Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 13 October 2023

My Personal AI Lounge




I look forward to discuss this as scheduled on 18th Oct at 10 AM ( IST )


I have asked my colleagues , Sandeep and Sanjivani to join me ( at my residence , since I am unable to go to office ) for the meet , when I presume you will take us through the various functionalities of the lounge.


Over the past few months, I have sent a few emails to your team members, suggesting incorporation of some features – and received very encouraging replies.


In the attachment , I have attempted to prepare a summary of those suggestions – and taken the liberty to add some more


I have also divided these features along following sections :


Section  A   >  Important AND Urgent


Section  B   >  Important but NOT urgent


Section  C   >  Neither Important, nor Urgent , but Desirable



I hope , this tabulated listing of the features will :


Ø  Help us focus our discussion on these ( one at a time )  and make the meeting productive


Ø  Help you to talk these over with your concerned colleagues and obtain their feedback / inputs , before the meeting




It would help if you can return this tabulation by ticking ( Yes / NO ) in the appropriate column




Of course , all along, I appreciate that Personal AI and its Lounge, are “ work in process “



What I am trying is to lay out the frame-work which turns the lounge into an UNBEATABLE / UNPARALLED SERVICE



To achieve that goal, I am tempted to quote Arthur C Clerk who said :


“ Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic ”.



To weave that magic into the lounge, I strongly feel that , when a visitor lands in the lounge , she must get an impression that she is face – to – face with a :


Pulsating – Breathing – Living – Talking – Listening , Organism



To achieve this effect , we need to build the U / I around very APPEALING  VISUALIZATION , some of which I had ( feebly ) attempted in the U / I which I had sent you


earlier [ My Digital Avatar : Past – Present – Future ]     



Even the most useful product / service, needs excellent marketing !



Remember that our Lounge Visitor is very likely to have visited other CONVERSATIONAL AI sites



She may have even experimented with :


DALL  E-2 / Stable Diffusion / Dream Studio / META’s Make-a-Video / OpenAI’s Whisper / Mid-Journey / Imagen Video /  Open Art  / Starryai  / Sansar  / Jasper  / Deep Nostalgia / Dream Booth  /  




We need to create VISUAL  EFFECTS  which , not only “ meet her expectations “ but exceed the same . We want her to talk about her AMAZING EXPERIENCE  on Social Media



शिष्यस्तेऽहं शाधि मां त्वां प्रपन्नम्


I am Your disciple, and am surrendered to You. Please instruct me for certain what is best for me. )



With regards,



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