Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 16 October 2023

e-Rupee or IndiaBit : a Rose by Any Other Name ?

 e-Rupee or IndiaBit : a Rose by Any Other Name ?




Context :


How will RBI's Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) work, how is it different from digital money?(ET / 07 Oct )

Extract :


Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on October 7, 2022 released a concept note on the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).


RBI will soon start the pilot launch of the digital rupee for specific use cases.


The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) can be defined as the legal tender issued by the Reserve Bank of India


Touted as Digital Rupee or e-Rupee, RBI's CBDC is the same as a sovereign currency and is exchangeable one-to-one at par with the fiat currency




>  CBDC is a sovereign currency issued by central bank

>  It must be accepted as a medium of paymentlegal tender, and a safe store of value by all citizens,

    enterprises, and government agencies.

>  CBDC is  “ 
freely convertible  “  against commercial bank money and cash.

>  CBDC is a 
fungible legal tender for which holders need not have a bank account.


The Central Bank Digital Currency can be classified into two types :



Ø  General purpose or Retail (CBDC-R)


      Retail CBDC can be used by all including the private sector, non-financial consumers, and





Ø  Wholesale (CBDC-W).


      Wholesale CBDC is designed for restricted access to select financial institutions.


CBDC is aimed to complement, rather than replace, current forms of money and is envisaged to provide an additional payment avenue to users, not to replace the existing payment systems



RBI also expressed concern about the popularity of crypto-currency in recent years.


#    The proliferation of crypto assets can pose significant risks related to money laundering and financing of



#   Further, developing CBDC could provide the public with a risk-free virtual currency that will provide them

     with legitimate benefits without the risks of dealing in private virtual currencies.

#   It may, therefore, fulfill the demand for secured digital currency besides protecting the public from the

     abnormal level of volatility that some of these virtual digital assets experience.

#   Thus, safeguarding the trust of the common man in the Indian Rupee vis-à-vis proliferation of crypto



Thank You , Shri Shaktikant Dasji :



For considering some of the suggestions made in the following e-mail. I urge you to also consider the rest  : 

Ø  Crypto : Corruption : Corona : China ……………..[ 17 June 2020 ]


Extract :


Here is a brief ( non-comprehensive ) suggestion for proposed Law :


Ø    While banning Private Crypto, introduce  IndiaBit  ( Govt  Virtual  Currency )

Ø    With some effective date , withdraw all Paper Currency ( forget coins )


Ø    Minimum denomination will still be called RUPEE ( easy to convert from paper to digital )


Ø    As of a date , bank balances in everyone’s bank account gets converted to IndiaBits


Ø    Set time limit within which people can deposit their paper currency into banks for instant conversion


        into IndiaBits


Ø  After set datepaper currencies held by anyone ( individual or any legal entity such as a Company ),

      loses all value and become illegal for any sell / purchase transaction


Ø  All future financial transactions ( sell / buy of any goods or services ) can only be through mobile-


      app based DIGITAL transactions


Ø  Since all transactions will become DIGITAL , Govt would have full / life-time LOG of each citizen’s “

      Sale or Purchase “ [ Who bought What , When , from Whom , at What price , Where etc ] .


Ø    Here is why automatic compilation of such CONSUMPTION DATA for the entire economy, will be a

        GAME CHANGER :  Economic data will help policy



With regards,


Hemen Parekh


hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  09  Oct  2022






In the Eyes of the Beholder ? ………………………………………[ 06 Aug 2017 ]

Virtual Currency ? Time to get Real  …………………………….[ 17 Aug 2017 ]

One  More  Reason ………………………………………………………..[ 22 Nov 2017 ]

What is holding back ?  ………………………………………………….[ 06 Dec 2017 ]

Bursting Bitcoin Bubble ? ……………………………………………….[ 10 Dec 2017 ]

Bitcoin : Illegal in India  …………………………………………………[ 02 Jan 2018 ]

LIBRA : The coming battle of Currencies ?  …………………[ 29 June 2019 ]

LIBRA : Am I the only one worried ?  …………………………..[ 05 July 2019 ]

Who is afraid of the Big Bad Wolf ( aka LIBRA ) ?........ [ 07 July 2019 ]

Latest word on LIBRA : though not the last word………….[ 10 July 2019]

Will China Reign Supreme ?   …………………………………………..[ 15 Oct 2019 ]

Elephant Bonds vs Dragon Bonds …………………………………….[ 04 Nov 2019 ]


Time to Un-Block the Blockchain Technology  …………………..[ 30 Jan 2020 ]


With a law, India plans lasting ban on cryptos  ………………….[ 12 June 2020 ]


Thank You, Smt Sitharamanji ………………………….[ 30 Nov 2021 ]


Crypto Rupee : Elephant in the Room ?........... [ 02 Feb 2022 ]


CBDC : Slow and Steady ………………………………….[ 25 July 2022 ]


Comparing apples to oranges: Indian crypto companies criticise RBI's concept note on CBDCs [ET / 09 Oct 22 ]


Private crypto coins undermine financial stability : RBI note   /   TOI    /    09  Oct  2022 



RBI’s concept paper seeks offline feature in e-rupee  /   TNN   /  08 Oct. 22


Extract :


Reserve Bank of India, in a concept paper on the digital currency  said that it is desirable  to have an offline feature. This, it said, would enable the central bank digital currency ( CBDC ) to work in paces without a telecom network or even electricity


The Central Bank said, that the offline feature would also help to create DIGITAL FOOTPRINT of the “ Unbanked “ population in the financial system, facilitating easy credit availability


CBDC have the possibility for PROGRAMMING the money by tying the end use. For example, agriculture credit by banks can be programmed to ensure that it is used ONLY at the INPUT STORE outlets


The note added that the CBDC could also be used for real-time cross-border transactions


On the issue of ANONYMITY , the Concept Paper calls for a design that will erase all trails of LOW VALUE transactions


The digital rupee ( e-rupee ) system will further bolster India’s digital economy, make the monetary and payment systems more efficient and contribute to furthering financial inclusion

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