Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 13 October 2023





Coming to “ understanding / implementing “ Suman’s instructions re API ( Application Programming Interface ) , 3P’s software team had implemented some similar software service feature in Global Recruiter.net , which we had launched 15 years ago


Pl look up following links :





Under this “ Partner Website “ program, ANY website can “ Register & Apply “ to become a partner of Global Recruiter . This would even include any person who just books a URL and hosts just ONE ( almost  blank page ) , with only following hyperlinks ( which visitors can click ) :




Ø  Submit Resume

Ø  Search Jobs /  Apply Online




Ø  Register

Ø  Post Jobs

Ø  Conduct Resume Search / download Resumes



All that the PARTNER had do was to simply COPY a few lines of CODE from GlobalRecruiter page and PASTE it on his site !  A matter of 10 minutes  !



Immediately thereafter, whenever a Jobseeker or an Employer clicked one of those hyperlinks, that “ Command “ was delivered to Global Recruiter which instantly delivered / published / displayed , entire / relevant PAGE onto the partner website ! Absolutely identical



Visitor gets no idea that he is being delivered results from GlobalRecruiter !



This is exactly the “ Data Exchange “ relationship that we want to establish between :


#  My Lounge Page template which Sandeep must have prepared by now , and


#  My page on Personal.ai site



In essence, we want to hide from the visitors , my personal.ai page .  That page actually “ powers “ my template



We don’t want visitors to my lounge template to visit my personal.ai page and even come to know about its existence !



Like SHIKHANDI of Mahabharat, it hides behind my Template Page and “ shoots out “ answers to whatever questions are being typed by visitors



Suman has confirmed that at any given moment, my Digital Avatar can “ listen to “ questions from any number of visitors SIMULTANEOUSLY and reply simultaneously !


When Kajol visits you this morning , you will need to show her these two pages, viz:


#  My Template Page , and


#  My Personal.ai page


Sandeep can even “ demonstrate “ the working of my Personal.ai page to Kajol , by actually typing a  “ question “  and ( within a few seconds ) the “ answer “ that appears  


This is the FUNCTIONALITY which we are wanting to achieve on my template


If there are any questions, feel free to phone me


In the meantime, I am waiting to see the TEMPLATE thru ANYDESK


As soon as template is ready , I  plan to email it to Suman for his comments















From: Manish Chauhan [mailto:accounts@3pconsultants.co.in]
Sent: 14 October 2022 08:51
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: RE: hemen your personalized onboarding has been scheduled!


Sure Sir,


I Will speak to Kajol Regarding this.



From: Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2022 7:00 PM
To: Manish Chauhan <accounts@3pconsultants.co.in>; System Admin <systemadmin@3pconsultants.co.in>; Sanjivani Kadam <officeassistant@3pconsultants.co.in>
Cc: vishesh@incomegroup.inhcp@recruitguru.com; Nirmit Parekh <nirmit@3pconsultants.co.in>
Subject: FW: hemen your personalized onboarding has been scheduled!




This was nearly one year ago . Somehow , I failed to “ act “ on Suman’s clear instruction


As a result , Sanjivani – Tushar – Dilip etc spent hundreds of hours , “ copying “  my blogs / poems / notes etc from hemenparekh.in and then “ pasting “ ( one at a time ) in personal.ai web site  !


Make sure now Kajol solves this problem





From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:suman@personal.ai]

Sent: 23 October 2021 09:45

To: Hemen Parekh

Cc: Elton Dmello; Lakshmi Yaddanapudi; Sanjivani Kadam; vishesh@incomegroup.in; Kelly Lovett



Subject: Re: hemen your personalized onboarding has been scheduled!


RE: Account Login / Logout: Here is the link for instructions to logout. Let me know. https://docs.personal.ai/log-in-with-incorrect-account 


On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 9:55 PM Suman Kanuganti <suman@personal.ai> wrote:

Hey all,


RE: Speech: It won't turn on unless you keep it on. Next week's upgrade will include a voice print that will be capture Hemen's authorized voice.


RE: Deleting Account: Please clear the browser cache. If you need instructions for this, wait for a day or two as I have someone writing this down. 


RE: Limit on Copy: This limit is based on the underlying computer. Team suggested up to 10000 words at a time (approx 20 pages). Let me know if this works for you. 


RE: Twitter: Twitter will be available built-in in next week's upgrade. You will see emails notifying this. This will sync automatically all the tweets and any new tweets as they come in.


RE: Blogger.com: indeed has an API. See documentation hereIf you have a python dev, one can easily get the blog and push to your memory Stack via Personal AI API here. 


RE: Facebook and Linkedin: These are not yet on the roadmap. Likely late 2022. 


RE: Support: Sounds good. I am also adding my colleague Kelly here who will be on point for support.


Good luck training your AI :) 




On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 6:07 AM Suman Kanuganti <suman@personal.ai> wrote:

It was a pleasure! 

I will follow up on the rest. 


On Thu, Oct 21, 2021 at 12:10 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Dear Suman,



Many thanks for taking time out for on-boarding this morning . It will go a long way to get my colleagues started on posting texts ( my blogs )





After the meeting, we were checking up on the website and found a lot of junk recorded under “ Speech “ section !


I believe your site picked up some / any words from our online meeting , since the “ mike “ was ON .  Sanjivani tried to delete as many as she could ( over a period of 15 minutes )


She has now, kept the “ Speech “ icon in OFF position ( I hope , it does not become ON , on its own ! )






In the meantime, I request your URGENT action to delete  CACHE memory against a/c number 8934 , on permanent basis


That  will enable my office colleagues to start posting of blogs , using a/c 2076





Please also clarify the limit , if any , on the number of WORDS / CHARACTERS that can be copy/pasted in one go


As mentioned during the meeting, some of the documents that I have written / uploaded on my site ( in REPORTS section ), run into 100 + typed pages


Of course, most are divided into CHAPTERS, which may contain 5,000 characters





As far as automatic picking up postings from my Twitter page ( and automatically posting all 5,000 + tweets , in one go ), we will await your API by next week


You also promised to “ investigate “ if a similar API exists for Blogger.com , which can pick up all of my 2500 + blogs in ONE GO


What about similar API for my postings on FaceBook and Linkedin ?





From my side , either Sanjivani or Elton may write to you.




Thanking you once again,


With regards,




From: Lakshmi Yaddanapudi [mailto:lakshmi@personal.ai]
Sent: 21 October 2021 02:56
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Re: hemen your personalized onboarding has been scheduled!


Hi Hemen,

Thank you for confirming. Suman is looking forward o talking with you!


On Wed, Oct 20, 2021 at 10:08 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Hi, Lakshmi,


This is ok with me



From: Lakshmi Yaddanapudi <lakshmi@personal.ai>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2021 10:28 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Re: hemen your personalized onboarding has been scheduled!


Hi Hemen,

Thank you for the note. I'm sending you an invite for Oct 21, Thursday morning at 10 AM. 



Hope that works for you.





On Mon, Oct 18, 2021 at 8:57 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Hi Lakshmi,


I prefer mornings ( IST 10 am till 12 noon ) , but afternoons ( IST 4 pm to 6 pm ) are also fine . Any day , as early as possible






From: Lakshmi Yaddanapudi [mailto:lakshmi@personal.ai]
Sent: 18 October 2021 20:21
To: Suman Kanuganti
Cc: Elton Dmello; Hemen Parekh
Subject: Re: hemen your personalized onboarding has been scheduled!


Hi Hemen,

Sorry interrupt your and Suman’s deep conversation on AI avatars. 

I would like to know of times that work best for you. You mentioned 9 am onwards, anytime evening that works better? 


Thank you



On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 23:46 Suman Kanuganti <suman@personal.ai> wrote:

Hi Hemen, 

I been following a few on your list although hearing about oben and neon for the first time.


I am not sure if there is still active development on Eternime. 2015 was too early for that though it’s enticing to talk about the possibilities. 


Replika is a good one and has real people behind it although it’s core is to model an AI friend for empathy and not a personal AI of one individual. 


ProjectPAI sounded very academic although I appreciated their push for personal AIs. Calling it PAI is not that cool though :)


Alethea focus on Avatars and now capitalizing on NFT market by attaching GPT3 models to avatars; neat and cool money making strategy but not real utility for humans. I know the ceo well. 


Microsoft patent positioning is kinda of odd for tech company and I can be sure there is no actual project behind it. It’s likely an idea from employee that Microsoft went after to building IP portfolio. By the way, if you are interested in our patent here is the link. 


There is lot of promise of AI. There is lot of challenges of AI. The challenges are exponential when we talk about personal AIs, the privacy, the human rights, the data processing, the ownership, the technology, the UX and so on. I believe we need strong principles to drive home this dream of personal AI and execute meticulously right by people. 


I have surrounded with great humans in AI, Neuroscience, human design, investors and staying heads down building until we hit our minimum viable product of a true personal AI; to sync; to train and to interact. We are working our way to finish the third piece interact. 


We shall then be launching and building personal AI for everyone and continuously create the value and utility they promise.


Talk soon



On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 10:22 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Dear Suman,



Thanks for your encouraging reply. I hope I did not “ over-question “ you !


But reason for that question is my past 4 / 5 years of , rather “ disillusioned “ experience  with following sites ( to create my virtual avatar that would live after I am gone ) :



https://oben.me/     ……… https://projectpai.com/


https://www.neon.life/artificial-intelligence/   (  Neon.life  website closed down a few months ago, when their CEO , Pranav Mistry quit to start …https://www.mistryland.org/  )






https://alethea.ai/................ https://www.fastcompany.com/90684509/alethea-ai-nft-avatar-metaverse-mark-cuban




I , even sent following mail to Satya  Nadella ( Microsoft ) – with not, even an acknowledgement :



From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]

Sent: Thursday, January 21, 2021 2:06 PM

To: satyan@microsoft.com







Dear Satya Nadellaji,



Couple of days back, I came across following news report which talks about a patent granted to Microsoft for creating VIRTUAL AVATAR ( - even of a dead loved one ! ) :


After You Die, Microsoft Wants to Resurrect You as a Chatbot

Extract :

Last month, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office granted a patent to Microsoft that outlines a process to create a conversational chatbot of a specific person using their social data.

In an eerie twist, the patent says the chatbot could potentially be inspired by friends or family members who are deceased


According to the new Microsoft patent, imagesvoice datasocial media postselectronic messages, and written letters can all be used to "create or modify a specific index in the theme of the specific person's personality."


From there, engineers can use the index to train a chatbot to converse like that person—yes, even if they're already dead.


Patent No : 10853717 B2



Dear Satya,



I am not yet dead – but neither too far ( completing 88 coming June ) – and having a history of CABG / BP / UTI / HERPES



Some 500 Km away, I have 2 bed-ridden sisters ( 93 and 95 ) who I cannot visit due to my own poor health



I hope, before long, someone manages to create my VIRTUAL AVATAR which my sisters can view on their mobiles – and talk to




Can you help ?



As to my “ Social Data “, on my own blogging site  www.hemenparekh.in  , you will come across ( compiled over past 60-70 years ) :



Ø  Approx. 700 poems ( in English – Hindi – Gujarati )


Ø  Video-Audio Recitals ( in my own voice ) of all of these poems ( also on my YouTube Channel )



Ø  2273 blogs ( covering my suggestions on Political-Social –Economic reforms / all sent as e-mails to Cabinet Ministers / State CMs )


Ø  A dozen REPORTS


Ø  Source-Codes ( for FREE downloading ) of some 9 JOB-PORTALS developed by me over past 23 years ( now de-hosted ) – first having been launched on 14 Nov 1997


Ø  Notes ( typed + handwritten ) numbering 30,000 + pages , written to my colleagues ( most containing LOGIC for search-software )



Ø  1,500 + photographs of family and friends ( Holiday visits and Social Functions )


Ø  See video of my marriage , 61 YEARS ago , at :


              https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQtn2SQOV6Y&t=64s  ( 37 – 48 second frames )


Ø  600 + letters written to me by friends / relatives, over the past 60 years


Ø  Linked In posts ( 2274 )



Ø  Emails


Ø  173 letters written to L&T employees ( 1978 – 1987 )



Ø  My comments ( in the margins ) on 250 + books read (  Dialogue with Authors )



And then there is following project, yet to start work on :



Ø  My Family Tree going back to 20 generations ( 500 years ) – prepared by my father ( in  Gujarati ) – uploaded on ”  My Heritage “ site in English



Even if ( for whatever reason ) you are unable to create my VIRTUAL AVATAR , I do hope you will acknowledge receipt of this e-mail



With regards,


Hemen Parekh


hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  www.hemenparekh.in  / ( M ) 91-98,67,55,08,08




Dear Suman,


Inspired by your commitment / dedication / obsession – and your openness, I will now, try and find someone who can devote full-time to upload all the  documents from my website


Even then, it might take couple of months to upload every document


We will talk more about this, during our Zoom meeting


With regards,









From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:suman@personal.ai]
Sent: 17 October 2021 09:35
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Lakshmi Yaddanapudi
Subject: Re: hemen your personalized onboarding has been scheduled!


Yes for all of it but we are not there yet to attached your personal AI to avatar/3d hologram. Our focus is on the intelligent personal AI of one and interaction or messaging with it. Once we have core nailed down, attached to avatars/robots/synthetics is matter of time.


On Sat, Oct 16, 2021 at 9:02 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Dear Suman,


Before we have the zoom call, I wanted to understand if your site would build a personal ‘avatar’ for me and would be able to achieve what I have written in my statement on your site when asked what I wished to do..


“I want my ai to perpetuate my digital life , created over past 70 years and encapsulated in the form of my digital content as... www.hemenparekh.in / I want my digital / virtual AVATAR ( in the form of a Volumetric 3D hologram viewable on mobile devices - much like what IKIN proposes ) , to be able to hold conversations with anyone in future , even after my death ( I am already 88 + years old )   “







From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:suman@personal.ai]
Sent: 16 October 2021 18:24
To: Hemen Parekh; Lakshmi Yaddanapudi
Subject: Re: hemen your personalized onboarding has been scheduled!


Hi Hemen, 


Thanks for the email. Apologies for the daunting language and we are putting efforts to simplify it. 

All the written text can be uploaded along with dates in the app.

All the audio can be played for it to process and edit the dates of the resulting blocks. 

The images are supported in the upcoming release but it’s a manual upload for now and video sync is not there yet. Finally it can only train on English at this time.


I will ask Lakshmi to find IST time for us connect. If you feel comfortable to have a tech guy along on zoom it’s fine but not necessary.


Looking forward to connect. 



On Fri, Oct 15, 2021 at 10:58 PM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Dear Suman,

At the outset, many thanks for this prompt response to my registration (
BETA ) on your site . ( for some reason, I could not login this morning
and had to re-enter my profile again )

As far as your invite for " Personalized On-boarding " is concerned, the
form showed " Oct 27 / 3;30 am " , but at bottom it showed " Indian
Standard Time 09:53 AM " - hence my selection !

Would it be convenient for you to schedule this ZOOM meeting in the Indian
Morning ( anytime from IST 9 am onwards ) , on any day ?

I am 88+ years old and 3:30 AM would pose problems !


Just now, I tried to read up ( on your site ) instructions for STACKING /

Not being tech savvy , all of these sounds too daunting !

If there is no simpler method, I would get some tech-savvy guy to remain
by my side during our Zoom meeting to absorb your guidance


Is it possible that my personal AI , could just crawl through my website
(  www.hemenparekh.in  ) , and download ( to generate Memory Stack ), all
that I have WRITTEN / SPOKEN , and uploaded there , over the past 8 years

If this can be made possible then , my Memory Stack , could " understand "
my 30,000 + written documents ( over the past 70 years ) , in one QUICK

( Of course, may be 1000 out of these, are in HINDI / GUJARATI languages
but the rest are in ENGLISH )

These include a few hundred of AUDIO - VIDEO recitals of my poems, in my

Then there is my Youtube Video Channel ( of my poems ) at :

And a " film " of my marriage on 17 Nov 1959  , at :

And several hundred photos - letters  ( myself and my family )

With regards,

Hemen parekh

Mumbai - India

-----Original Appointment-----
From: Google Calendar [mailto:calendar-notification@google.com] On Behalf
Of suman@personal.ai
Sent: 16 October 2021 09:54
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: hemen your personalized onboarding has been scheduled!
When: 27 October 2021 03:30-04:00 (UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai,
New Delhi.

You have been invited to the following event.

hemen your personalized onboarding has been scheduled!

Wed Oct 27, 2021 3:30am - 4am India Standard Time - Kolkata     
> )     
Hemen Parekh   
.       suman@personal.ai
- organizer
.       Hemen Parekh
more details >

Hi hemen,

My name is Suman from Personal.ai and I look forward to meeting you for
your onboarding with your personal AI. You are one step closer to
organizing your mind and building your AI. Whether it's helping you
remember every word you said in a conference call, journal ideas for your
next big project or blog post, or more, your personal AI empowers you to
own your intelligence.

In the meantime -  log into your account (https://app.personal.ai/
> ) and start stacking your
spoken and written thoughts, memories, ideas, and knowledge. Also, if you
have any questions, connect with me via email at suman@personal.ai or via
our community (https://personal.ai/community
> ) .

Looking forward to meeting you!


Suman, CEO & Founder of Personal.ai


LinkedIn Bio (https://www.linkedin.com/in/kanugantisuman/
> )

Need to make changes to this event?

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