Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Thank You , Shri V Srinivasan

 Thank You , Shri V Srinivasan


{ Secretary – DARPG  /  vsrinivas@nic.in  /  addlsecy-darpg@nic.in }




What for ?


For implementing my 3 YEAR old suggestion




What suggestion ?


A system for measuring the “ Actual Performance “ of any given Ministry against the “ Targeted Achievements 



Here are the details of my suggestion :


Ø Simple Summary of Sankalp ……………………… [  10 April 2019  ]

Extract :


Action  Plan  for  Implementation :



·          Divide / break-up the Sankalp Patra  ( 2019 Election Manifesto of BJP ), into individual items ( within 10


           days of assuming office )



·          Assign each item implementation to ONE minister ( no collective responsibility / one man accountable )



·          Within 10 days of “ Assignment “, ministers to submit following “ Sankalp to Sampanna “ form to the PMO


           and , after approval , publish on its own web site :



                                                          SANKALP  to  SAMPANNA



Sankalp Item

Full description


Quantitative / Measureable targets for each of next 5 years

Monitoring Agency

Name of “ government-independent”, THIRD PARTY agency ( Eg : Think Tank / Academic Institution / World Bank / IMF / International Rating Agency etc )       

Data Sources

List of “ Govt Records “ accessible to the Agency


Web sites of Ministry / Agency to display “ Target vs Achievement “ , quarterly

Public Feedback

Online / mobile based ,“ Survey / Opinion Poll “ for public to provide its own “ rating “ (1-5 scale ) of the Minister’s performance ( once a quarter )



Where did you get the idea that your suggestion got implemented ( even if partially ) ?


Here :


National e-Gov Service Delivery Assessment: Ministry of Home Affairs ranks at top in online citizen services

( ET – 16 July 2022 )


Extract :


A National e-Governance Service Delivery Assessment was conducted by the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances ( DARPG ), in association with its knowledge partners , namely NASSCOM and KPMG, in 2021


This is a periodic assessment intended to improve the effectiveness of States / Union Territories and the Central Government in the delivery of their online services to citizens


After the Evaluation Results which were released recently, the website of the Ministry of Home Affairs ( MHA ), has been ranked at 1 under the Central Ministries portals and the Digital Police Portal has been placed at 2 under the Central Ministries Service Portals

In this exercise, the Service Portals were evaluated along with their Parent Ministry / Department portal


There were four Main Parameters of assessment :


Ø Accessibility

Ø Content Availability

Ø Ease of Use and Information Security

Ø Privacy ( for Central Ministry Portals )


An additional three parameters were also used for the Central Ministry Services Portals :


Ø End Service Delivery

Ø Integrated Service Delivery

Ø Status and Request Tracking




Why do you say, “ even if partially “ ?



From my suggestion, following part is missing :



Online / mobile based ,“ Survey / Opinion Poll “ for public to provide its own “ rating “ (1-5 scale ) of the Minister’s performance ( once a quarter )



I hope some reader of this blog , creates a GOOGLE  SURVEY , for the items listed in my blog – where the “ Survey Format “ ( to be filled up on a Mobile App – which self-destructs after onetime use and could be downloaded only ONCE on that Mobile Phone )  could be as follows :


Serial No

Item Description


( target )

By July 2022, how well do you think , has this target been achieved ?

Rate by selecting :



Scale :


1…Not At All ( 0 % )


2…Only Marginally (10 % )


3…Reasonably ( 50 % )


4… Very Good  ( 75 % )


5… Excellent   ( 100 % )


With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  18 July 2022


Related Readings :


Ø What got achieved ? ……………………………. [ 25 May 2019 ]

Ø Poll Promise to create 10 lakh jobs …….. [ 21 Oct 2020 ]

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