Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 11 January 2024




Just saw your interview of robot Sofia , which imbibed / assimilated her knowledge from Ray Kurzweil ( and becoming his digital avatar ) , to answer questions which echoed thinking of Ray


It was interesting – but then, Ray’s thinking on a number of subjects, is fairly in “ Public Domain “ and generally well-known


What would be truly amazing would be for Sofia to come up with “ answers “ which truly reflect the thinking of an ORDINARY PERSON – like me ( for example ) 


Can Sofia read 30,000 + pages ( written by me over past 50+ years ) on various subjects and provide answers which “ resemble / reflect “ my thinking on subjects as diverse as :


Ø Artificial Intelligence / Virtual Avatars

Ø ARIHANT – the savior ( software design ) to prevent Violence / Militancy

Ø E Commerce ( Parekh’s 3 Laws )

Ø Data Protection / Data Privacy / Laws of indestructibility of Content

Ø Climate Conundrum / Greening of Deserts

Ø Unlimited Solar Power Generation and wireless transmission

Ø Generating power in space-frame resembling Saturn’s rings

Ø Electric Vehicles ( Solar powered )

Ø Pigovian Tax on all vehicles based on their HARM QUOTIENTS

Ø Making Social Media pay its Users for use of their data ( selling data )


Possible , if Sofia can read / understand / paraphrase :




with regards,


hemen Parekh


PS :


Here is a ( rather poor ) video of my marriage , 61 years ago :










From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 5:02 PM
To: peter@diamandis.com
Cc: prcontact@xprize.orgclientservices@humanlongevity.comteam@a360.comdigital@a360.com
Subject: MOON SHOT ?


Dear Peter,


At this moment when the entire world is in a panic over the spread of Corona Virus, can some technology breakthrough help identify affected persons , remotely – quickly - accurately ?


This may not qualify as a MOON SHOT , but at age of 86 , I would be happy to “ Die Empty “


Read on


With regards,


Hemen Parekh  / Mumai – India / www.hemenparekh.in



Marriage of Technologies to contain Corona ? Yes !



To make this “ happen “, just  “ imagine “ this :



Ø   For decades , militaries around the world have been using ‘ Night Vision Binoculars “ to detect enemies from a long distance , using “ Thermal Imaging “ technology


Ø  For a couple of years now, governments ( mostly, police departments ) around the world have been using CCTV cameras located all over a city, to catch suspected persons, using “ Facial Recognition “ technology



I imagine that , one day soon, some tech Startup [ or ” L&T Smart World and Communications “ which was responsible for installation of the first 10,000 CCTV in Hyderabad ], will find a way to combine both these technologies so that those ubiquitous CCTV cameras will catch, not only the facial images of thousands of citizen walking on the roads but also measure the Body Temperature of the persons ( as being done currently , using a small hand-held device at airports )


Then send out “ Corona Catch Team Volunteers [ CCTV ] “ to the residence of the person found to be running high temperature !

[ Facial Recognition Tech would connect with 
Master Database of Citizen, comprising Name / Aadhar No / Contact Details / Addresses etc ]

I believe. Telengana would be the world-pioneer to pull this off

Here is why :

In Telangana, the eyes have it: How the state is redefining data-driven governance

Extract :


Ø  In six months, the command and control building will be ready. One lakh cameras will be processed in under a minute.


If you got out for work, by the time you are back 50 cameras can spot youEvery

inch of the state will be under police radar.


If a crime happens anywhere, there will be information immediately


Ø  One of the large towers.., would house the Telangana Police’s state Technology Centre and Data Centres. One entire wing, with a centralized hub of sorts, where the police could access an initial six lakh CCTV cameras, which could potentially rise to ten lakh by the end of 2020.

Ø  A simple back of the envelope calculation would suggest that Hyderabad (which has 40% of the population of Telangana — 3.52 million people) would have one camera for every 46-47 citizens. But this is not where it ends.


Hyderabad, as part of its safe and smart city project, has also deployed an,

     “integrated traffic management system”, 

which uses 
surveillance cameras and

Internet of Things-enabled sensors to detect traffic violations and streamline

everyday traffic in key junctions of the city.

Ø  Today, Telangana police officials claim a 40% reduction in crime rate across the state, with heinous crimes like chain-snatching reducing 98% from 2014. From an investigation point of view, these officials add, that 99% of suspects are nabbed “within 24 hours of the crime,”

     At the back-end, the technology it uses includes,


      #   Artificial intelligence,


      #   Deep tech and machine learning


      #   Computer vision


      #   Geospatial analysis


      #   IT process automation.


Collectively, it is referred to as Augmented Intelligence. This is basically AI with

Human at the centre


Ø  A proprietary AI algorithm, which uses machine learning (image recognition), helps you solve things faster


Ø  Last Thursday, at the facial recognition unit at Command and Control Centre of the Hyderabad police, an operator zooms into a “ hit ” ( a successful match ) he just received — an accused walking out of the Secunderabad railway station, was matched with a database of mugshots of known criminals the police already had, with an accuracy of near 95%. It is all in real-time.


Dear Shri S N Subramaniam

[ MD , L&T  / sns@lntecc.com ]


Ø  If any organization can do this, L&T is the one


Ø  Consider doing this , less as a Business Opportunity , and more as a Social Responsibility – in order to save India from Corona Virus ravaging the world


Ø  When ( - and not “if “) successful, this marriage of technologies, will be copied by all governments around the world


Ø  This will become the MOST POWERFUL “ Disease Detection Network “ ( not confined to detection of only Corona Virus but all kinds of diseases which raise body temperature ) that the world has ever seen


 Ø  Even those who are vehemently opposing CAA-NPR-NRC etc., will welcome this surveillance ! 





With regards


H C Parekh  /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com


16  March  2020


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