Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Monday 16 October 2023

NLP : Integration of Digital Systems

 NLP : Integration of Digital Systems




Context :


National Logistics Policy: Integration of digital systems

(  ET  -  18  Sept  2022 )



Extract :


A comprehensive action plan, integration of logistics-related digital systems, and an online mechanism for secure exchange of documents, are key elements of the national logistics policy

The proposed action plan would include integrated digital logistics systems



My Take :


Ø A New Way to E-Way ?........................ [ 15  July  2017 ]


Extract :


My request / suggestion to GST Council



·         Aim to turn India’s highways into friction-less “ Conveyor Belts of Commerce “



·         Look up conveyor belts in the warehouses of Amazon / Flipkart / UPS / FedEx etc , which carry hundreds of


         packages per minute – with each package carrying dozens of different items ( can we replace “ packages “


         with TRUCKS and “ conveyor belts “ with HIGHWAYS ? )



·         Each item within each box , has RFID chip and QR code ( interlinked )



·         Sensors placed along the conveyor belt “ reads “ each package and each item inside each package . No need to


          stop the flow of the packages



·         E-way Bill too , will have all the QR Codes / RFID data , of each item loaded onto the truck ( Price / Origin City


          / Destination City / Supplier with GSTN registration number / Recipient with his GSTN registration number /


          GST – ISGST – SGST amount for each item / Date of Dispatch / Validity of E Way Bill etc )



·         Just like today’s Mobile Apps of UPS / FedEx enable online tracking of each package and of individual items


          within each package , that “ high technology interface “ being proposed by the Government should incorporate


          the following technologies :



   #   QR code / RFID chip



   #   GPSbased NaviC 





  #   Internet of Things ( IoT )



  #   Internetof Vehicles ( IoV )






#   BlueTooth / NFC






Dear Members of GST Council :



Here is YOUR opportunity to lead the way ( - in this case , the HIGHWAY ! )



There is no technical reason why Software Super Power India , cannot lead the world in ,


“ Ease of Doing Business “




If you guarantee the business / industry that “ NO INSPECTOR “ will stop the truck along its journey , they will


willingly implement ANY / ALL technologies to serve the purpose of E Way Bill




Remember , all corruption starts by permitting HUMANS to “ interpret “ whether a given process was “ correct /


incorrect “ as prescribed – and collect their “ hafta “ for offering to interpret it in favour of the Business / Industry ,


violating the process !




By implementing my suggestion



Internetof Vehicles  /  https://myblogepage.blogspot.com/2017/07/fast-forward-to-iov.html  )



technology will SHUT DOWN the truck engine , upon detection of a violation !




And automatically unlock the engine when the violation gets corrected by EDITING the E-Way Bill , on GSTN web


site !




With regards,


Hemen Parekh


hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  25  Sept  2022



Related Readings :

Ø Let Freight Trucks Overtake Cheetahs……………….. [ 17 Sept 2022 ]


Ø National Logistics Policy : a Curtain Raiser…………. [ 16 Sept 2022 ]

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