Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 17 January 2024


 Where Angels Fear to Tread ?


Context :

Musk may reveal human trials for brain computer tech this week

Extract :

Ø  Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk is all set to reveal a key update on his brain-machine interface company Neuralink this week [ 28th Aug / just 2 more days ]

Ø  He also confirmed that the chip would be able to control hormone levels, which would have the potential to help with anxiety relief, among other things.

Ø  Neuralink last year unveiled tiny brain “threads” in a chip which is long lasting, usable at home and has the potential to replace cumbersome devices currently used as brain-machine interfaces

Ø  “The profound impact of high bandwidth, high precision neural interfaces is underappreciated. Neuralink may have this in a human as soon as this year,” Musk had tweeted.

Ø  Controlled by an iPhone app, the chip called “N1 sensor” with just a USB port coming out can have as many as 3,072 electrodes per array distributed across 96 “threads” — each “thread” smaller than the tiniest human hair.

Ø  The chip which will be wireless in the future can readtransmit high-volume data and amplify signals from the brain.

Ø  “This has the potential to solve several brain-related diseases. The idea is to understand and treat brain disorders, preserve and enhance your own brain and create a well-aligned future,” Musk told the audience at the launch event last year.



Proof ?

My following blogs :


Fast  Forward to  Future ( 3F ) …………………………………………………………………( 20  Oct  2016  )

Ø  Every smart phone to be embedded with this technology ( and every human to carry one, all the time ), in the form a mobile app to be called ARIHANT (  Conqueror of Kaam-Sex / Krodh-Anger / Lobh-Greed / Moh-Desire / Mud-Ego / Matsar-Envy )



Ø  24*356 , this technology will pick up ( record ), every single word spoken by the owner , throughout his life



Ø  All these spoken words ( conversations ) , will be transmitted to a CENTRAL DATABASE called , MIND READER  Of  HUMAN  INTENTIONS



Ø  There , the BIG DATA ANALYTICS / AI , will interpret those " Intentions " and alert authorities for any EVIL INTENTIONS ( those that break the 3 LAWS Of ROBOTICS , formulated by Isaac Asimov )



Ø  Authorities will be alerted to arrest the owners of EVIL INTENTIONS ( captured by ARIHANT )



Ø  If Google could become a " Database of written Intentions " ( through more than a billion typed Search Queries per day ) , then there is no reason to disbelieve that ARIHANT could become a " Database of Spoken Intentions " of the entire mankind ( may be a billion conversations , EVERY SECOND ! )



Ø  And since Google is a member of a consortium formed a few weeks back for the advancement of AI , it will be too happy to integrate its own , very powerful " Language Translation Software " into the ARIHANT



Ø  This will enable catching of  EVIL INTENTIONS  expressed in any language !

Fast forward to 2026



Ø  If implemented , ARIHANT ( the Omnipotent / Omnipresent / Omniscient AI ) will eavesdrop on every spoken word of every human being , decipher the problem faced and deliver personalized / customized solutions through IoE ( Internet of Everything ) network



Ø  And what can stop ARIHANT  from picking up all exchanges of data communication, between those " powerful autonomous weapons " if they are embedded with IoE enabled sensors and each assigned its own IP V 6 address ? 




It is not enough to raise questions about the potential evil usage of AI



We must find methods to prevent such evil use of AI



Mankind must be saved !



Artificial Intelligence : Brahma , Vishnu or Mahesh ? ………………………………[ 30 June 2017 ]


Extract :

Ø  The rate at which technology is advancing , it is a matter of 2 / 3 years before :



Ø  Those sensors strapped to the head and picking up brainwave patterns, get replaced by human fingers touching the screen of smart phones ( replacement of headsets till Smart Wrist Bands replace those smart phones ? )



Ø  Smart phones are configured to relay the picked-up “ patterns / thoughts “ to a CENTRAL SERVER for analysis / deciphering those “ thoughts “ on a scale of 1 to 10 ( 1 being “ Extremely Anti – Social / Violent “ to 10 being “ Highly Beneficial to Mankind “ )



Ø  Smart phone manufacturers ( later on , Wrist-band Manufacturers ) are mandated to build their devices with above-mentioned features )



Ø  Mobile Service Providing Services are re-configured not to service those phones / wrist bands which are not embedded with ARIHANT



ARIHANT  :  the  Destroyer  of  Enemy   …………………………………………………[ 24 Nov 2017 ]

Extract :

Ø  But , in the last one year, there has been tremendous advance in :

#    Artificial Intelligence

     #    Brain Computer Interface

Ø  Using headsets and mapping brain-waves to specific “ emotions / sentiments “ , scientists are now able to “ read our thoughts “ !

Ø  Before long , expect those bulky headsets , with electrodes attached to forehead / scalp , which pick-up the brainwaves , to be replaced by :

        #  Glasses ( spectacles )

        #  Wrist-bands / Rings  /  Necklaces

        #  Mobile phones

         Tatto patches

         Clothes  /  anything wearable …etc


Ø  No need for a smart phone to listen into our “ spoken words “ !


Ø  Simply any IoT – enabled device , listening into our innermost “ Un-spoken Thoughts “ !


Ø  Or IoT-enabled microbots , roaming in the brain of a “ Good Thinker “  and measuring / transmitting the neural activity to the brain of a nearby “ Bad Thinker “


Ø  That advance heralds the birth of ARIHANT  V 2.0 !


Ø  No more just finding out , who is harboring “ Evil Thoughts “ and then directing a human police to catch the “ Evil Thinker “ , even before he can translate his evil thoughts into some “ Evil Action “ ( - as in case of movie “ MATRIX “ )


Ø  V 2.0 will neutralize those “ Evil Thoughts “ of the “ Evil Thinkers “ and replace those with “ Benevolent / Positive Thoughts “  !


Ø  Here is how that could happen :


In Electrical Engineering , we learned about “ Induced Current “


Ø  In a wire , which is rotated in a magnetic field , a current starts flowing

In much the same way , when a person thinking “ Good Thoughts “ walks by another thinking of “ Evil Thoughts “ , those evil thoughts will get neutralized and get replace with “ Good Thoughts “ !


Ø  Fortunately , in any crowd ( - equivalent to a magnetic field ) , persons thinking “ Good Thoughts “ outnumber the persons thinking “ Bad Thoughts “ ( - except in a meeting of terrorists )

But , even a terrorists has to mingle with “ Good Thought Thinkers “ , before he can do much harm



Ø  In a wire current disappears when it is moved out from a magnetic field


Ø  Will AI scientists find a way whereby the neutralized “ Bad Thoughts “ never return and those proximity-induced “ Good Thoughts “ persist for ever ?


Ø  I hope Stephen Hawkings Elon Musk Ray Kurzweil Mark Zuckerberg etc will stop arguing and create ARIHANT V 2.0


From  Tele-phony  to  Tele-Empathy  ? ……………………………………………………….[ 27 Mar 2018 ]



Bypassing Electrodes ?   …………………………………………………………………………………[ 21 July 2020 ]


Extract :

But imagine if we can explore the insides of a human brain WITHOUT needing to insert electrodes ?



And be able to “ read / hear “ what that human is “ thinking “ ?



And be able to “ neutralize “ the negative thoughts ( if any ) , of that individual ?


I had, not only “ imagined “ such a possibility , but also suggested how it can be used to rid the world of “ Terrorism / Militancy / Violence 



Dear Elon,

Press@tesla.com  /


This is a far bigger challenge than any you may have faced so far – and worthy of you .


With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@recruitGuru.com  /  26 Aug 2020

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