Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 18 October 2023

4.7 Crore Pending Court Cases ?

 4.7 Crore Pending Court Cases ?




Yes - and according to NITI Aayog, at the current rate of disposal, it will take 324 years to clear these

Is there a way to speed-up this process ?


Yes. I made following suggestion 4 YEARS ago :


Ø  Justice delayed is Justice Denied ……………….[ 12 Sept 2018 ]


Extract :


If we want to reduce the average “case disposal time “ from 6 YEARS to 6 MONTHS , we must do better than the Chinese – as follows :

         Launch online portal……..www.OnlineJustice.gov.in


      …..having following features / pages / User Interfaces :


   #   Who can register a litigation and how ( detailed form to be filled in )


   #   What kind of complaints can be filed ( Eg; property / divorce / fraud / loans etc )


   #   Time frame of hearings ( based on backlog at that point )


   #   Search / Selection of “ empanelled lawyers “ ( with their fees tariff )


   #   Method of conducting “ Online Trial “ ( Audio – Video Conference calls )


   #   Online payment of Court Fees / Lawyer’s fees


   #   Who can “ watch “ the online trial and how ( Video broadcast ) and when


   #   Progress Chart as trial proceeds / Upload – Download of documents


   #   Court Room allotted ( by software ) to each litigation




     Not being limited by any “ Physical Constraints “, it will be possible (for the software), to open as many

     “ Virtual / Online “ Court Rooms as required



     Only limitation will be the Number of available Judges at any given time



Let none have doubts about the ability of our Start Ups to design / develop and launch such a portal within 6 months , whose “ Conceptual Frame Work “ could resemble ,


     On Line Jobs Fair   


    Software Architecture For Online Jobs Fair   




And as far as finding 10,000 Judges to conduct “ Online Trials “ from the comfort of their homes ( and

without imposing any “ Infrastructure Burden “ on the State –  except providing them with a fast broadband


connection ), I suggest that we rope in retired judges on a “ Per Case Retainer “ basis ( paid into their Jan


Dhan accounts )




There must be a “ Bonus cum Penalty “ formula to govern the payments to the Judges , depending upon the “ Actual Time “ taken to dispose off a given case as against the “Target Time “ ( to be computed by Artificial Intelligent Software , based on historical data being continuously compiled for all the cases , once the portal gets launched )



I urge Chief Justice Hon Deepak Misraji to treat this email as a PIL and “ direct “ the NDA government to

initiate action on this suggestion ( I cannot afford a lawyer ! )



 Your " Activism " in this matter will go a long way to restore the faith of the ordinary citizens in the judiciary  !




Did the Government implement your suggestion ?



Yes – it seems so ( even if partially ). Read following news report :

Rajasthan introduces the first digital Lok Adalat in India  /  Current Affairs  /  19  July  2022

Extract :

During the 18th All India Legal Services Authorities’ convention, which was held here, National Legal Services Authority Chairman Uday Umesh Lalit unveiled the first digital Lok Adalat driven by artificial intelligenceRajasthan State Legal Services Authority’s (RSLSA) digital Lok Adalat was created by Jupitice Justice Technologies, the organization’s technological partner.

Extract from portal of Jupitice :

Ø  An Online Marketplace that connects Disputing Parties & Neutrals on a common platform to enable Disputing Parties to find, evaluatenegotiate & hire their own independent Arbitrators, Conciliators, Mediators, Negotiators, Lawyers, Experts etc

Ø  "Dispute Resolution Platform" or a "Private Digital Court" that enables & facilitates all the participants to perform End-to-End Dispute Resolution Processes, under any dispute resolution methods, all Online without the need for physical appearance in meetings or hearings and paper-based tasks.

Ø  A Single Platform that offers :

      #  Simple Complaints Handling  /   Grievance Redressal  /  Mediation /  Conciliation  /

          Arbitration/ Adjudication (all online )



With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  20 July 2022



Related Readings :

Ø  Never file a Court Case ?......................[ 30 Aug 2017 ]


Extract :


       In all the Indian Courts , there are 3.15 crore cases pending disposal


       Of these, over 10 % are pending for over 10 years , due to repeated adjournments by judges


Now , the Code of Criminal Procedure ( CrPC ) says :



“ No judge can give repeated adjournments in a case – not more than three – unless it is extremely unavoidable



In cases where more than three adjournments are given, a judge has to record the reasons for the same


The government wants High Courts to monitor and regularly provide figures to it on the cases disposed of by district courts, in which the courts have adhered to the limit of three adjournments as mandated in CPC ( Civil Procedure Code )



I urge the government to AUTOMATE such DATA COMPILATION, by implementing Mobile App : AdJourn  













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