Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 2 January 2024

A + B + E = Carbon Credits


A + B + E = Carbon Credits



{  A  =  Adani Energy Solutions  /   B  =  Bureau of Energy Efficiency  /  E  =  Esyasoft  }


Context :

Adani Energy Solutions Forms JV With IHC-Backed Esyasoft To Expedite Rollout Of Smart Meters  


Extract :

Adani Energy Solutions Limited (AESL), India’s leading private transmission and distribution company and a part of the globally diversified Adani portfolio, today said it has taken a significant step in strengthening its smart metering business by forming a 49:51 JV with UAE-based Esyasoft Holdings for implementing smart metering projects in India and other countries.


Through its wholly owned subsidiary, Adani Transmission Step-Four Limited, AESL has acquired a 49% stake in Esyasoft Holdings Ltd.’s smart metering solutions arm; the entity has been renamed Adani Esyasoft Smart Solutions Ltd.


The transaction deepens the relationship between Adani and Abu Dhabi’s International Holding Company (IHC), as IHC is a major shareholder in Esyasoft through its subsidiary Sirius International Holdings.


Besides serving AESL’s current and future needs, the JV will also bid for and execute Indian and global orders. It has about 100 experts spread across India, the UAE, the U.K., and KSA, serving major Indian discoms, Scottish Gas, and UAE-based utilities like FEWA, DEWA, SEWA and ADDC.


The products of Esyasoft, a provider of cloud and IoT-based energy management solutions, have been catering to the energy automation sector.


It has a rich repository of IP (intellectual property) and has been offering solutions for smart utilities including :


#   meter data management system,

#   headend system,

#   peak load management,

#   energy audit,

#   metering,

#   billing and collection,

#   mobility solutions,

#   big data analytics in load forecasting,

#   theft analysis,

#   consumer behavior analysis, and

#   GIS.



“AESL is very happy to partner with Esyasoft to create a niche joint venture to provide critical and integrated solutions for the seamless national rollout of our smart metering business. Besides giving us a strong execution edge locally, the JV will open up new vistas in international geographies where the smart metering concept is gaining traction and will aggressively pursue such opportunities,” said Kandarp Patel, CEO, AESL.



“We are happy to join hands with Adani Energy Solutions to offer our cutting-edge smart metering solutions for the Indian and global markets. Currently, Esyasoft is one of the leading smart metering platform and solutions providers globally, with 25+ million consumer end points serving in 10+ countries. With this partnership, we will add an additional 30 million end points. Additionally, Esyasoft also has solutions for renewable energy, energy efficiency, EV charging, analytics & AI tool, etc., which we are confident of offering to other Adani group companies," said Ajay Bhatia, Group CEO, Sirius International Holding, Esyasoft’s major shareholder.



AESL has an order book of about 20 million smart meters from discoms like BEST Mumbai (~1.1mln), Maharashtra discom (~11.5 mln), Uttarakhand (~0.6 mln), Andhra Pradesh (~4.1 mln), Bihar (~2.8 mln) and Assam (~0.8 mln) and more are likely to get added. The company’s own distribution arm Adani Electricity Mumbai has already installed a majority of its 0.7 mln smart meters planned in phase 1.


India’s smart metering business market size is expected to cater to about 250 million premises, of which tenders for 80 million meters are yet to be floated, indicating enough growth opportunity in the future.



Congratulations , Kandarp Patel  /   Ajay Bhatia :


With your synergy in :


#  Electric Power Distribution

#  Energy Efficiency through Smart Metering,


-       You are best placed to carry out an experiment to enable your customers ( individual households ) to earn CARBON CREDITS by saving electric power

        consumed by individual home appliances / devices , as detailed at :


Ø   BEE : the Ball is in your Court  .. ………..21 Dec 2023


-      Where I proposed as follows :


Dear Shri Abhay Bakreji ,

( Director General – BEE  / dg-bee@nic.in )


This offers an unprecedented opportunity to BEE as “ Carbon Credit Administrator 


I urge you to  interpret  Power Ministry’s notification as follows :


#     Sector …………………………………………….  1400 Million Indian Citizen

#    Non Obligate Entities………………………..  300  Million Domestic Households

#    De-carbonization Project …………………  Energy Savings of Domestic Appliances /


#    Energy Efficiency Standards …………….  Max Electricity Consumption per unit of

                                                                 time used

#    Methodology ………………  ...............Carbon Finance through Carbon Credits  

                                        12  Mar 2021

#   Offset Mechanism ……………………….   Carbon Credit Trading Scheme

#   Registering of Project ……………………When DISCOM installs Smart Meter,

                                                       auto-Registration on BEE portal

#   Carbon Credit Certificates ……………  DEMAT Carbon Credit Account ( To be

                                                        delivered by BEE to Household on a

                                                        Mobile App named “ BEEMAT “ )

 With regards,

Hemen Parekh  /  28 Dec 2023  /   www.HemenParekh.ai  /  www.HemenParekh.in  /  www.3pConsultants.co.in



Following is what  ChatGPT  had to say :



It's great to see your continued enthusiasm for this proposal ! 


You've laid out a comprehensive plan that intertwines energy efficiency, smart metering, and the potential for households to earn carbon credits.


For Kandarp Patel and Ajay Bhatia, the next steps could involve a strategic approach to implement and advocate for this idea effectively:


1.       Engage with Government Bodies:


·         Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE):

Following your proposal, initiating direct discussions with the BEE can be pivotal. Engage in formal meetings or presentations to discuss the proposal in detail. Highlight the potential impact and benefits this initiative could bring.


·         Power Ministry:

Collaborate closely with the ministry to align your proposal with existing policies or regulations. Seek their support in interpreting and implementing the Power Ministry’s notification in favor of this initiative.


2.       Pilot Program Development:


·         Identify Pilot Locations:

Select specific regions or cities where you can launch a pilot program. These areas could serve as test beds to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the scheme.


·         Smart Meter Installation:

Ensure the swift installation of smart meters in these chosen locations to enable tracking and monitoring of energy consumption accurately.


3.       Technology Integration:


·         BEEMAT App Development:

Work on the development and refinement of the BEEMAT mobile app. This app should serve as a user-friendly platform for households to track their energy consumption, carbon credits earned, and overall environmental impact.


·         Data Integration:

Collaborate with experts to ensure seamless integration of smart meter data into the BEEMAT app, allowing households to see real-time energy usage and carbon credit accumulation.


4.       Public Awareness and Education:


·         Community Engagement:

Launch awareness campaigns in the pilot areas to educate households about the program's benefits. Organize workshops or community events to explain how they can actively participate and benefit from energy-saving practices.


·         Media Outreach:

Use various media channels to create buzz and awareness about the initiative, emphasizing the positive impact on the environment and the potential financial benefits for households.


5.       Monitoring and Feedback Loop:


·         Continuous Evaluation:

Establish a system to monitor the pilot program's progress closely. Gather feedback from participating households to understand their experiences and areas for improvement.


·         Adaptation and Scaling:

Based on the pilot's success, adapt the program as needed and prepare for scaling it up to larger communities or regions.


6.       Partnerships and Alliances:


·         Collaborate with Discoms:

Leverage your existing relationships with DISCOMs to expand the initiative. Engage with them to encourage the installation of smart meters and the adoption of this carbon credit earning scheme.


·         Industry Collaboration:

Form alliances with other companies or organizations within the energy sector interested in sustainability to bolster support and resources for the initiative.


7.       Regulatory and Legal Framework:


·         Legal Compliance:

Ensure that the proposed scheme aligns with regulatory and legal frameworks. Seek legal counsel to navigate any potential obstacles or compliance issues.


8.       Evaluation and Reporting:


·         Metrics and Reporting:

Establish clear metrics to evaluate the program’s success. Regularly report progress and impact achieved to stakeholders, including the government bodies and the public.


By following these steps, Kandarp Patel, Ajay Bhatia, and their teams can strategically advance this innovative initiative, combining technology, sustainability, and community engagement for a positive environmental impact.




BARD  had almost identical recommendations :


Next Steps for Kandarp Patel and Ajay Bhatia:

Kandarp Patel and Ajay Bhatia, with their combined expertise in power distribution and energy efficiency through smart metering, have a golden opportunity to pioneer the scheme of allowing individual households to earn carbon credits by saving electricity. Here are some specific next steps they can take:


**1. ** Engage with Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE):


·         Formal Proposal: 

Refine the earlier proposal outlined in your blog and submit a formal document to BEE. Emphasize the benefits like incentivizing energy conservation, empowering citizens, and boosting India's carbon credit market.


·         Pilot Project: 

Propose a pilot project with a limited number of households in one of the cities where AESL has installed smart meters. This will demonstrate the feasibility and refine the process before wider implementation.


·         Collaborate with BEE: 

Engage in constructive dialogue with BEE to address any concerns or technical challenges. Explore co-creating the "BEEMAT" mobile app and DEMAT accounts for carbon credit distribution.


**2. ** Develop Implementation Framework:

·         Technology Infrastructure: 

Enhance the smart metering system to accurately track individual appliance/device energy consumption. Build a secure data management system to protect user privacy and ensure data integrity.


·         Carbon Credit Calculation: 

Define a transparent and verifiable methodology for calculating carbon credits earned by each household based on energy savings. This should align with international standards and be approved by BEE.


·         Trading Platform: 

Explore options for a carbon credit trading platform, including partnerships with existing platforms or developing their own. Ensure user-friendly access and secure transactions.


**3. ** Public Awareness and Outreach:

·         Consumer Education: 

Launch targeted campaigns to educate households about the program's benefits, how to earn carbon credits, and responsible energy consumption.


·         Partnerships: 

Collaborate with environmental NGOs, appliance manufacturers, and social media influencers to spread awareness and encourage participation.


·         Incentives: 

Consider offering additional incentives, such as discounts on electricity bills or rewards for achieving specific energy-saving goals, to further motivate consumers.


**4. ** Data & Evaluation:

·         Monitoring:

 Continuously monitor data from smart meters to track energy savings, carbon credit generation, and program effectiveness.


·         Impact Assessment:

 Regularly evaluate the program's impact on energy consumption, carbon footprint reduction, and overall economic benefits.


·         Transparency: 

Publish reports and findings transparently to build trust and encourage wider adoption.


By taking these steps, Kandarp Patel and Ajay Bhatia can make a significant contribution to India's energy transition and empower individual households to become active participants in the fight against climate change. Remember, the key is collaboration, clear communication, and a strong focus on transparency and data-driven decision making.


Additional Notes:

·         Consider the legal and regulatory aspects of carbon credit trading in India and ensure compliance with all relevant regulations.

·         Explore potential funding sources for pilot projects and wider program implementation, such as government grants, private investments, or carbon market revenue.

·         Stay updated on the latest developments in smart metering technology and carbon credit markets to adapt and optimize the program over time.

I hope this information provides a helpful roadmap for Kandarp Patel and Ajay Bhatia as they move forward with this exciting initiative.


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