Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 19 October 2023

Thank You, Amitabh Kant

 Thank You, Amitabh Kant



It is not often that one gets to acknowledge the achievements of a retiring Government officer and say :


“  Good luck to you – and continue to contribute to nation’s well being “



Amitabh Kant , who retires ( 30 June ) as CEO of NITI Aayog is one such officer


I had an opportunity to meet him in person just once ( 05 Sept 2015 )


This was in connection with my suggestions re modification of the “ Make In India “ portal to enable Foreign Buyers of Indian goods / services,  to be able to search “ suitable “ Indian Manufacturers / exporters  and send them inquiries ( - a feature to enable a two-way dialogue )




But , today , I got  reminded of him when I read the following news report :


Ø PM-EAC for patent system rejig to fast track grants   /  ET  /  25 June 2022


Extract :


Description: Description: PM-EAC for Patent System Rejig to Fast-track Grants

It is quite possible that PM EAC do not know that Shri Kant realized this need ( to speed up examination and grant of patents ),  some 7 years ago !


And took specific action as evident from following e-mail exchange :



From:  Amitabh Kant [mailto:amitabhk87@gmail.com]

Sent:  Sunday,  July 19, 2015   10:49 PM

To:    Hemen Parekh



Dear Hemen,

Thanks. I am working on it. Recruiting 1000 additional examiners on war footing .

Will bring pendency to 6 months in  18 months time



This made me send following e-mail to Shri Kant :


Amitabh Kant amitabhk87@gmail.com


Dear  Amitabh ,


This is indeed heartening  !

As per Patent Office Annual Report ( 2013-14 ), 196 patent examiners managed to " dispose off " ( grant + refusal ), some 11,411 applications ( 58.2 / examiner / year )

If this number goes up 6 times ( 200 + 1000 ), may be they could dispose off 36,000 applications in 6 months - as against 42,951 applications filed during 2013-14

I wish you all luck with such a massive recruitment drive

But with just ONE employer in the entire country, it would be extremely difficult to find so many suitable / experienced examiners

I suppose, Patent Office will, simultaneously launch an equally massive " Training " program

It may be worth considering outsourcing of preliminary internet-based search of existing " Prior Knowledge ", without revealing to the " Subcontracted Party ", any finer details of the applications

with regards,


 ( source :   Thank You, Shri Amitabh Kantji    /   15 Jan 2022 )




Adieu , Dear Amitabh ,



May God grant you good health so that you may continue to serve the country



With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  27 June 2022

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