Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 4 January 2024


 Dear Prof Ganesh,



I write as suggested by Dr Chaudhuri


Since I am an obsolete technical person ( did MS – Mech Eng., from Kansas University in 1958 ), it is understandable that  Shri Gadkariji – our Transport Minister , may not have taken my suggestion seriously, despite sending many e-mails in past 2 years


However I did get following comments





Dear Mr. Parekh,


thanks for your note, and your interest in our group’s research. 



As your proposal falls into the broader philosophy of disincentivizing private transport, or more accurately incentivizing the use of public transport, the ideas outlined in your blog are certainly worth exploring



Of course, this might serve as one of “a basket of options” available to us to tackle this rather complex issue. 



As you correctly surmise, much of it depends on the political climate of each region, and the willingness of the citizenry to undergo some level of immediate hardship in service of longer-term goals. 



A multifaceted and flexible approach is therefore the need of the hour



With regards,







Gourab Ghoshal

Assistant Professor
Physics, Computer Science and Mathematics

University of Rochester


464 Bausch and Lomb Hall | Box 270171
Rochester, NY 14627
p: (585) 276-7748 | f: (585) 273-2813




Prof. Davidoff, Thomas









Thank you for this note. What you propose sounds like an integrated Pigouvian approach to transport pricing, which I agree would be great.










In this context , I request you ( and your Research Team ) to look up :



Ø  A Grand Challenge ? ………………………………………[ 07 De 2018  ]


Ø Trans-portability Theory ………………………………..[ 10 Dec 2018 ]


Ø National Clean Air Tax ? – a Pigovian tax ?.....[ 11 Jan 2019 ]


Ø Pigovian Tax for Polluters ? ……………………………[ 03 Apr 2019 ]




I would highly appreciate if the CONCEPTUAL FRAME-WORK of my proposal can be critiqued by your team


May be your team could elaborate upon this CONCEPT and prepare a TECHNICAL PAPER and publish the same in some leading Scientific Journal


In this context, you might want to look up the Technology Platform developed by SKYLO


That would find greater acceptance from our Policy Makers


With regards,


Hemen Parekh

Andheri – Mumbai  

( M ) 98,67,55,08,08

hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  www.hemenparekh.in  






From: Subhasis Chaudhuri (Dept) [mailto:sc@ee.iitb.ac.in]
Sent: Friday, June 18, 2021 10:27 AM
To: 'Hemen Parekh'




Kindly get in touch with Prof. Ganesh to find out its capabilities.


Thank you for your interest.




From: Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Sent: 18 June 2021 09:56
To: director@iitb.ac.insc@iitb.ac.inganesh@cse.iitb.ac.inganramkr@iitb.ac.ininfo@srivisifai.in
Cc: hcp@recruitguru.com


Dr Subhasis Chaudhuri  (  Director – IIT B  )


Dr  Ganesh Ramakrishna  (  Professor – IIT B )



Dear Friends,



I just came across following news report in Times of India :


IIT-Bombay develops AI-based solutions for video analytics, surveillance





Extract :


Ø  Spotting every biker who travelled without a helmet in Mumbai in the last week may require the police control rooms to go through terabytes of video footage. But now, that data can be extracted in a short span of time not by deploying Israeli tech, but by using local solutions developed by IIT-Bombay




The Powai college has three state-of-the-art solutions for analyzing everything video and imagery. Even bigger, the heart of all these solutions, a core platform for enabling efficient learning has been made available as an open source platform that can help effectively label and smartly train on large data sets even in noisy Indian settings. This work is a result of industry collaboration between the National Center of Excellence in Technology at IIT-B and their industrial partner SrivisifAI Technologies Pvt Ltd, said IIT-B director Subhasis Chaudhuri



Ø  Surakshavyuh is a solution for CCTV video analytics capable of real-time intrusion detection, perimeter monitoring, loitering detection, object tracking, face recognition and crowd counting




Ø   Jigyasa is a video repository and search platform with features like text and face search. And the video summarization benchmark



Ø   Visiocity, facilitates domain-specific condensation of hours’ worth of video into a couple of minutes, by preserving key events and vignettes from the original video and removing repetitive visual information




Industry partner Srivisifai will take IIT-B’s work to the market




Surakshavyuh has already been installed at the Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam and other locations. The solution has also been effectively used on the IIT-B campus during the pandemic for contact-tracing and maintaining physical distancing.


“Presently, AI is not sufficiently democratized; it is an expensive exercise. Our solutions have data efficient machine learning for resource constrained environments such as in India. That is our effort to make sure the machine learning and AI required for our software— DECILE can be democratized toward robust replication in different environments and as green (energy efficient) in computation as possible,” said professor Ganesh Ramakrishnan, institute chair professor, IIT-B and one of the lead researchers



Dear Professors,



At the outset, congratulations on these OPEN SOURCE PLATFORMS


I wonder if these platforms can ( with collaboration with ISRO for use of NaVIC GPS satellites ), be used to implement :


        Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan ?







with regards,


hemen parekh


Mumbai /  hcp@RcruitGuru.com  /  www.hemenparekh.in   

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