Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 2 January 2024


 Suman ,


If you are at the “ quoting stage “ then I suppose BJP team is thoroughly “ Happy “ ( not merely “ satisfied “ ) with your pitch that what you propose ( Modi AI ) , will indeed help with their election campaign


Based on that assumption , you could quote as follows :


Ø   For developing and deploying …………… $ 500,000 ( 50 % advance and 25 % on DEMO TEST and 25 % on hosting )


Ø   For annual maintenance ………………………$ 100,000 ( to be carried out remotely from USA ) / $ 200,000 if BJP wants you to deploy


                                                           two software engineers locally , on a full time ( two shifts of 12 hours each ) basis



Clearly say upfront that , in order to secure the AI from any kind of hacking , it must be deployed on a ( sufficiently powerful ) LOCAL SERVER in INDIA ( this will mean , you need not worry about GPU cost since you have no idea about the volume of traffic )


BJP shall procure / lease , such resource locally and Personal.ai will carry out the deployment in collaboration with BJP’s technology team


Repeat one more time that Modi AI will be entirely powered by an AI specially developed by your team and that it will have NO LINKAGE whatsoever with the current / existing personal.ai platform ( no hallucination / stupid / irrelevant answers )


Emphasize that the “ Answers “ which Modiji’s AI will deliver will be SOLELY fetched from his very own PAST / CURRENT writings / speeches and ChatGPT / BARD etc will have no role in this ( will your tech enable uploading 5,000 hours of Modiji’s past speeches – AUDIO files , to generate enough Memory Blocks ? Or will these require conversion to TEXT first ? Who will do this ? In what format will BJP provide the INPUT CONTENT ? )


In those cases where Modi AI , cannot find a “ suitable / convincing “ answer against a question , it will politely tell the questioner to re-phrase her question


I suppose , one of the most important demand of BJP team will be > How fast can you develop ? Obviously there will be several feedback , requiring repeated changes . You will have to be VERY COOPERATIVE / AMENABLE / ACCOMODATIVE



I presume , once Modi AI is ready , BJP will get 100 s/w guys to test it for 7 days – and nights – to ask questions and get answers ( FATIGUE TESTING ) , before deciding whether to go LIVE or not


I think it would be HIGHLY DESIRABLE that you provide a ANSWER RATING SYSTEM ( like my earlier 5 * method ) and make it a condition that those 100 TESTERS , must “ rate “ , each and every answer they get against each question asked


Such CUNULATIVE AVERAGE RATING data must be visible to both sides to conclude whether a green signal can be given for deployment







From: Suman Kanuganti [mailto:s@personal.ai]
Sent: 28 December 2023 00:06
To: Hemen Parekh


How would you think about pricing for Modi AI? 


It will indeed cost us GPU for high volume but what do you think is the price sensitivity 


Message Me + My AI @ s.personal.ai



On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 11:20 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:

Suman ,


PM Modi is going all out for PERSONAL BRANDING


Read following report


What can we next ?


People talking to Modi’s Digital Avatar , displayed on a large TV screen on each Railway Station ?


In order to overcome criticism of “ wasting tax-payer money “ , may be BJP will bear the cost






Central Railway to spend Rs 1.62 crore on selfie points featuring PM Modi at stations   



The Central Railway will spend Rs 1.62 crore on setting up photo booths at railway stations where people can take selfies with images of Prime Minister Narendra ModiThe Hindu reported on Tuesday.

As per a Right to Information reply, the Centre has approved expenditure of Rs 6.25 lakh on each permanent 3D selfie booth and Rs 1.25 lakh on each temporary booth.

The Central Railways has installed selfie booths featuring Modi across 50 railway stations in five divisions - Mumbai, Bhusaval, Nagpur, Pune and Solapur.

Temporary installations will be set up at 30 Category A stations, including Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, Kalyan, Nagpur and Betul, while permanent installations will be set up at 20 Category C stations including Karjat, Kasara, Latur and Kopargaon.

The Right to Information query was filed by retired railway official Ajay Bose. The applicant said that the northern, southern and western railways did not reveal the total expenditure on the selfie points.

However, the Northern Railway, in response to Bose’s query, said that it will install selfie booths featuring Modi at around 100 places, reported The Hindu. Railway stations at Dehradun, Ambala, New Delhi, Amritsar, Ayodhya and Chandigarh will have three selfie booths each.

Congress leaders said that installing such selfie booths amounted to Prime Minister Modi and the BJP engaging in self-promotion at the taxpayers’ expense.

“The shameless self-promotion of the Prime Minister and the ruling party at the expense of the honest taxpayer is such a blatant misuse of government resources that, in any other democracy, would be condemned and lead to a taxpayer revolt,” Congress MP Shashi Tharoor said. “In India, we are unfortunately inured to indulging the capricious whims and fancies of our rulers. What a shame that they can get away with this!”

Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge questioned why the BJP was spending public money on “cheap election stunts”.

He said: “Earlier, the blood and sacrifice of our brave soldiers was politically used by ordering the Armed Forces to install 822 such Selfie-points with a prominent cut-out of Modi ji... Modi Government hasn’t provided drought and flood relief to states. MGNREGA funds for opposition ruled states are also pending. But it has the audacity to generously splurge public money on these cheap election stunts.”

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