Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 12 October 2023

Congratulations, Prof M Manivannam ( IIT-M )

 Congratulations, Prof M Manivannam ( IIT-M )

mani@iitm.ac.in ]


Context :

IIT-Madras develops screen tech that lets you feel what you see    /    Ind Express   /  18 Oct 2022 



Extract :

Researchers from IIT-Madras have developed a new touchscreen technology enabling users to feel the textures of objects on the display. Called ‘iTad’ (interactive Touch Active Display), it can mimic textures such as crisp edges and gritty surfaces.

Current touchscreens can only sense the position of one’s fingers, but offer no feedback.

“When we add feedback, interaction with computers becomes experientialiTad is unlike anything in the market today because it combines multi-touch sensing with haptics on the same layer,” said a statement from IIT-M.

There are no moving parts in iTad. Instead, an in-built multi-touch sensor detects finger movement and the surface friction is adjusted via software. By controlling electric fields via a physical phenomenon known as ‘electroadhesion,’ the software modulates friction locally as fingers travel across a smooth plane.

The research was led by Prof M Manivannan, department of applied mechanics, IIT-M. Merkel Haptics, a start-up incubated at the IIT-M Research Park, has been working with Touchlab to take the technology forward.

“This is the era of iTad.

The technology can take the online shopping experience to the next level. We can touch and feel things before purchasing them on e-commerce platforms. Around 30% returns in online shopping are due to the mismatch between user experience and expectation,” said Manivannan.

PV Padmapriya, CEO, Merkel Haptics, [ info@merkelhaptics.com  ], said :

“The prototype from Touchlab can be made into a product in a year. Our aim is to make a small device, similar to a computer mouse, on everyone’s desk to add to the experience. We have been field testing and providing valuable feedback to the researchers at IIT-M on improving the functionality of the technology.”



My  Take  :


Ø  Internet of Senses ………………………………..[ 28 Oct 2020 ]


Extract :

Here is what I wrote in a report, 31 YEARS ago :

https://hcpreports.blogspot.com/search?q=smell+taste [ 05 Jan 1989 ]

The following developments will revolutionize the tele-communications:

 * Very powerful supercomputers

* Artificial intelligence / Expert systems

* Miniaturization

* Optical computing

* Large scale use of optical fibre cables


Within the next 10 years, there will be,

- Generation / Storage / Retrieval / Manipulation / Transmission of,

     #  Voice

     #  Data

    #   Text

    #  Image

 thru a single instrument.

Having covered the "Senses" of EYES and EARS within the next 25 years, the 3rd generation revolution will comprise the long distance transmissions of the feelings generated by the senses of:





As recent as 2 YEARS ago , I wrote :


Nostradamuscould have said ? [ 08 Nov 2018 ]

In twenty hundred and twenty four

A Sea of Waves will roar,

Light will follow Sound :

And, in Smell and Taste

Earth will abound ,

Brain will hide no more

Your secrets gore  !

500 years later, on  07 July 2017 , I re-envisioned above prophesy ( no doubt, cooked up by me ! ) in :

2024 ! – V 2.0 of Orwellian 1984 ? 

where I talked of how technology is on its way to capture ( from every human being ) ,

·          “ SOUND WAVES “ ( Audio )

·         “ LIGHT WAVES “    ( Video )

·         “ TOUCH WAVES “   ( Feel the SKIN )

·         “ SMELL – TASTE “  WAVES 

·         “ BRAIN WAVES “ ( EEG )   


With regards,

Hemen Parekh

hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  23  Oct 2022

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