Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 2 January 2024

Clean Air ? Well Said

 Dear Shri  Chandra Bhushanji,


( CEO – International Forum for Environment Sustainability And Technology – iFOREST )




In yesterday’s TOI , I read your very elucidating article  >   Clean air? Target cooking, not cars


Summarizing , you wrote :




“  The analysys clearly demonstrates the need for substantial actions to shift households away from biomass fuels for COOKING and heating through programmes such as PMUY


Under the Sustainable Development Goals, India has committed to providing CLEAN FUEL to every household by 2030 ; achieving this target would be the BIGGEST ACTION in controlling air pollution


Furthermore, the BURNING of CROP RESIDUES must not be tolerated. Both incentives and penalties should be used to eliminate this practice as this will bring the quickest results on air quality


Lastly, there must be concerted effort to decrease industrial pollution through rigourous monitoring and enforcement


These strategies must take precedence as they represent the primary source of air pollution :



Congratulations on your brilliant / succinct summary of the “ solutions for air pollution “


In this context , over the past few years, I have sent following E-Mails to our Cabinet Ministers , which you might want to look up


With regards,


Hemen Parekh







From Induction Stove to Solar Cookers : Missing Link


Congratulations , Mathew Samuel 


EVA with Solar Roof > Future of Mobility









( A )   Reduction in Electricity / Reduction in Air Pollution


A Battery Swapping Policy for Battery-Powered Solar Cookers ?.............. 25 Mar 2022

Electric Solar Hybrid Oven : Reliance New Energy Marketing Strategy…….. 06 Oct 2023

Solar  Chula  ?  Some  Unanswered  Questions …………………….[  03 Nov  2017  ]

Solar Chulha : Where can I buy ? …………………………………………….[ 16 July 2018 ]

Dear Shri Goyalji : How about a Solar Cooker ? ……………………..[ 26 Aug 2020 ]

Time to " Talk the Walk " …………………………………………………………..[ 19 Sept 2020 ]

Not in one day : What about 3 years ? …………………………………….[ 25 Oct 2020 ]

Enough to entice Elon ?  ……………………………………………………………[ 03 Nov 2020 ]

Inscrutable are the ways of the Providence ? ………………………….[ 15 June 2021 ]

Air Pollution Sources : And “ How to save 2.5 Lakh lives “………[ 25 June 2021 ]

Congratulations, Dr Harish Hiraniji …………………………………………..[ 13 Nov 2021 ]


 ( B )   Reduction in use of Private Vehicles


Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan ?................................ 20  Nov 2018

ChatGPT / BARD : Expert Views on Transport ?........................ 28  Aug 2023

Gadkariji : Green Tax is Good…………………………………………………………26  Jan  2021




 ( C )   Energy Saving


Carbon Finance through Carbon Credits  …12 Mar  2021

Thank You , Vishal Kapoor ………………………. 15 Aug 2023

A Pre-paid Electricity Meter ?  …………………. 18 May 2017

 Electrifying : Smartly  ……………………………….. 25  Sept  2017

 Smart Meter : No Pending Payments ?........ 08 Dec 2017

 A Smart Move , Shri Singh !  …………………….. 07 June 2018

 Welcome, Prepaid Smart Meters  ………………. 25  Sept  2021

 The Verdict : A is better than B… …………………..23 Aug 2023

 How to reduce Carbon Emission to Net Zero ?.. 25 July 2021


( D )     Water Management


Congratulations , Angelo George………………….. 04 Sept 2023

India’s Water ( Di - ) Stress  .. ……………………..20 Aug 2023

My past ( 17 ) blogs on WATER SCARCITY ( as on March 2022 )  … 19 Aug 2023


 ( E )   Waste  Management


Garbage is Green Gold { 3G }…………………………… 10  Sept  2016

A Grass-Root Revolution.. …………………………………...11  Mar  2019

Stubble Problem Solution : Local or Foreign ?....... 10 Oct 2022

Stubble Blame Game……………………………………………   14 Nov 2021

Using Stubble to produce Power ? Takes 4 Years ?  03 Jan 2022

Procuring Technology for “ E Waste Recycling “.. …..26 Feb 2022



( F )   Sustainable  Agriculture 


Influence farmers and win Votes ?................ ………………04  Feb  2019

How about introducing a PLI for agricultural produce ?.. 08  Dec 2020

Production Linked Incentive for Rice ( Paddy )………………. 08 Dec 2020

Digital Farming ?....................................................... 15 Apr 2021

“ Tractor-Pulled “ to “ Technology-Pushed “……………………. 20 Sept 2021

Agri Reforms : an On going Process…………………………………. 20 Nov 2021

Point : Counter-Point // MSP : MPQ………………………………….. 28 Nov 2021


Agristack: The New Digital Push in Agriculture ………………  26 June 2021

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