Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 18 October 2023

MSME : Need Mentoring by Large Companies

 MSME :  Need Mentoring by Large Companies


PM Modi inaugurates 'Raising & Accelerating MSME Performance' scheme   /   BS  /  30 June 2022  


Extract :

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday inaugurated the 'Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance' ( RAMP ) scheme at Vigyan Bhawan in the national capital.

According to Prime Minister's Office (PMO), the scheme has outlay of around Rs 6,000 crore.

The scheme aims to scale up the implementation capacity and coverage of Medium Small and Micro Enterprises ( MSME )in the states, with impact enhancement of existing MSME schemes.


It will complement the Aatmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan by ,


#  Fostering innovation,

#  Encouraging ideation,

#  Incubating new business and entrepreneurship by developing quality standards,

#  Improving practices and processes,

#  Enhancing market access,

#  Deploying technological tools and Industry 4.0,

-      to make MSMEs competitive and self-reliant.


Along with the RAMP scheme, PM Narendra Modi also inaugurated the


#   “ Capacity Building of First-Time MSME Exporters' scheme “, and

#    new features of the “ Prime Minister's Employment Generation Program “  (PMEG).


'Udyami Bharat' is reflective of the continuous commitment of the government, right from day one, to work towards the empowerment of MSMEs.

During the event, PM Modi also announced the results of the MSME Idea Hackathon, 2022.


Launched on March 10 this year, this Hackathon is aimed at,

#   promoting and supporting the untapped creativity of individuals,

#   promoting the adoption of the latest technologies and innovation among MSMEs.


The selected incubatee ideas will be provided funding support of up to Rs 15 lakhs per approved idea.


Dear Prime Minister ,



You have rightly emphasized :

Ø Empowering of MSME

Ø Raising and Accelerating MSME Performance

Ø Adoption of the latest technologies and innovation among MSMEs

Whereas there can be no doubt about the Government’s resolve to “ Empower MSME “ , what is urgently required is for country’s large / successful Companies to take on the responsibility of :

Ø Mentoring of MSME

Ø Passing on / Transferring to MSMEs, the best business practices and documents ( Manufacturing – Marketing – Selling – Funding – Sourcing etc ) which they have evolved in-house over the decades  after considerable “ trial and error “ and at huge costs ( Thousands of these are non-secretive and , sharing of which with MSME , do not harm the donor company’s interest, in any way )


Such pro-active “ knowledge transfer “ is possible through launch of a portal , which was developed by L&T , some 5 years ago ( and, which can be “ launched “ within a week, if you so desire )


In this context, my following write-ups will help the Government Secretary you select to implement this project :


Ø Reminiscing : Some past E - Mails to Shri Amitabh Kant re : www.EmpowerMSME.com


      ( 14 Feb 2021 )


Ø EmpowerMSME.com / E Mails sent to L&T Executives …………………………………..( 02 July 2022 )




With Regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  07 July 2022





Related Readings :


Ø Ready to make policy changes for small entrepreneurs: Modi   /  HT  /  01 July 2022

Extract :

“Our government is taking decisions and making new policies keeping in mind your ( MSMEs ) ability and the immense potential of this sector,” Modi said.


As the MSMEs account for almost one-third of India’s economy, strengthening the sector will strengthen the entire society, he added.

In the last eight years, the government has increased the budget allocation for MSMEs by more than 60% to strengthen the sector, the Prime Minister said. “ For us, MSME means maximum support to micro, small and medium enterprises,” he said.


Modi also said that MSMEs are critical for employment generation as over 110 million people are connected with the sector.




Ø Google Startup School 


Ø Congratulations , Anilbhai Naik ………………….[ 08 Feb 2019 ]




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