Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 20 October 2023

How long before Water gets sold at Petrol Pumps ?

 Dear Tarishi,

 A few days back, I came across your following article in Hindustan Times ( 29 April 2022 ) :

Achieve water efficiency in India’s fast-growing residential townships 

Where you write :


Ø     It is therefore , expected that the number of Indians living in Urban areas will

 reach 525 Million by 2025


Ø     It is expected that India’s per capita water availability will DECLINE to,

        #     1,401  Cubic Meters by 2025

        #     1,191  Cubic Meters by 2050


Ø     The average domestic water demand will also increase,

        #   from 85 litres per capita per day ( lpcd ) in 2000


        #    125  lpcd  by  2025, and

        #    170  lpcd  by  2050 ,


Ø     The projected water demand of 1,498 billion cubic meters will exceed the

 supply of 744 billion cubic meters – two fold – by 2050


Ø     India generates 61,754 million litres per day ( MLD ) of sewage, of which 63 %

remains untreated


Ø     Waste generation is further expected to increase and the projected waste-water

 in cities could reach up-to 1,20,000 MLD by 2051



Dear Tarishi,


The “ Water Availability vs Demand “ figures that you have projected, are

 frightening – to say the least


I hope our Policy Makers get to read your entire article and evaluate / implement

 your suggestions


My own efforts to get the Policy Makers to act – and fast – are summarized in the

 following 18 e-mails that I have sent to our Cabinet Ministers :


2022  ( 3 ) :

Ø     Never too late for a Course-Correction ……………………[ 01 May 2022 ]

Ø     Is Gadkariji having second thoughts ?............. …….[ 26 Apr 2022 ]


Ø     Procuring Technology for “ CASCADE WATER FILTRATION “[ 03 Mar 2022 ]




2021  ( 2 ) :

Ø     Mumbai Desalination Plant / a White Elephant ?.....[ 24 Nov 2021 ]

Ø     With a pinch of Salt ?.........................................[ 29 June 2021 ]



2019 ( 3 ) :


Ø     A candid admission ? ………………………………………… [12 July 2019 ]

Ø     The Biggest FREE Desalination Plant:Sun+Sea.. [ 09 July 2019 ]

Ø     Water above our heads……………………………………….[ 29 Mar 2019 ]


2018  ( 7  )  :


Ø     A Desperate Measure ? ……………………………………………[ 18 Nov 2018 ]

Ø     Making Water from Air ?...................... ………………..[ 26 Oct 2018 ]

Ø     Water  Mutiny  of  2020…………………………………………….[ 17 June 2018 ]

Ø     Water Wars Are Looming !....................................[ 09 June 2018 ]

Ø     Writing  is  on  the  Wall ……………………………………………[ 08 May 2018 ]

Ø     Replicating   Nature  ?..........................................[ 23 Mar 2018 ]

Ø     Deja Vu ? #Latur #Marathwada #Waterwar…………….[ 28 Feb 2018 ]



2017 ( 2 ) :

Ø     Water Water Everywhere ? Even in Latur ?..........[ 15 Apr 2017 ]

Ø     Not a straightforward Answer !.......................... [ 03 Mar 2017 ]


2016 ( 1 ) :

Ø     Water Wars ?  …………………………………………………….[08 Apr 2016 ]




With regards,


Hemen Parekh


hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  www.hemenparekh.in



Related Readings :

Report Launch and Panel Discussion on ‘Water Sustainability Assessment of Chennai

New Device Produces Water From Thin Air – No Electricity Required 

Atmospheric water generator 



CC :






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