Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 18 October 2023

Services Export : the Saviour

 Services  Export : the Saviour




Context :


Global slowdown: Govt to increase services exports  /   05 July 2022


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Description: Description: https://i0.wp.com/static.toiimg.com/thumb/imgsize-23456,msid-92643646,width-600,resizemode-4/92643646.jpg?w=600&ssl=1


 India’s services exports rise to record high in FY22  / MINT  /  04 May 2022


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India’s services exports touched a record high in 2021-22 largely led by software services, and professional and management consulting services,


even as contact sectors like travel, recreational services, and construction remained affected due to the pandemic.



India’s services exports touched:


#   2021-22 ……………. .$  254.5   billion

#   2020-21………………. $  206.09  billion  (up 23.4% )

#   2019-20………………. $  213   billion



Services exports hit an all-time monthly high of $ 26.9 billion in March 2022



Telecommunicationscomputer, and information services, other business services and transport are the top contributors in services exports during April-December 2021



Commerce and industry minister Piyush Goyal had said last month that India’s services sector has achieved the all-time high despite sectors like tourismaviation and hospitality severely affected due to the Covid-19 pandemic.



India is expecting to make significant gains in the services exports sector in view of the comprehensive trade deals signed with the UAE and Australia. It is also negotiating free trade comprehensive agreements with the European Union, the UK, Canada, and Israel.






Ø Leveraging our Engineering Talent …………………….13  Dec  2018


Extract :


But , if “ Manufacturing Sector “ and “ Service Sector “ were two horses in the GDP race , I would bet on the “ Service Sector “, especially from the following view-points :



       #  “ Capital Investment per Job created “ would be much lower ( may be 10 % of  Mfg. Sector ? )


      #    Jobs created would be much higher  ( may be 5 times of  Mfg sector ? )


       #    Time ( to create those jobs ) would be much shorter ( months instead of years )


    #     Export of  “ Services “ are much easier than export of  “ Goods “


      #     Quality of our “ Services “ are comparable – or even better – than from other countries


      #     We will , soon , have the desired quality / quantity of Internet connectivity , all over India


      #    We are turning out thousands of Graduates  each year though some need “ Skilling “


      #    Salaries of our Engineers are 20 - 25 % of similar hires in USA – EU – Japan – UK etc



Ø Brain Inc 2.0 ………………………………………..21 Aug 2017


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Now consider this :



·         By employing 5 lakh engineers , India’s “ Tech R&D Firms “ earned $ 22 billion . That works to a billing of $


          44,000 per man-year of R&D ( Export of Services )



·         I presume that the “ Manpower Cost “ constitute approx. 50 % of Billing Rate ( rest being OVERHEADS and


          MARGIN )



·         Hence , Indian R&D firms must be paying an average of $ 22,000 per year to its employees ( approx. Rs 1.2


          lakh per month )


                          { Refer :  Employee Expenses as %age of Sales   /   05   July   2022 }




·         As against this , both , Indian as well as American firms pay ( on an average ) , $ 88,000 per year to H1 B


          visa holders




·         With this kind of “ Cost Advantage “ , is there a possibility to do better than the projected earnings of $ 40


          billion in 2020 ?



      It is high time our Policy Makers launch a new initiative ( of Export of Intellectual  Property ) , called :




                                  INDIA  :  the  BRAIN  FACTORY  of  THE  WORLD



During an Interview with Business Line ( 16 April 2016 ) , the then CEO of Infosys , Vishal Sikka , said : 


“ We have to re-imagine the notion of services 



In support of my belief  in the potential re-imagination of this “ Service Sector “ , allow me to quote Peter Diamandis 


  {  https://www.diamandis.com/blog/topic/web-3-0  ]  :



   The Spatial Web is also giving way to “virtual company headquarters” and completely virtualized    companies, where employees can work from


   home or any place on the planet



·                 Delocalize with VR, and you can now hire anyone with Internet access ( right next door or on the other



                  side of the planet )



·                Web 3.0 is changing the way we work, where we work and who we work with.


Ø IT Outsourcing : a Silver lining ?.......................11  Nov  2020



Extract :


Dear Shri Ravishankar Prasadji,


Ø Indian  IT BPM INDUSTRY in  FY 19  Y-O-Y growth }

             #   Revenue…………………… 6.1 %  [  $ 177  billion  ]

             #   Exports…………………….  8.3 %  [  $  136 billion  ]

             #   Domestic Inflow……….  7.9  %  [  Rs 2.9 lakh-crore  ]

             #   Employees………………… 4.3  %  [  4.14  million  ]


Is there a way we can SALUTE them for this achievement ?




By letting them loose – giving them a free hand , as suggested in my earlier e-mail :


Ø " BACK FACTORY " OF THE WORLD ?.........................[ 09  Sept  2015  ]


With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@recruitGuru.com  /  15  July  2022



Related Readings :

June trade deficit widens to record  $  26.1 billion    /  Hindu  /   14  July  2022


Fears over India's external debt are overblown  /  MINT   /  12 July 2022

Five reasons why rupee can depreciate further, may fall below 80 per US dollar / MoneyControl / 14 July 2022

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