Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 20 October 2023


 Original Sound – 2016 /  Echo from Google – 2022




[ A ]   Original Sound



Ø Job Fairs : Offline or Online ? …………………………[ 05 Aug 2016 ]


       Extract :


Ø All online interviews will take place using Audio-Video chat thru Skype / FaceTime ( from Smart phones )



Ø All interview " Conversations " ( questions and answers ) will get recorded and made available to candidate being interviewed for his study and improving his Interviewing Skills "



Ø Should Ministry of Labour desire , I would be happy to design / develop and hand-over such a online platform without any charge / fees , provided ,


             #   Labour Ministry hosts and maintains it  


            #   Makes it available for use ( by Recruiters and Jobseekers ) , FREE  OF  COST


Ø An Idea Ahead of its Time ? ………………………………….[ 30 May 2017 ]


      Extract :


      Letter sent on December 21, 2005 :


      Mr. Ashish Kashyap / Country Manager / India Sales & Operations / Google  Online India Pvt. Ltd.



     Dear Mr. Kashyap,


     My only hope is that Google does not take another 12 YEARS to implement :


               ·         Online Jobs  Fair 


           Extract :


           “ Preparing for Interview “ ( 21 Oct 2012 )


           Dear Jobseeker,


           On this page, you do the same by watching,


            #   What kind of questions are interviewers asking , and


            #   What kind of answers are candidates giving



           The more interviews you attend here as “ OBSERVER “ , the better for you


           And although, you can neither ask any questions, nor supply any answers to the candidate being

           interviewed , you can participate in the AUDIENCE POLL , by entering your own “ RATING “ of the candidate


           ( - a kind of “ Peer Appraisal “ )


            Isn’t this a great way to prepare yourself for your own interview ?




Ø Software Architecture For Online Jobs Fair 


Extract :


Online job fair is a platform for the recruiter to conduct real time interviews by using latest technologies. It will include: 

Video Interviews 

Candidate Assessment Form 

Speech-to-text conversion of Interview Questions 



Speech-to-text conversion technology will be used to convert the interview questions asked in the interview to text format

The converted interview questions will be added to the interview questions database

The name of the interviewer/person who asked the question will also be saved.


System will maintain a database of interview questions

This will also include the 
interview questions which were converted by speech-to-text during online job fair

Recruiter/Candidates can add questions along with the suitable answer





[ B ]    Echo from Google




Ø Google Launches Tool For Practicing Job Interviews  /  SearchEngineJournal  /  19 May 2022


Extract :



Google has launched Interview Warmup, a new tool that uses artificial intelligence to help people prepare for job interviews.

Part of the Grow with Google and Career Certification initiatives, it asks common interview questions and transcribes answers in real-time.

Originally intended to help Google Career Certificate learners prepare for job searching, Interview Warmup is now open to anyone.

Using voice-to-text or the keyboard, users can practice answering questions commonly asked in interviews, as well as job-specific ones picked by an expert in that field.

The tool then analyzes the answers and offers suggestions for improvement.



Interview Warmup features three types of questions:

      Background –  covering past training and experience

      Situational – how specific situations were handled in the past or might be dealt with in the future

      Technical – covering knowledge and skills, often testing how hypothetical problems would have been



As well as allowing for personal review, Google’s algorithm will employ machine learning to identify patterns and generate insights in a user’s answers. These include:

·         Job-related terms, which highlights words in answers that are relevant to the specific field

·         Most-used phrases, which points out phrases that have been used three or more times and provides alternatives.


·         Talking points uses Google’s artificial intelligence to uncover important points in replies, including skills, experience and lessons learned.


·         “Insights help you discover patterns in your answers,” Interview Warmup’s FAQ page said. “They don’t ‘grade’ your answer or tell you what part of your answer is right or

·         wrong. Insights include the job-related terms you use, your most-used words, and the talking points you cover.”


·         Google does not save audio or the transcripts from interview sessions, though users can manually copy or download a transcript upon completion. This feature is currently only available in the U.S.


·         Since Interview Warmup was designed for Google Career Certificates learners, you may run into questions that are specific each of the certificates. However, the tool is available for everyone to use and has general questions applicable to many fields.


Thank You, Sundar Pichai ,



I urge you to come up with V 2.0 of Interview Warmup, which incorporates the features listed in my letter to Shri Ashish Kashyap (  December 21, 2005 )



With regards,



Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  23 May 2022



Cc :



Shri Sridhar Vembu  [ CEO – ZOHO / support@zohopeople.com / svembu@zohocorp.com  ]



Related  Readings :


Ø ONLINE JOBS FAIR      ……………………… [ 06 Nov 2012 ]


Ø  This Russian robot may hire you for your next job  …….[ 01 Apr 2018 }

Ø Digital Recruiting with AI has matured more than you realize  /  Fierceelectronics / 15 Mar 2022


Ø Thank You, Rajan Anandan  !.............................. [ 25 Apr 2018 ]


Ø Visual Analytical Resumes ……………………………………[ 02 July 2013 ]

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