Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 12 October 2023




Thought this might interest you


I am hoping that the “ answers “ provided by “ my personal ai “ ( working in the background ) to visitors’ questions on “ My Digital Avatar “ page , would be equally “ amazing “ , through their “ relevance “






From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]

Sent: 29 October 2022 11:03



'Cabinet July 2021'; 'Chief Minister 2021'; 'BJP National Executive'; 'amitabh.kant@nic.in'; 'vch-niti@gov.in'; 'fmo@nic.in'; 'cea@nic.in'; 'eam@mea.gov.in'; 'drjitendras@gmail.com'; 'moshealth.akc@gov.in'; 'cm@karnataka.gov.in'; 'CM Mah'; 'office@rahulgandhi.in'; 'kc.venugopal@sansad.nic.in'; 'gkishanreddy@yahoo.com'; 'tc.gehlot@sansad.nic.in'; 'hardeepsinghpuri@yahoo.com'; 'nitin.gadkari@nic.in'; 'd.pradhan@sansad.nic.in'; 'assocham@nic.in'; 'info@cii.in'; 'Hm.moca@nic.in'; 'prahladp@sansad.nic.in'; 'jyotiraditya.scindia@sansad.nic.in'; 'cabinetsy@nic.in'; 'secy-ipp@nic.in'; 'nandan@nandannilekani.in'; 'bhupender.yadav@sansad.nic.in'; 'av.odisha@sansad.nic.in'; 'kiren.rijiju@sansad.nic.in'; ''drjitendras@gmail.com' (drjitendras@gmail.com)'; 'minister.sm@gov.in'; 'minister.rd@gov.in'; 'nstomaroffice@gmail.com'; 'ns.tomar@sansad.nic.in'; 'pssumandali@gmail.com'

Cc: 'vishesh parekh'; 'eddie@xrom.in'; 'System Administrator'; 'L&T G K Apte'; 'GLADYS VAZ'; 'Santosh Tiwari'; 'mohanmadiman@gmail.com'; 'kaveri.doshi11@gmail.com'; 'parthn08@gmail.com'; 'papyruspd@gmail.com'; 'Garg.vinay@nic.in'; 'sarodejalindar@gmail.com'; 'sarodejalindar1@gmail.com'; 'info@cpdindia.org'; ''hcp@RecruitGuru.com' (hcp@RecruitGuru.com)'







Amazing  AI




I just came across an AI called Shortly



I used it to help me “ write a blog “ and the result is as follows :




Sentences in GREEN are my “ prompts “ ( what I wrote before clicking “ Write for me “ )



Sentences in RED are what Shortly filled in





For letting the politicians take us for a ride , we have no one to blame but ourselves  !


We have miserably failed in coming up with a citizen’s “ CHARTER  OF  DEMAND “,


which :



-  shall stake out the position of the common citizen in all public matters,


-  shall be as brief and lucid as possible,


-  and shall be binding on all sections of society.



The unwillingness of citizens to band together in this way is our own worst enemy.


We must create a new set of standards by which our country will operate or it will surely fall apart.




Here are specific steps that citizen need to take before the election :



1.   There must be a set of demands that citizens should put up when they go out to vote.


2.   These demands shall guide their votes and should be binding on the politicians, who constantly in


       their election campaigns promise the moon and stars to get a vote.



3.   If the politicians do not concede to these demands, it is perfectly alright for the voters to punish


        them by abstaining from voting or by voting for another party or candidate who does agree with


        your demands.




Here is what citizen can do if political parties hesitate to commit to Citizen's CHARTER OF DEMAND :


The advantages of doing this are :-


-  It will give us a voice in deciding the direction our country should take.


-  It is a way of making politicians accountable for their promises.


-  We can be sure that we are being taken seriously.



The word "demands" is used in the title, but this work is not about the demands to be made by various parties and the various


platforms they have put up for the coming election.





Difficult to believe that AI could write just like a human !




Absolutely – and here is why :



Some 4 years ago, I wrote following blog ( and sent as email to Cabinet Ministers ) :


Ø  Citizen’s Charter of Demand…………………………… [ 29 Oct 2018 ]



Extract :




Dear Voters ,



For letting the politicians take us for a ride , we have no one to blame but ourselves  !


We have miserably failed in coming up with a citizen’s “ CHARTER  OF  DEMAND “,


which :



·         Lists our demands



·         Groups these into,


      #  Urgent but not Important


      #  Important but not Urgent


      #  Both , Urgent as well as Important




·         Devise / launch a Mobile App to solicit citizen’s response to the above, with PRIORITY RATING for each

          listed item ( 1 = Low  /  2 = Medium  /  3 = High )



·         Then arrange in descending order of priorities



·         For each item, lays down “ Quantified / Measurable “ targets , with target dates



·         Send this CHARTER of DEMAND to each political party , insisting that the Party comes out with a public


          statement , accepting to implement the Charter ( if voted to power , of course ) and also publish this on its


          web site



Charter will begin with following “ Declaration of Intent “ :



“  We the people of India , submit the following Charter of Demands to the political


   parties contesting 2019 General Election and ask them to accept the same for


   implementing , if voted to power



   We will not vote for those parties which refuse to accept this charter



   However , if several parties accept this Charter , citizens will vote for those parties


   and their candidates , who will begin their every Election Rally Speech with re-


   affirmation of its acceptance




   Once a party has accepted the Charter prior to the election , it will need to publicly


   confirm its support to its implementation , even if it fails to form the government


   and sits in the opposition. “





·         Using the same Mobile App, every quarter , compile citizen feedback on their perception of “ Actual


          Achievement %age as against Target “ and provide this FEEDBACK of People’s perception , to the





Dear Readers :


Our PM Shri Modiji has repeatedly urged our citizen to provide FEEDBACK on various govt reforms and on things that will make their


lives “ Easy to Live “


Here is your chance to take help from Shortly , to write down your DEMANDS and e-mail these to our Policy Makers at :















With regards,


Hemen Parekh


hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  29 Oct 2022




Related Readings :



Congratulations, Anand Bhandare



Context :


Citizen groups begin drafting BMC poll manifesto; edu, water key issues  /  TOI  /  17  Oct 2022.


Extract :

Citizen groups, which have come together to formulate a citizens’ MANIFESTO for the upcoming elections  , held the primary meeting to draft the policy on Sunday


The MANIFESTO will be declared on Nov 15, after the demands and issues listed by the representatives of various organizations working in the field of education, water transport and healthcare, among others, are examined by experts


“ Representatives of various organizations working in the field of water, education, transport , health, hawkers , roads, environment, and women’s rights among other, presented their views at the meeting


The views and DEMANDS will be examined by subject experts and then included in the MANIFESTO. The manifesto will be published on Nov 15 “, said Anand Bhandare from Nagarikayan Research Centre





Jalindar Sarode  (  Shikshak Bharti  )……………. sarodejalindar@gmail.com   /  sarodejalindar1@gmail.com 

Shilpi Syal, ( Centre for Promoting Democracy ) ……… info@cpdindia.org

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