Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 20 October 2023

Dear Shri Ashwini Vaishnawji - Rajeev Chandrasekharji

 Dear Shri Ashwini Vaishnawji - Rajeev Chandrasekharji :



How will you stop people's PERSONAL - PRIVATE DATA from travelling all over the World , which no power can stop ?



e-Transmissions : are like Air Molecules




Context :

Trade bodies want WTO to extend zero customs duty on electronic transmissions / ET / 17 May 2022

Extract :

More than 85 global organisations, including some from India, on Tuesday wrote to the World Trade Organization (WTO) members to extend the zero per cent customs duty regime on electronic transmissions.

Though there is no concrete definition of what comprises electronic transmission, WTO members have generally agreed that anything from 
software to emaildigital text messagesmusic videossongs, and video games fall under the ambit of this term.

In the letter, associations such as Asia Cloud Computing Association, Australian Services Roundtable, India Electronics & Semiconductor Association, Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association, Global Data Alliance and others have said that allowing the current moratorium of zero per cent customs duty on electronics transmissions to expire would “be a historic setback for the WTO, representing an unprecedented termination of a multilateral agreement in place nearly since WTO’s inception





Ø  Nightmare ? #Aadhar #Privacy #DataProtection …………[ 04 Mar 2018 ]



Extract :


#   The number of Internet-connected devices ( without doubt , GPS

      enabled ) are growing exponentially and expected to reach 50 device per

      person by 2020


#   Each of these device will be embedded with micro-sensors which will pick-up

      all the personal / private conversations of a user and transmit it to the

     Central servers of , not only the device manufacturers but also of the Internet

     Service providers involved .


#   Scientists also seem to agree that content in all of its form ( textual - audio –

     video – sensory ) , generated by all human beings on the earth will get

     captured automatically / continuously and flow seamlessly , across billions of

     internet connected devices and will no more remain confined to a few servers


  #  All of this will happen involuntarily and an individual will have neither any say

     on this nor will anyone be able to opt-out from this scenario. This flow of a

     person’s private data will start from birth


#   Technology has advanced so far – and continues to accelerate even faster –

     that it is possible to treat “ Content ( personal  / private data ) “ like an air

     molecule , which keeps travelling freely around the earth and gets inhaled a

     trillion times ( content consumption ) by a billion humans . Introduction of 5G

     and Li-Fi technologies  will speed up this process even further


#   With the arrival of Quantum Computing , it will soon become possible for the

     same content ( personal / private data ) , to exist simultaneously at multiple

     places , but in differing formats


     A “ Text Posting “ on Facebook may well appear on different media as

     Voice  or  Image  or  Smell  or  Touch !


#   Parallel to the Theory of Thermodynamics , I would like to propound the

     following  as far as the “ Theory of Information “ is concerned :


     “  Like Entropy , content keeps growing with each and every human

     interaction , either with other humans or with his environment , and content

     can no longer remain hidden , nor can it be destroyed  “



with regards,


hemen parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  21 May 2022



Related Reading :


Half the atoms in the planet could be digital data by 2245  /  live science   /   27 Aug 2020


Extract :

But within a few short centuries, the total amount of digital bits produced annually

by humanity could exceed the number of atoms on our planet and, even more

unexpectedly, account for half of its mass


We live in information-rich times. Cell phones everywhere and high social media

use mean that almost every human being is generating astonishing quantities of

computerized content every day. 


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