Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 11 January 2024


 Hi Jonathan,



Looking forward


If time permits, you may want to glance through one of my early proposal at :


Privacy  for  Sale  ( 26 Aug 2017 )








From: Jonathan Milne [mailto:jonathan.milne@inrupt.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 3:55 PM
To: Hemen Parekh


Hi Hemen,


Yes, I can speak at 2PM IST tomorrow via the Google Meet link you have shared. I will have 45 minutes at that time due to another meeting but I'm sure we can accomplish a lot in that time.


Looking forward to speaking then.







On Tue, 26 Jan 2021 at 06:49, Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Hi Jonathan,


I would be happy to speak with you tomorrow at 2pm IST, if that works for you. I have sent you a Google Meet invite from my other ID (hcpblogs@gmail.com) – hope you have received it. Do let me know. Thank you!





From: Jonathan Milne [mailto:jonathan.milne@inrupt.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 12:14 AM
To: Hemen Parekh


Dear Hemen Parekh,


Many thanks for your email and we're excited to follow up with you on this.


Would you like to speak this week via online video conference? I am based in London so 5 1/2 hours behind you if you are in Mumbai. 8AM London time on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday this week would suit me if 1:30PM Mumbai time on any of those days is convenient for you. Alternatively, please do suggest other times that work for you.


Best regards,




Jonathan Milne, VP Business Development

Contact  | +447801280851 (M)

Connect | Twitter, LinkedIn, WebID

Explore  | www.inrupt.com


Image removed by sender.


On Sun, 24 Jan 2021 at 05:26, Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

“ Pods ” ; Prescribed by ( Dr ) Tim Berners-Lee




Context :

Google says will block search engine in Oz if forced to pay for news  /  Financial Post / 23 Jan 2021


Extract :

Ø  Alphabet Inc’s Google said on Friday it would block its search engine in Australia if the government proceeds with a new code that would force it and Facebook Inc to pay media companies for the right to use their content.


Ø  The search giant had warned that its 19 million Australian users would face degraded search and YouTube experiences if the new code were enforced.


Ø  Australia is on course to pass laws that would make tech giants negotiate payments with local publishers and broadcasters for content included in search results or news feeds. If they cannot strike a deal, a government-appointed arbitrator will decide the price


Ø  Google’s comments drew a sharp rebuke from Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison who said,

     “ the country makes its rules for “things you can do in Australia.”

             “People who want to work with that in Australia, you’re very welcome.

              But we don’t respond to  threats,” Morrison told reporters



Maintain sanctity of Personal Communication    /  E T – 20 Jan 2021


Extract :

Ø   “Be it WhatsApp, be it Facebook, be it any digital platform, you are free to do business in India. But do it in a manner without impinging upon the rights of Indians who operate it...the sanctity and privilege of personal communication must be maintained,” Prasad said at a virtual industry event on Tuesday.

“I know there will be pressure for sharing this (data), but, this is plainly unacceptable, let me be very clear on it.”


Ø    “I do acknowledge the implicit need for data movement in corporate globe to keep digital commerce intact. But the ground rule of that movement must be clearly laid. Next there must be reciprocity in data sharing in the world. And again, we must never compromise on our digital sovereignty,” the minister said.



Dear Shri RaviShankar Prasadji,


It is not too late to tell the Social Media :

“ We aren’t too much worried about degraded search experience . All that we ask is :

You are minting a ton of money by using ( selling ) personal data of 500 million Indian Users. We want you to make a tiny compensation to these users, by agreeing with our following proposal :


      Digital Dividend from Demographic Data [ 4 D ]…………………..... [ 14 Feb 2019 ]


       SARAL ( Single  Authentic  Registration for Anywhere  Login )….[ 10 Feb 2019 ]



      In case you desire for an EXPERT OPINION, I suggest following :


 He Created the Web. Now He’s Out to Remake the Digital World.  /  New York Times / 10 Jan 2021

Extract :

Ø  Tim Berners-Lee wants to put people in control of their personal data. He has technology and a start-up pursuing that goal. Can he succeed?


Ø  But now, Mr. Berners-Lee, 65, believes the online world has gone astray. Too much power and too much personal data, he says, reside with the tech giants like Google and Facebook — “silos” is the generic term he favors, instead of referring to the companies by name. Fueled by vast troves of data, he says, they have become surveillance platforms and gatekeepers of innovation.


Ø  But Mr. Berners-Lee is taking a different approach: His answer to the problem is technology that gives individuals more power.


Ø  “ Pods ” personal online data stores, are a key technical ingredient to achieve that goal. The idea is that each person could control his or her own data — websites visited, credit card purchases, workout routines, music streamed — in an individual data safe, typically a sliver of server space.


Ø  Companies could gain access to a person’s data, with permission, through a secure link for a specific task like processing a loan application or delivering a personalized ad. They could link to and use personal information selectively, but not store it.


Ø  Mr. Berners-Lee’s vision of personal data sovereignty stands in sharp contrast to the harvest-and-hoard model of the big tech companies.


Ø  He began an open-source software project, Solid, and later founded a company, Inrupt, with John Bruce, a veteran of five previous start-ups, to kick-start adoption


Ø  Inrupt introduced in November its server software for enterprises and government agencies. And the start-up is getting a handful of pilot projects underway in earnest this year, including ones with Britain’s National Health Service and with the government of Flanders, the Dutch-speaking region of Belgium.


Ø  Start-ups, Mr. Berners-Lee noted, can play a crucial role in accelerating the adoption of a new technology.


Ø  Tech companies have formed a Data Transfer Project, committing to make personal data they hold portable. It now comprises Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft and Twitter.


Ø  “In this changed regulatory setting, there is a market opportunity for Tim Berners-Lee’s firm and others to offer individuals better ways to control their data,” said Peter Swire, a privacy expert at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business.




Ø  Tim Berners-Lee Speaks …………………….[ 30 Sept 2018 ]

Ø  Internet Bill of Rights…………………………..[ 07 Oct 2018 ]

Ø  Contract for the Web…………………………..[ 06 Nov 2018 ]

Ø  Only Answer : a Statutory Warning…….[ 10 Nov 2018 ]

Ø  Slow and Steady ? Sure Way to Nowhere !...........[ 05 Jan 2019 ]

Ø  Thanks, Shri Piyush Goyalji ………………..[ 28 June 2019 ]

Ø  Data becomes an Air Molecule : Free to travel anywhere………….[ 30 July 2019 ]

Ø  Thank You, Narendrabhai ………………….[ 26 Nov 2019 ]

Ø  A Small Display of Willingness ?..........[ 20 Oct 2020 ]




With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  24 Jan 2021


Copy to :




·                     John.Bruce@gmail.com

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