Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 20 October 2023

Every Drop of Water ?


Every Drop of Water ?




Context :

How India aims to use every drop of water  ………. ( TOI – 14 May 2022  - Author : Vishwa Mohan )



Extract :



But as water is a state subject, water management strategies are confined to the ADMINISTRATIVE BOUNDARIES of States


And there is a multiplicity of agencies managing the country’s water resources


To address the challenges in the water sector , the Ministry of “ Jal Shakti “ ( water resources ) has started the

process to make a new NATIONAL  WATER  POLICY  aimed at addressing the existing situation and suggesting a FRAME-WORK for creating a system or INSTITUTION  that may

coordinate PLANNING , MANAGEMENT and USE of water resources with a UNIFIED  NATIONAL  PERSPECTIVE


A drafting committee has already submitted its report on this to the Ministry


The government has also proposed to set up a NATIONAL  BUREAU  of WATER  USE  EFFICIENCY  ( NBWUE ) – like te Bureu of Energy Efficiency  (  BEE  ) in the Energy Sector – to

improve efficient use of water  across .








It will also promote water-efficient EQUIPMENT and APPLIANCES, nation wide






[  A  ]      National  Water  Policy


Ø  Water Wars ? ……………………………………………  [  08  Feb  2016  ]



Extract :


  What  is  the  permanent  solution  ?


#  At the level of Central Government


*   Make " Water Conservation / Usage " , a  CENTRAL SUBJECT  in our

    Constitution . Remove it from the list of  STATE SUBJECTS



*   Declare all existing sources of water ( Rivers and Lakes ) , as National

    Resources belonging to entire Nation and not to the particular State where

    these are  located


   (  Afterthought on 14 May 2022 :


      Air above the land-mass of a State, does NOT belong to that State ! It freely

      travels ( like monsoon rains ) , wherever it likes . 

      Nor does the Sea adjoining the coast-line of any particular State, belongs to

      that State - nor does the SUN LIGHT falling on that State 

      These are NATIONAL RESOURCES  )



*   Make it Center's responsibility to decide which State shall use how much of

     each of these resource ( allocation / rationing )



*   Center will also be responsible for developing of future resources by digging

    lakes & ponds / building dams / interlinking rivers & lakes etc. Use MNREGA

    funds for creating such assets


*   Center will not need permission of any State to implement such projects


 *   Center will implement " River Interlinking " Project by 2025 , and for this, it

      will not require permission of any State


      As repeatedly lobbied by me, please find a way to divert BLACK MONEY to this

      Infrastructure SPV ( Tax haven or local - which is 100 times ! )



  *   Mercilessly , shut down all factories dumping polluting effluents in rivers



#   At the level of State Governments



*   Make following mandatory for ALL buildings ( existing or future )


    +    Rain water harvesting system ( this tank to supply toilets / sinks etc )


    +    Recycling of water from Kitchen / Shower / Wash Basins, for use in toilets ,

          by installing a simple sand filtering tank in society compounds



    +    Installation of water flow restricting devices in all taps


    +    Mechanism which stops water flow when hands are removed under tap


    +    Water Supply Cut of 25 % , round the year


           Do not raise Water Charges . The higher the charges , more ways will be

           found to evade ( as in case of  Personal Income Tax ! ).


           Water meters will get tempered or bypassed !




Note the following :



*   Of all the water that rains bring , 99 % flows out to seas, leaving 1 % on land



*   Out of this 1%, 99 % percolates into the ground, leaving 1 % (of that 1 %),

    into lakes above the ground !



*   75 % of earth's surface is covered with seas / oceans . So, really, there is

    PLENTY of water


*   Nature ( Sun ) has gifted the Earth with evaporation / condensation cycle

     which converts the salty sea water into distilled potable water, automatically /

     continuously , and deliver onto the land masses



     Amount of water falling as rain on land each year is 2.4 trillion meter cube ,

     more than 10 times the annual requirement of 7 billion earthlings , at the

     rate of 100 litres per person per day !



    As far as India is concerned , all that is required , is to dig 700,000 ponds /

     lakes ( one in each village ) , where we capture / store rain water



*   These 700,000 ponds must be lined with Geo-Synthetic Fabrics to ensure

     that the captured water does not seep underground - a simple technology


 *   Capturing most of rain water in these ponds , will raise the water table in bore



*   None of the above suggestions require Rocket Science !  But, even if it does,

     our Scientists who have sent Mars Orbital Mission , are quite capable of finding

     appropriate solutions !


 I hope the Center / the State Governments and all the political parties , rise

 above their differences and join


hands , to avoid a CIVIL WATER WAR !



[ B ]    Use  of  Water  in  IRRIGATION



Ø  Not a straightforward Answer !.................  [ 03 March 2017 ]


Ø  Is Gadkariji having second thoughts ? ………… [ 26 April 2022 ]


Ø  Never too late for a Course-Correction …………[ 01 May 2022 ]


[ C ]     Use of water for HOMES


Ø  Water above our heads ……………………………….[ 29 Mar 2019 ]


Extract :


    Recycling domestic water usage ( like Food Chain, establishing a Water Chain )

           #   Drinking Water  ( Municipal supply )

           #   Washing Water ( Bath / Utensils / Clothes / Hands ) [ Rain Water

                 harvesting ]

           #   Flushing Water  ( Recycled washing water after filtration )

               Establishing “ water usage quota / rationing of water “ – per person in


              Gradual introduction of “ pre-paid “ smart water meters which cuts off

              supply when quota used up




[ D ]      Water-efficient  EQUIPMENT  and  APPLIANCES


Ø  A Good Beginning – Need to Accelerate …………[ 12 Oct 2021 ]




Related Readings :


Ø  How long before Water gets sold at Petrol Pumps ? ……………………..[ 03 May 2022 ]


Ø  Procuring Technology for “ CASCADE WATER FILTRATION “……….. [ 03 Mar 2022 ]


Ø  Procuring Technology for “ Drinking Water “ ………………………………….[ 17 Feb 2022 ]



Ø  New Device Produces Water From Thin Air – No Electricity Required 

             Atmospheric water generator 


Ø  Mumbai Desalination Plant ( Proposed ) : a White Elephant ?........ [ 24 Nov 2021 ]


      >    The Biggest , FREE , Desalination Plant : Sun + Sea……………………….[ 09 July 2019 ]


Ø  Water from Air ? Or from Sea ? …………………………………………………………[ 29 Oct 2020 ]


Ø  Extracting Water from Air : Now Electricity from Air ?.................... [ 18 Feb 2020 ]



Ø  Fluorine nanostructures can desalinate water 2,400 times faster than carbon nanotubes

Ø  ( Interesting Engineering -  12 May 2022 )



With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  14  May  2022

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