Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 4 October 2023

ED says : No ED ( Escape of Data )

 ED says : No ED ( Escape of Data )


Context :

Centre allows ED to share info with 15 more agencies including NIA, CCI     /  BS  /  29 Nov 2022

Extract :

The government has allowed the Enforcement Directorate to share information about economic offenders with 15 more agencies :

Summary of Agencies required to share Data :

Ø  Central Bureau Of Investigations [ CBI ]

Ø  Reserve Bank of India [ RBI ]

Ø  Security and Exchange Board [ SEBI ]

Ø  Intelligence Bureau [ IB ]

Ø  Financial Intelligence Unit [ FIU ]

Ø  Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India [ IRDAI ]

Ø  Enforcement Directorate [ ED ]

Ø  Serious Fraud Investigation Office [ SFIO ]

Ø  Competition Commission of India  [ CCI ]

Ø  National Investigation Agency [ NIA ]

Ø  Central Vigilance Commission [ CVC ]

Ø  State Police Departments

Ø  Directorate General of Foreign Trade [ DGFT ]

Ø  Ministry of External Affairs [ MEA ]

Ø  Defence Intelligence Agency [ DIA ]

Ø  National Intelligence Grid [ NIG ]

Ø  National Technical Research Organisation [ NTRO ]

Ø  Military Intelligence [ MI ]

Ø  Wildlife Crime Control Bureau [ WCCB ]

Ø  Inquiry authority under Central Civil Services Rules

Ø  Regulators under various Acts

This change will integrate numerous state and central government agencies, empowering them with verified information related to an outlaw.

"Sharing information among numerous agencies will help them to apprehend social evils and bring them to justice in the court of law," Mohan said.





Central Government is like an Elephant : moves slowly but once it moves , it is unstoppable !

It took me a lot of PERSEVERENCE as you can see from following e-mails that I sent to Cabinet Ministers :

Ø  E - Governance ?  .................................. [  03  April  2014  ]


Extract :

Can e-Governance help eliminate corruption  ?



Most certainly



Look at the following , partial list of Central and State Agencies set up to fight fraud , money-laundering ,


corruption , tax-evasion , economic crimes etc :




>  Public Accounts Committee           (  PAC  )



>  Central Vigilance Commission        (  CVC  )



>  Central Information Commission     (  CIC  )



>  Research and Analysis Wing           (  RAW  )



>  Serious Fraud Investigation Office   (  SFIO  )



>  Information Bureau                        (  IB   )



>  Economic Offence Wing                   (  EOW  )



>  Central Bureau of Investigation        (  CBI  )



>  Department of Revenue Intelligence (  DIR  )



>  Comptroller and Auditor General       (  CAG  )



>  Anti Corruption Bureaus ( States ).... ( ACB  )



>  Enforcement Directorate                    ( ED  )



>  Lok  Ayukts    (  States   )



>  Lok Pal           ( Central  )





Despite such an army of Agencies , how do corrupt manage to get away  ?



Or, in case caught , manage to delay delivery of punishment for years  ?



No doubt , there must be several reasons , including , inter - agency rivalry to get credit - something difficult


to eliminate altogether



But , I believe , the most important reason is :




Lack of a COMMON  / COMPUTERIZED database of all offences / cases / persons being investigated -


and , which is readily " Accessible to all of these Agencies , all over the country ( 24 * 365 )




Already , every Agency compiles huge dossiers on " Suspects " in its own " Departmental Database " , which is


never shared with other Agencies , leading to ,





>   Huge amount of duplication of efforts / information



>   Fractured / scattered profiles of " Suspects "



>   Enormous waste of time / resources




What will help  ?




>  Dismantling of individual departmental databases



>  Merging of all Agency-wise databases into SINGLE / UNIQUE database



>  All Agencies to enter their findings / data / info into this COMMON database , with nothing preserved on


    local computers



>  All data-entry FORMS to be ONLINE . No paper forms at all



>  All local computers connected to ultra-secure Network ( Encrypted )



>  " Access Rights " to individuals , based on Biometric Identification





Will BJP want to make this , a prominent promise in their Poll-Manifesto , likely to be released on 7th April  ?  ( Congress /  AAP missed this boat  ! )




With regards,

Hemen Parekh / hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  29 Nov 2022


Related Readings ( 17 ) :


2015 ( 1 )

Ø  Thank You , Policy Makers !........................................ [ 22 Nov 2015 ]


2016 (  4  )

Ø  A Half-hearted Measure ?  ………………………………………………[  07  March  2016  ]


Ø  Still a long way to go ! ……………………………………………………. [  25  Aug  2016  ]


Ø  United we Succeed : Divided we Fail ………………………………..[ 29 Sept 2016 ]


Ø  Keep Trying ………………………………………………………………………. [  24  Dec  2016  ]


2017 ( 5 )

Ø  Break-down the Silos !................................................ [ 16 Sept 2017 ]


Ø  Adopt Innovative Ways ……………………………………………………….[ 19 Sept 2017 ]


Ø  Integrity Index……………………………………………………………………. [ 05 Nov 2017 ]


Ø  Blockchain  for  E Governance  ? ……………………………………….[ 04 Dec 2017 ]


Ø  Crime and Punishment …………………………………………………….. [ 23  Dec  2017 ]


2018 ( 3 )

Ø  Cyber-Crimes / Digital India / e-Governance ……………………[ 09 Jan 2018 ]


Ø  Who is Nirav ( Silent ) ? …………………………………………………….[ 15 Feb 2018 ]


Ø  Too Many Cooks , spoil the Broth ? ………………………………….[ 25 Feb 2018 ]


2019 ( 1 )

Ø  Far ? A long way to Run ? …………………………………………………[ 07 Apr 2019 ]


2021 ( 1 )

Ø  Thank You, Dr Rajan……………………………………………………….. [ 22 Aug 2021 ]


 2022 ( 2 )

Ø  An Umbrella Body ? A Distant Echo ? …………………………[ 01 Apr 2022 ]


Ø  Welcome NATGRID : Thank You, Shri Amitbhai Shah…………[ 04 May 2022 ]


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