Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Supreme Solution : AI can simulate Third Degree

 Supreme Solution : AI can simulate Third Degree



Context :


Ø AI can create images from text, soon it might be making movie   /  TOI  /  06 July  2022



Extract :


Text to image AI will also potentially enable self – generating content that can be used to improve AI systems


Atul Rai, CEO & cofounder of video analytics company Staqu Technologies ,


[  atul@staqu.com /  hello@staqu.com ]



says, AI engines can now generate their OWN SIMULATED DATA for different  scenarios – something that is challenging to obtain in the real world



“ For example, consider that one has to train an AI engine to detect VIOLENCE  ON  CAMERA  STREAMS in real time. To do this, we may require data from REAL  VIOLENCE – based incidents, which would be cumbersome or even impossible to get


With the new image / video generation , human interference isn’t necessary to obtain data for training AI


The AI will generate its own TRAINING  DATA  and can train another AI model for various purposes “ , he said



What problem can this solve ?



Here :


Ø Supreme Surveillance Solution ? …………………..[ 05 Dec 2020 ]


Extract :


With the aim of preventing custodial torture, the Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered for installation of CCTV cameras in the offices of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Enforcement Directorate (ED), the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and other agencies, in addition to police stations across the country.


In 2018, the court had passed a judgment for bringing all police stations under the surveillance of the CCTV cameras to check human rights abuses. For this purpose, all states were required to constitute independent committees that could study CCTV camera footages and periodically publish reports of its observations.


Similarly, District Level Oversight Committees,…will be set up in all districts to interact with the SHOs for upkeep of CCTVs and review the footage for any human right violation.




My Take :


#   We have a total of some 16,671 police stations


#   Recording for say 12 hours / day, amounts to a CCTV footage of 5520 hours / day, to be reviewed by

     the District Committee Members for “ human rights violation 


#  From a video / audio, how does a human detect / conclude a “ human rights violation “ ?


#  What spoken words / facial expressions ( captured and reviewed by committee members ), are clear /

    Indisputable proof of violation of life, liberty, equality, dignity ?


#  Altogether there can be 3590 committee member ( 718 districts x 5 persons )

    Can all of them consistently and identically “ decipher human emotions “ ( our clue to violations ) ?

   I cannot escape a feeling that “review“ by humans, will only lead to “ my word against your word “ situation !


#  Is there a NON-HUMAN , technology based method to accurately / consistently / untiringly , decipher those

    human emotions and conclusively establish that,


     Ø  Person being interrogated, definitely displayed emotions of  FRUSTRATION - FEAR – PAIN - ANGUISH ?

     Ø  Police officer interrogating, displayed emotions of ANGER – CONTEMPT – THREAT – HATE – MALICE  ?



I urge the Supreme Court to consider,


Ø  Integration with those lakhs of CCTV cameras , a ( human independent ) technology-based software which can detect in a VIDEO-RECORDING, the “ human emotions “ listed above and then alert ( by automatically e-mailing that offensive portion of a VIDEO-CLIP ) to Human Rights Commission / District – State level Oversight Committees Members / any other designated persons or agencies , along with full details of :

       #   District / Police Station Number

       #    Name – Rank of interrogating Police Officer

       #    Name / Aadhar ID of suspect being interrogated

       #    Date / Time of interrogation

       #    Suspected Offence for which being interrogated

       #    FIR No

In case such a Technology Platform is NOT available from any Indian company, then the Supreme Court may consider the following provider :



Ø  https://www.affectiva.com/how/how-it-works/ “  Human Perception AI.


 Our software detects all things human: nuanced emotions, complex cognitive states, behaviors, activities, interactions and objects people use.

Built on deep learning, computer vision, speech science and massive amounts of real-world data, Affectiva’s technology can detect nuanced human emotionscomplex cognitive states, activities, interactions and objects people use.

 https://ranaelkaliouby.com/  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rana_el_Kaliouby



This autonomous AI is embedded in next-generation, ultra-scale platforms where understanding images is a critical task

, an Israeli company with deep roots in security and AI research, recently formed a partnership in India with Best Group to analyse the terabytes of data streaming from CCTV cameras in public areas.


The companies' combined efforts will provide an array of solutions for combing through the staggering amount of data captured daily through millions of hours of footage shot by drones, surveillance cameras and satellites.


The sheer breath of data surveilled on a given day renders manual examination nearly impossible.


Autonomous AI enables real-time identification of patterns, concepts and situational anomalies to identify potential problems, flag them and improve safety in the process.


https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/prime-ministers-narendra-modi-and-benjamin-netanyahu-welcome-new-age-of-collaboration-for-israel-and-india-300589299.html )


This Technology Platform should have following features :


Ø  A Mobile App [ WatchDog ? ], using which anyone can select any given Police Station and watch real-

    time live video streaming of the CCTV in the interrogation room .


Ø   A portal { www.IndianPoliceStations.gov.in } , where a dashboard displays dynamically, number of

     viewers ( citizen ) watching, each of the 16,671 police stations . In-charge of a Police Station would get

     to know this number and get motivated to conduct the interrogation in a humane / polite manner


Ø    An inbuilt “ Language Translation Software “, since ( presumably ), interrogating officer is most likely

      to be using the language of the person being interrogated. Citizen watching live streaming should be

     enabled to understand the dialogue taking place 


with regards,

Hemen Parekh   /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com /  09 July 2022


Related readings :


Ø Welcome NATGRID : Thank You, Shri Amitbhai Shah ………[ 04 May 2022 ]


Ø Where Angels Fear to Tread ? ………………………….. ……………..[ 21 June 2021 ]



Ø CCTV Footage Random Checking ?................................. [ 15 Mar 2022 ]


Ø CCTV in Police Stations . Tomorrow Everywhere………………..[ 19 Sept 2020 ]


Ø Supreme Surveillance Solution ?.................................... [ 05 Dec 2020 ]


Ø Supreme Court is Angry : and rightly so !........................ [ 07 Mar 2021 ]


Ø Phone tapping is Passé : Make Way for Face-tapping ………….[ 06 Sept 2021 ]


Ø Congratulations, Shri Atul Rai……………………………………………….. [ 28 Oct 2021 ]


Ø Congratulations, Dr Kunal Khemnarji …………………………………….[ 05 Nov 2021 ]

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