Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 16 October 2023


 Bots for Better Hires ?



Context :

Bots for better hires: How tech is able to assess a candidate  /  TOI  /  25 Sept 2022


Extract :


Ø  Increasingly, that job of application sourcingscreening and selection process is being done by technology. And technology is being trained to look at a candidate’s actual worth to an organization. Bandyopadhyay says the focus is on data-driven assessments, using AI and ML

Ø  machine is today able to ask a question to an applicant just as a person would. It could be about a certain incident, and how the candidate would respond to it.

Ø  “ AI picks the behavioural cues from the answer “, Bandyopadhyay says

Ø  Technology is today used in parsing resumes, in proctoring , in asking questions, conducting coding assessments, doing evaluations

Ø  Bots and application tracking  systems then use a parsing mechanism to create shortlists. Then comes tech-enabled assessments for shortlisted candidates

Ø  Chatbot enabled assessments are often used in early stages. Here, a bot asks the first set of questions to help make the selection funnel narrower

Ø  The use of technology , she says, has brought down the hiring process from 30 days to 4 – 5 days, and for that reason , these tools are gaining popularity in India, where many companies are doing large scale hiring



Description: Description: C:\Users\HCP\Desktop\ChatBots.jpg

CC :

Ø  Ishita Bandyopadhyay ………………..  ishita.bandyopadhyay@aon.com

Ø  Pritish Gandhi……………………………….. pritish.gandhi@aon.com

Ø  Navneet Rattan……………………………   navneet.rattan@aonhewitt.com

Ø  Anirban Gupta………………………………  anirban.gupta@aon.com

Ø  Roopank Chaudhary…………………….  Roopank.chaudhary2@aon.com

Ø  Sushil Bhasin……………………………….  Sushil.bhasin@aonhewitt.com

Ø  Nitin Sethi…………………………………….  Nitin.sethi@aon.com


Dear Friends :

Congratulations for all the above-mentioned, technology-based INNOVATIONS in Online Recruitment . Your leadership in this area will, not only rewrite the RULES of Online Recruiting but go a long way to match job requirement with the candidate capabilities

You will find in the following links, my own early attempts at implementing some of the things that you are currently doing


Ø  My Blogs on Recruitment  

Ø  Screen-shots of Job Portals launched in past ( now de-hosted )

Ø  My Notes / Reports on Recruitment


If I was any younger ( I am 89 ), I would have tried to launch :


Ø  ResumesExchange


Ø  Online Jobs Fair





Description: Description: https://hemenparekh.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/theshape.gif?w=2000&h=


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

hcp@recruitGuru.com  /  02 Oct 2022



Related Readings :

HackerRank and SmartRecruiters Announce Partnership to Help Companies Hire Developers Faster  /  14 Sept 2022


HackerRank Unveils New Ability to Assess DevOps Skills in Interviews   /  21 April 2022

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