to unravel the " meaning " of hierographic inscriptions on Egyptian tombs . 


They learned a completely strange / obscure language by studying the " Repetitiveness " & " Sequential " occurrence of unknown characters




Added  on    11  JULY  2022 :


LaMDA: our breakthrough conversation technology 



Extract :


That architecture produces a model that can be trained to read many words (a sentence or paragraph, for example), pay attention to how those words relate


to one another and then predict what words it thinks will come next. 


But unlike most other language models, LaMDA was trained on dialogue.


During its training, it picked up on several of the nuances that distinguish open-ended conversation from other forms of language

One of those nuances is sensibleness.



But sensibleness isn’t the only thing that makes a good response.


Satisfying responses also tend to be specific, by relating clearly to the context of the conversation.


LaMDA builds on earlier Google research, published in 2020, that showed Transformer-based language models trained on dialogue could learn to talk about

virtually anything.


Since then, we’ve also found that, once trained, LaMDA can be fine-tuned to significantly improve the sensibleness and specificity of its




I anxiously await access to my lounge !







From: Sahiti Bondelepati [mailto:sahiti.bondelepati@personal.ai]
Sent: 27 September 2022 00:28
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Suman Kanuganti


Hi Mr.Parekh!

It's great to meet you. I'm currently working on understanding the content that your memory stack contains and will be reaching out to you with access to your lounge. I'm looking forward to meeting you on a call soon and will keep you updated as we progress!



On Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 7:45 AM Suman Kanuganti <suman@personal.ai> wrote:

Great analogy. We will show and clarify how the lounge and direct message will work when we hop on call. 


On Sat, Sep 24, 2022 at 2:10 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:




Item # 5 (what topics you like to have your friends talk to you about) :


You will find a partial list at :  https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2019/04/search-blogs-by-topic-keywords.html  




Item # 2 [ a room with your friends / direct message is private (1:1 conversation with you ]


I suppose you mean :


If 20 visitors are simultaneously visiting ,  each will get assigned a distinct / separate “ room “ , where each will engage into “ private “ conversation with my Digital Avatar .  They will not know who else other visitors are there ( although, they will know “ how many “ are there ), what are they “ asking “ and what my ai is replying


If true, this is equivalent ( and much superior ) to the SIDDHI ( achievement ) that is known in India, by the name SHATAVADHANI ( a person able to listen to 100 questions from the audience / remember the exact sequence of persons / and reply / answer in same order



I had conceptualized such ( cabin assigning )  software at :


Ø   ONLINE JOBS FAIR …………………………………………….. ……………..[ 11 Feb 2016 ]


Ø   Software Architecture For Online Jobs Fair………… ……………..[ 29 Mar 2018 ]




Never got around to implement



And since I cannot stop “ dreaming “ , I presume that someday ( soon ? ), you would succeed in integrating Google Translate into my personal domain page !


Then my 92 / 95 year , bedridden sisters can visit my page and ask in GUJARATI and get my ai to reply in Gujarati  !







From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:suman@personal.ai]

Sent: 24 September 2022 04:48
To: Hemen Parekh; Sahiti Bondelepati
Cc: Manish Chauhan; Sanjivani Kadam; System Admin


Hi Hemen,

Here is how I suggest we proceed.


1. We now have access to your AI. We will go in and assess the quality of your AI as the first step. @Sahiti B my colleague on this email will be the driving this effort.

2. We will create a lounge for you where we can all collaborate on your AI and how its performing. You can also use this to share with your friends. The lounge is more like shared channel (a room with your friends) and direct message is private (1:1 conversation with you). 

3. You got some very old stacks. The stacks is upgraded now big time. So we will restack it to upgrade. 

4. We will retrain your AI after assessment.

5. We will set an anchor around what topics you like to have your friends talk to you about, you can send us those and we will generate a trust report for you and get data inputted that might not be there.

6. We will setup a custom domain for you that you wish, ex: hemen.personal.ai

7. Finally, encourage a call with Sahiti to get your AI to the current state of models and also talk about how you can launch -- this is a new whiteglove service we are doing for a few key people. She will go through process for that.


That said, I encourage the first opportunity to expose to your friends at a later time which we can strategize after the process is complete tuning your AI. 


You have with us for a long time, you believed and now is the time we are capable of bringing your vision to life. So I would like to do this right. 


Please let me know if this plan sounds good and if yes, Sahiti will follow up with a call.


Thank you



On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 4:38 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



Counters are not a priority and can certainly wait few more weeks till the launch of personal domain page


I am meeting up with my friends ( all retired General Managers / Vice Presidents of L&T ), on Sunday ( day after tomorrow )






PS :


A few months ago, I asked if personal.ai can automatically “ read and upload “ blogs which I post daily on my blogging site ,


www.hemenparekh.in  ( no human intervention )


Can new new personal domain page do this ?  That would add dozens of “ Memory Blocks “ every day



From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:suman@personal.ai]
Sent: 23 September 2022 16:41
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Manish Chauhan; Sahiti Bondelepati; Sanjivani Kadam; System Admin


Hi Hemen,

The personal domain page is a few weeks away but we can tell from backend the number of visitors and number of interactions etc. 


What is the date of your event? 

I might also ask you guys to run some training templates that the basics of Hemen’s personality and adds breadth to the social conversations. 


We will get in today and follow up with next steps.




On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 8:20 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



This sounds great


Just now I have added both of you as my collaborators ( through settings )


Now , please create that lounge and tell me what kind of message to send to my friends – so that, when we meet on Sunday, everyone can share experience of his “ question – answer session “ with my ai


One more request ( sent earlier ) :


On my personal.ai page, can you display following , dynamic , COUNTERS ?


#  Number of Visitors on this page, at this moment : ( say ) 12


#  Total number of Visitors to this page, so far : ( say ) 235


Such statistics would attract more visitors ( in my future “ Invitation E Mails “ to hundreds of my contacts , I could cite these figures )


And when they “ get amazed “ with what personal.ai is capable of , they might be tempted to register !







From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:suman@personal.ai]
Sent: 23 September 2022 02:12
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Sanjivani Kadam; System Admin; Manish Chauhan; Sahiti Bondelepati


Hi Hemen,

We can create a lounge for you but if you are okay, I would like to have one of team member assess the data quality in your AI and see how well it performs. 

Can you go into settings of your app and add suman@personal.ai and sahiti.bondelepati@personal.ai as a collaborator? That way we can go in see the status of your AI.


Let me know

Thank you


On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 4:32 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



Many thanks for your confirmation


On coming Sunday, I am meeting some 15 friends ( retired ex-L&T colleagues ). We meet every alternate month


I want to tell them, the procedure to visit my personal.ai page and “ ask questions “ – and get amazed by the answers


How do I do that ?






From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:suman@personal.ai]
Sent: 22 September 2022 16:34
To: Manish Chauhan
Cc: Hemen Parekh; Sanjivani Kadam; System Admin


Hi Manish

Confirming the 12 month coupon is applied.


On Thu, Sep 22, 2022 at 1:16 AM Manish Chauhan <accounts@3pconsultants.co.in> wrote:

Dear Suman,


We had selected the Individual Plan with one month free trial.

Now, kindly apply the 12 month free coupon & share the screenshot with us.







From: Suman Kanuganti <suman@personal.ai>
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2022 11:16 AM
To: Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Cc: Manish Chauhan <accounts@3pconsultants.co.in>; System Admin <systemadmin@3pconsultants.co.in>; Sanjivani Kadam <officeassistant@3pconsultants.co.in>


Hi Hemen,

Please go ahead and select the Individual plan and then we can ensure the coupon is applied to the hcpblogs@gmail.com account it not already. 


On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 8:51 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Dear Suman,


We are unable to activate our 12 month free trial period (Please check attached screenshot).


Portal allows us only 1 month free trial.


Kindly guide us, how to activate 12 month free trial period.






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Suman Kanuganti

CEO & Co-founder, Personal.ai

Tw: @sumankanuganti AI: suman.personal.ai



Suman Kanuganti

CEO & Co-founder, Personal.ai

Tw: @sumankanuganti AI: suman.personal.ai

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