Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 7 January 2024




In your daily report of yesterday, I noticed that you have completed all re-formatting and plan to upload today on Kindle . This is good news


After uploading – but before hitting the PUBLISH button – can I get to VIEW the entire book online ( on AMAZON ? ), to get an idea about how it would appear to those who download ? A kind of “ last minute rehearsal “


The first page has been named :  About this Book / Introduction


Pl re-name this first page it as  :  About this Book / Opening Remarks



Then, add one LAST page and name it :  Closing Remarks


The text of that last page will be as follows :



                                                                Closing Remarks


Dear Readers :


While going through this book, you would have noticed that the central theme of my dialogue with L&T employees was :


Ø   How to increase Productivity [ in terms of physical output per man-hour, at constant prices ]


Ø   How to reduce costs of Inputs [ Manpower – Materials – Machines – Money – Management etc ]




Within these, my focus was on reduction of “ Manpower Costs “ [ wages – salaries ]


I even suggested changing the traditional / ingrained , concept of ,” 100 % Neutralization of the rise in the  Cost of Living “ through linkage of DA ( dearness allowance ) with ever-rising CPI ( consumer price index ) – month after month


But, where I could not succeed in convincing the Unionized employees of the logic behind this concept, L&T did implement it when it came to its very Senior employees ( charity begins at home ) !


The following “ Salary Growth Data “ of a group of retired Deputy General Managers / General Managers of L&T,( exchanged among themselves many years after their retirements, around year 2005 ), would convince you.


Much as I would have liked to share such data with all the employees at Powai Works as a part of my drive to “ Share Company data transparently to all employees “ , I could not since I did not have access to such data in 1982 !


But ( ironically ? ), Union Leaders had access to all of these data since their members worked in L&T’s Central Personnel Department !


If you are a HR Manager, you may want to install such a software in your MIS ( Management Information System ) which displays such graphs on your dashboard, for each group of your employees ( Unionized – supervisory – Officer – Manager – General Managers etc ), on a continuous basis


That is relatively easy part


Far more difficult would be to convince your MD / CEO / Chairperson that trying to hide data from Union does not work . On the contrary, it produces distrust !


With regards,


Hemen Parekh




27 March 2021



First Image :  Tabulation ( Annual Average Salary Increase During Service )


Second Image : Graph ( Annual Average Salary Increase During Service )


Third Image : Graph ( Salary Growth over Service Period )


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