Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 16 October 2023

Finally, e-Parliament is arriving

 Finally, e-Parliament is arriving





Context :

New Parliament may help MPs work remotely with tech upgrades    /   HT   /  08  Oct  2022

Extract :

Ø  The new “smart” Parliament building, being constructed under the Central Vista redevelopment plan, is set to leverage artificial intelligence with a number of technological upgrades and tablet computers for every lawmaker under the Digital Sansad Project, officials familiar with the matter said on Friday.

Ø  The project will upgrade Parliamentary access for MPs and citizens.

Ø  Parliament is working on systems that are “device-agnostic” and will facilitate the concept of “ Work from Anywhere ( WAW )”, the note said.

Ø  “It would also require the development of an integrated platform and database to bring all stakeholders – Members of Parliament, Committees, Legislative Parties, Citizens, Secretariat and various Government Ministries/ Departments — on a unified digital platform

Ø  Among several upcoming projects is a single portal for Parliament that will provide quicker information and faster access to archives.

Ø  The idea is that during the proceedings of the House, whatever an MP requires to deliver a speech, search precedents or get quick background notes on the subject, everything will be available on the site. And he can access that on the tablet computer at his seat

Ø  Other projects include the creation of a digital sansad app and live streaming of all proceedings.

Ø  It will make it easier for MPs to perform their duties and also make Parliament accessible to common people

Ø  The government is also considering building a system to allow parliamentarians to vote remotely, while ensuring the security and integrity of the vote, the first official said.

Ø  There will be an artificial intelligence-based speech to text conversion engine to create a transcript of Parliament proceedings in real-time.

Ø  Automatic indexing and tagging of audio-video files is also being explored for better searchability. The video tagging would enable a user to search (with timestamp) a video based on any specific word or phrase that appears in the video, according to the note.

Ø  An interactive mobile application is in the works as well. MPs will be able to access confidential files, schedule meetings, check Parliament schedules, legislative bills, and even newspapers on the application.

Ø  Birla has asked for a virtual tour of the old and new Parliament building for common people, with additional interactive features such as quizzes, photo filters, and the option to wish your MP on his/her birthday.

Ø  Overtime, the application is also slated to cover legislative assemblies.

Ø  “Under this project, Digital Sansad App is poised to be a National Grid where the app will enable access not only to Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha but also to all state legislative assemblies in a phased manner,” the note said.



My Take :


Ø  LS Speaker Om Birla would like this ……………………………………[ 29 July 2022 ]


Extract :

There is only one solution to put a permanent end to this tamasha :

No more parliament session which is physical

All sessions to be “ virtual video sessions “ in which :

Members to participate online from their homes

Speaker has Admin Control, to turn off the video / audio of any rowdy / shouting

member or of a member who exceeds more than 3 minutes of speaking

To be able to " speak " , a member will need to fill in an Online Form on Sansad

Portal, requesting permission to speak, clearly selecting ( from appropriate drop

lists ),

- which session

- which subject / topic


Based on this, Speaker will confirm or deny permission ( this will get displayed on

the Portal )

Or the Speaker may email the concerned Member to just “ Record “ his / her

speech ( audio ) on the Sansad Portal , which ( assuming permission was granted ),

will get PODCAST at the allotted time-slot

Any citizen should be able to login , into any session as a Mute Spectator, by

entering his / her Aadhar ID

Next ?

Projecting entire Virtual Proceedings as a 3D volumetric Hologram on a Smart

phone, using technology developed by IKININC


All of this “ Virtual Loksabha “ platform development could be done in less than 3

months and at a cost of less than Rs 50 crore

This is one time cost

Now consider the SAVINGS

Let us assume that , in a year Parliament meets for 100 days ( all sessions put together )

 Each session is for 8 hours

That translates into 800 work-hours / year

Recent press releases put the cost at Rs 1.5 crore / hour

Hence implementing my suggestion would save the country Rs 1,200 crore / year



Related Readings :



Ø  Virtual Legislatures ? “ Not Quite There “ but “ Getting Close “ ……….[ 21 Aug 2022 ]


Extract :

Since my 29 July e-mail to Shri Om Birla, I felt the need to “ incentivize “ our legislators to stop travelling to Delhi and, instead adopt WFH ( Work From Home )

I suggest that for each day of Legislature Session attended ONLINE from home, members are given following additional reimbursements ( of course, tax-free ) :

                Ø  WFH reimbursement …………………………. Rs 5,000 / day

                Ø  Study-room Refurbishment …………………Rs 5,000 / day

                                                      A total of Rs 10,000 / day


Let us say , we have a combined strength of 800 ( 540 in LS + 260 in RS ) members

Hence these reimbursements will add up to : Rs 10,000 x 800 = 8,000,000 ( Rs 80 lakhs / day )

For a total of 100 days ( of all sessions ) in a year, this would cost the Govt ., Rs 8,000 Lakhs / year ( Rs 80 crore )

This is still a pea-nut amount , considering an annual saving of Rs 1200 Crore !


Dance of Democracy ?....................... ………..[ 30 Dec 2017 ]

Candidates / Spouses / Kids : Assets ?........  [ 16 Feb 2018 ]

Artificial Intelligence to fix MP / MLA Salary ? [ 22 Feb 2018 ]

People’s Pulse ? People’s Confusion ?........... [ 12 July 2018 ]

Citizen’s Charter of Demand ………………………….[ 29 Oct 2018 ]

VotersWill ……………………………………………………….[ 03 Nov 2018 ]



Virtual Parliament : a COVID bye-product ? ………………[ 03 June 2020 ]

Extract :

             Ø  Online broadcast of Virtual Session through a Mobile App ( LokRaj ?  )

            Ø  Receive Questions / Answers / Notices , online ( as being done already )

            Ø  Decide ( and control ),  WHO will speak , WHEN and for HOW LONG .

           Ø  Display these “ Speaking Schedules “ on the Mobile App with a provision

               for the viewers to cast their “ Ratings “ online / instantly , as each speaker

               delivers his / her speech

                Dynamically display “ No of Raters “ and “ Rating Score ( 1 to 5 ) “ . 

               Such an “ Instant Feedback “ will dramatically improve , not only the

               behavior of each Member of Parliament, but also improve the “ Relevance “

               of his talk !


          Ø  Turn-off the member’s mike if he refuses to stop or starts shouting / abusing

          Ø  No question of anyone speaking “ out of turn “ or rushing to the well of the house !

          Ø  Bar unruly members from attending a VIRTUAL SESSION

          Ø  Display ( as in case of Augmented Reality – AR ), following record of an MP as he is speaking :


                    #   Attendance percentage  /  Punctuality

                    #   No of questions asked

                    #   Number of minutes spoken during the session


         Ø  Just before the voting starts on any Bill , enable the Members of Parliament

             to receive “ Instructions  “ ( really , feedback from citizen who voted for him /

             her ), as to how voters want him to vote ( “for “ or “against “ the bill  as outlined at :

                  VotersWill  ………………………………….[  03  Nov  2018  ]


WiHemen Parekh

hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  08  Oct  2022

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