Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Thursday 4 January 2024

RE: Request for Input on Website Development Project

 Kishan ,


Following are my quick observations :


( 1 )  Brain Image


Gives impression of a micro-chip circuitry. It does not convey the impression of a Human Brain , with its synaptic junctions lighting up as neurons fire .  Pl search for an appropriate image . Will HTML code attached ( just now sent by Amit ) help ?


( 2 )  Font thickness


Reduce font thickness  of these words > Question Box > Answer Box > Hemen Parekh ( height remaining same )


( 3 )  Question Box


Too close to my photo. Lower a bit to get more separation. Would a smaller “ Submit “ button look better than a full spread out ?


There is a write up > Type your question or click on any which appears on selecting a topic “


How is a visitor going to get an idea that the words appearing inside the brain image, are TOPICS ? Of course, underling those words ( in Blue color ), would tell the visitors that these are “ clickable words “


On top of this , we should change the write up to read : “Type your question or click on any which appears on selecting a topic in the image 



( 4 )  What is behind the link > Ask Questions ?


( 5 )  Pl add links > Create Your Own Digital Avatar > My Blogs


( 6 )  At the bottom, add in small fonts > This site is developed and maintained by Kishan Kokal ( hyperlink to your email ID )


( 7 )  I suppose you will also add all those “ Share Buttons “ vertically on the right side


I may have some further comments AFTER I get to see these corrections ( when ? )


I am glad that you are putting in , your best efforts for this site . I hope, it will give you a lot of publicity




PS : 


For some reason, I could not OPEN / VIEW , the HTML code sent by Amit. I am sure, you would be able to view it. I would appreciate if , after viewing it , you phone me so that I can reply to Amit



From: Kishan Kokal [mailto:kokalkishan.official@gmail.com]
Sent: 10 September 2023 11:26
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Request for Input on Website Development Project



I wanted to provide you with an update on the progress of our website development project. I've completed the home page, and I'm now focusing on the design of different routes within the website. Currently, the website is static and does not make any API calls, also, it is not yet responsive.


You can view the current state of the website by following this link: https://hemenparekh.vercel.app/ . I encourage you to take a look and provide any feedback or suggestions you may have.

If you have any specific ideas, features, or design elements you'd like to see incorporated into the project, please feel free to share them with me. Whether it's regarding the layout, content, or functionality of the different routes, your input will help guide the development process effectively.

Additionally, I want to inform you that while the website is currently not responsive, I plan to address this aspect once all the routes are ready. This will allow us to ensure a consistent and user-friendly experience across various devices and screen sizes.

You can reply to this email with your suggestions or simply let me know the best way to receive your input. I am committed to delivering a website that meets your expectations and serves its intended purpose.

Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.

Best regards,

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