Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 16 January 2024


 Mr Joe Britton ( Executive Director – ZETA )


Mr David Ganske ( Communications and PR – ZETA )



Dear Friends,



I read about ZETA yesterday through a Linkedin post by Rohan Patel Tesla )


Then I visited your website where the first  Key Issue  listed is :




Consumer Incentives &
Early Retirements

Point-of-sale consumer incentives drive adoption, provide cost reductions and achieve real results in pushing transportation electrification. In addition, providing a larger credit for legacy vehicle retirements further rewards consumers and will speed the transition and meet the urgency of the moment.


Congratulations for this initiative . I wish you all luck in achieving your 100 % EV target by 2030

While entirely agreeing with you on the  “ need to drive adoption “  of  “ Less polluting “ vehicles, I have conceptualized a technology framework to accelerate such “ adoption “ , by taxing vehicles ( automatically / dynamically / throughout lifetime ) , based on their HARM QUOTIENT ( a practical example of PIGOVIAN tax system )

Vehicles causing less HARM pay less tax and those causing more harm, pay higher tax

In such a scenario , without any other motivation ,

Ø  public at large will turn to public transport

Ø  vehicle owners will turn to EV purchases

I urge you to forward my following blog to your member-firms and invite their comments re the feasibility of my suggestion

With regards,

Hemen Parekh

Mumbai – India / hcp@RecruitGuru.com  / www.hemenparekh.in


Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan ? ……………..( 20 Nov 2018 )



Related Blogs :


A Grand Challenge ? …………………………………………………..( 07 Dec 2018 )


Trans-portability Theory …………………………………………………………..( 10 Dec 2018 )


National Clean Air Tax ? – a Pigovian tax ?...........................( 11 Jan 2019 )


FAME II > FAME III > FAME IV ………………………………………..( 05 Mar 2019 )


Pigovian Tax for Polluters ? ………………………………………………( 03 Apr 2019 )


Traffic Congestion ? Finally, a solution in sight ?........................( 31 May 2019 )


EV Policy of Norway : Worth emulating ……………………………………..( 06 July 2019 )


I conceive , I conceive , I conceive ! …………………………………( 25 Feb 2020 )


Dead on Arrival ? ………………………………………………………………………..( 19 July 2020 )

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