Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 16 January 2024


 Dear Alexandre,



On your Linkedin page you write :


Proud to present my latest research on climate change and electric vehicles published in Nature Climate Change (Springer Nature). Key message: EVs are necessary, but on their own, they are not sufficient to solve the climate crisis. We need to rethink our transport systems and not only rely on technological fixes. Read here: https://rdcu.be/b7N6y and share! #climatechange #electricvehicles #research


I also read your article :




The myth of electric cars: Why we also need to focus on buses and trains



At one place you write :


Buses, trains and bikes

Simply put, there are three ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from passenger transport:

Ø  avoid the need to travel,

Ø  shift the transportation modes or

Ø  improve the technologies.

EVs only tackle one side of the problem, the technological one.


I have conceptualized a framework which will :

Ø  Calculate ( 24x7 ) , HARM QUOTIENT [ HQ ] of each vehicle

Ø  Tax each vehicle according to its HQ ( in place of a fixed Road Tax levied by most city administrations ) . This will be done automatically throughout the day ( without human intervention ) , using vehicle-mounted sensors

You might want to look up the details at :

Transport : an Integrated Logistic Plan ? ……………….[ 20 Nov 2018 ]



Prof Davidoff, Thomas    [ thomas.davidoff@sauder.ubc.ca ] commented :






Thank you for this note. What you propose sounds like an integrated Pigouvian approach to transport pricing, which I agree would be great.








Trans-portability Theory ……………………………………[ 10 Dec 2018 ]


National Clean Air Tax ? – a Pigovian tax ? ………[ 11 Jan 2019 ]


Pigovian Tax for Polluters ? …………………………………[ 03 April 2019 ]


Traffic Congestion ? Finally, a solution in sight ?   [ 31 May 2019 ]



PUBLIC TRANSPORT AS A SOLUTION ? ……………..[ 15 Feb 2016 ]



With regards,


Hemen Parekh


Mumbai – India


hcp@RecruitGuru.com / www.hemenparekh.in

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