Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Friday 20 October 2023

Thank You, Shri Amitbhai Shah

 Thank You, Shri Amitbhai Shah







For accepting my suggestion to :


#   Conduct CENSUS using a Mobile App


#   Instead of a “ Once-in-a-Decade “ process, make CENSUS DATA COLLECTION / UPDATION , a round the

     year, continuous / dynamic ( 24 x 365 ) / Voluntary / Self-Edit and DIGITAL process involving our entire

      population ( Eliminate Human Intervention of Enumerators )


#   Make it “ Error Proof “ / make aggregated and anonymized, CENSUS DATA ANALYTYCS instantly public /

     transparent ( as already implemented in e-SHRAM dashboard , following my suggestion )


#  Save billions of man-hours ( of Enumerators ) and thousands of crores of Rupees






Here :


Next census will be e-census, modern techniques to be added to make it 100% perfect: Amit Shah


{ Free Press  -  09 May 2022 )


Extract :


Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Monday said the next census will be an e-census and that it will be a 100% perfect census as the Home Ministry has decided to add modern techniques to make it more scientific. He added that the e-census will shape the policies of the next 25 years.


"The census has an important role in policy making. Only census can tell what is the status of development, SC & ST, and what kind of lifestyle people have in mountains, cities & villages," said Amit Shah.


The Union Home Minister said the birth and the death register will be linked to census. It means the census will be updated automatically after every birth and death in the country, he added.


"After birth, the details will be added to the Census register and after he / she turns 18, the name will be included in the electoral roll and after death, the name will be deleted. Name/address change will be smoother, it will all be linked," Amit Shah said..


'Next Census will be E-Census and 100 pc perfect': Home Minister Amit Shah  /  Jagran  /  09 May 2022

Extract :

Home Minister Shah said that he and his family will be the first to fill all details for the census online in the software when it is launched.

Next census will be e-census; birth and death registers to be linked to it: Amit Shah / Indian Express / 10 May



“We have taken the historic decision to transition from a paper census to an e-census — while it may be


complicated, if done well, it may just be easier,” he said, adding that  50 per cent of the country’s population


could respond to questionnaires on their mobile phones.



Shah said different agencies would be involved in the e-census and that processes like changing of addresses


would be smoother


Next census to be held fully digitally,’ says Amit Shah  /  HT  /  10 May 2022


“We have taken the historic step to shift the census process from a paper-based one to an electronic format. People can easily fill up all their family details using that software,” he added.


Shah said the new software will have multi-dimensional uses as it will be linked with registration of births and deaths. As soon as someone is born, their details will get updated in the software, Shah said.


Shah said details like people shifting residences would also get updated through the software.



“Lot of tasks would get addressed through the software like registration of births, inclusion of names in voters’ listsregistration of deaths.



There would be automatic addition and deletion of such details. There needs to be lot of awareness about this,” he said.





Through my following E Mails to our Cabinet Ministers :


Ø India’s Population Census Form…………………………………… [ 10 April 2019 ]


Ø Census 2021 : an Unprecedented Opportunity ……………[ 11 April 2019 ]




Extract :


#     In Census Form , add following optional fields :


              >  Aadhar ID


              >  PAN


              >  Mobile Phone Number


              >  E Mail ID– to be treated as “ User ID “ for accessing own data for EDIT purpose



              >  Password – for EDITING own data, online , at any time


              >  Voter ID



#     Once the enumerators have uploaded all 2021 Census data in Online Database, enable each


       Registered person to Update / Edit , his / her data , by logging in



#     Personal Data may be updated as follows :


Ø Once a year ( Mandatory ) – some service deprived if he / she does not update


Ø As often as personal data changes




Hey ! Why would anyone take the trouble to update his personal data ?



Normally not , but he would if following INCENTIVES are offered (for details, click the blog link ) :


[  A  ]     Getting a Job

[  B  ]     Getting Money

[  C   ]    Getting Skills

[  D  ]     Getting Rewards


Ø Confused about CENSUS - NPR - NRC ? ……………………………..[ 24 Dec 2019 ]


Ø A Case of Mistaken Identity ? …………………………………………….. [ 28  Dec 2019 ]


Extract :


Now that the Government has okayed spending of Rs 12,000 crore for Census / NPR , why not use this opportunity to have a DYNAMIC / PERPETUAL / AUTOMATIC , population data ( visible


to all, in an anonymized way ), instead of :



          Ø    “ Once in ten year “ exercise


          Ø     Spread over 12 months


          Ø     Requiring 33 lakh enumerators to go from home to home ?


Ø Unprecedented Opportunity Seized ! ………………………….[ 18 Jan 2020 ]


Extract :


       Ø  Home secretary Ajay Bhalla [ hshso@nic.in ] , told the state representatives that individuals need not

           declare their Aadhaar, passport or driving license when NPR is updated



            Ø  A second senior officer said for the first time ever, India is planning to introduce “self-enumeration” that

                will allow individuals to register their personal details online  for Census 2021



           Ø  The Registrar General of India ( RGI / Rgi.rgi@nic.in ) has told states that the Centre is planning to allow

               “self-enumeration” through an online procedure for the population enumeration phase – the second

               phase of the census, the official said on condition of anonymity.



           Ø  “Self-enumeration has been cleared by the Centre and initial meetings have been held at the State-Level

                Census Coordination Committees,” the official said.



          Ø  The RGI is developing an online application protected through a one-time password that allows individuals

               to log on the Census website and fill in their details, a third official said.  Self-enumeration will not,

              however, do away with the enumerator.



Ø Unending Caravan of Data-Bases ? …………………….. [  20  Jan  2020  ]


Ø 2021-22 Budget Blues : Digital Census  ………………..[ 02 Feb 2021 ]




Extract :


I suggest following process :

Ø    Once data of all ( 1400 million ? ) citizen gets uploaded onto the Server, downloading / installing of Mobile App will be made mandatory for all citizen ( by that time, I expect everyone to


      have a Smart phone – which, itself would be a DATA FIELD – with Mobile Number and E Mail ID – as optional  )



Ø    After data of all citizen is uploadedevery day, server will push onto the mobile screens of 5 MILLION citizen, the CENSUS FORM , which is fully pre-filled with his / her data captured


      during 2021 Census ( as being planned with income-details for online IT Returns )



Ø   Citizen will UPDATE the changed / missing / new data and click EDITED , for auto over-write in Server



Ø   If he fails to click EDITED for 24 hours, EDIT-FORM will self-destruct and old data will continue



Ø    Every citizen will get this opportunity for SELF-UPDATING, once every year ! ( 5 million / day x 300 days )



     of course, if so desired, this pre-filled form can be pushed ( to citizen's mobile ), once every 4 months


     Or, System would grant access to each citizen to login ( portal ) and EDIT data anytime / as often as he wants 



     No need for NPR  or  NRC  !  No duplication of same data, again and again 



    No opposition from any section of the Society !



   Ø    For new-born to “ join “ and dead persons to “ exit “, following technology to be employed :



Dear Shri Amitbhai,



Thank you once again for considering  to implement my suggestions in respect of e-CENSUS



Besides helping our Policy Makers to come up with appropriate Social Benefit / e-Governance reforms on an


on-going basis, public / transparent / instant / anonymized / aggregatedDATA ANALYTICS derived from e-


CENSUS will make our political debates meaningful / relevant ( including question-answers in Lok Sabha )




In a nutshell, e-CENSUS will empower the ordinary citizen



A word of caution :



I presume that filling up e-CENSUS form using one’s mobile, will be a completely VOLUNTARY process


Unless offered VERY POWERFUL INCENTIVES, this is not going to happen !  Very few will “ volunteer “  !




Govt has allotted Rs 12,000 crore for Census exercise. This is “ out of pocket “ expense ( payments to


Enumerators ) . It does NOT take into account the cost of BILLIONS of MAN-HOURS required to complete the


process, spread over an entire year


I strongly urge you to announce a MOTIVATOR REWARD Scheme as explained in detail at :


Ø e-ShramCard : Will it be an Easy Card ?.................. [ 25 Aug 2021 ]



 You also said :……..” the new software will have multi-dimensional uses “


Please consider morphing e-CENSUS database into :



 SARAL ( Single  Authentic  Registration for Anywhere  Login )….[ 10 Feb 2019 ]



With regards,


Hemen Parekh /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  /  10 May 2022



CC :

Shri Rajiv Gauba – Home Secretary  [  hshso@nic.in  /  r.gauba@nic.in ]


Shri Vivek Joshi – Registrar General of India ( RGI ) [  rgi.rgi@nic.in  ]







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