Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 7 January 2024

RE: Reg :: Mammography expenses from Smt Bhartiben Parekh fund

 Dear Gaurang,


I am glad things have returned to normal


I wish you – and your team of dedicated health-workers – all success in new activities


As far as “ deployment / usage “ of interest earned is concerned, I would appreciate your accounting staff to send me monthly Excel Sheets exactly as per my request ( easier for me to grasp at a glance, how many women are benefitting from that interest amount )


Please also update me on the status of those 2 rooms




Batuk Kaka


From: grs@sanghavi.com [mailto:grs@sanghavi.com]
Sent: Tuesday, March 9, 2021 10:24 AM
To: 'Hemen Parekh'; grsanghvi@gmail.com
Cc: 'Vishesh Parekh'; 'Aneree Parekh'
Subject: RE: Reg :: Mammography expenses from Smt Bhartiben Parekh fund
Importance: High


Respected Kaka,


Trust this email finds you & Kaki safe & well.


To update you we have a special division for carrying out mammography, cervical vaccination and awareness programmes for ladies. We will also shortly be initiating  a prevention anad awareness drive for several other cancers also. The weekly report for the same is attached. There was brief halt due to the covid issue since we organize camps for this. We are also in the process of updating the mammography machine and have already finalized the order. We are awaiting a revert from Rotary Club of Rajkot greater who will be contributing partly towards the same. The cervical vaccination program is doing quite well. There are two shots of vaccines to be administered and this is heavily subsidized for poor female patients. Fund from your monthly interest is partly used towards this and partly towards mammography. Presently we have allocated a budget of around Rs.50lakhs for the same. I will email you the breakup of the same shortly. Apologies for the delay in the reports but there has been a change in the accounting staff at the hospital and also an ongoing implementation of a new software system. But reports will now be sent every month. I have instructed the chief accountant accordingly.


Thanking you and once again since apologies for the delay.






From: Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Sent: 07 March 2021 16:27
To: Gaurang Sanghavi <grs@sanghavi.com>; grsanghvi@gmail.com
Cc: Vishesh Parekh <vishesh@incomegroup.in>; Aneree Parekh <aneree92@gmail.com>
Subject: RE: Reg :: Mammography expenses from Smt Bhartiben Parekh fund


Dear Gaurang,


I hope this finds you, mummy , Saloni and children in good health


Bharati / myself / Nirmit took our first jab of vaccine on Friday and are feeling ok


Manish / Niyati / Pooja / Aneree will take theirs on Tuesday


I have not heard anything from you re our Mamography project for past 7 / 8 months


I hope it has restarted and going well


I would appreciate if you could get someone to prepare and mail me a Progress Report in an excel sheet , as per columns shown below :


Month  >  For that month  >  Cumulative till that month


( Report may be sent by 10th of the following month )



PART A :  Interest Income and Expenditure


PART B  :  Number of women mamographed ( names are not required )



I hope those 2 rooms ( # 610 for Manjuben and # 611 for Sarlaben ) are ready with the photo-plaques above the door frames


Pl send me photos


Pl convey my regards to Mummy / blessings to Saloni and kids




Batuk Kaka


From: Gaurang Sanghavi [mailto:grs@sanghavi.com]
Sent: Monday, August 3, 2020 7:42 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Vishesh Parekh; Aneree Parekh
Subject: Re: Reg :: Mammography expenses from Smt Bhartiben Parekh fund


Respected Kaka,


Trust this email finds you and Kaki safe and well. The Mamagraphy program has had to be temporarily suspended due to the Covid situation. We had sought to start a vaccination program and had even acquired the same from Merck. However unfortunately our hospital stands caught up in a spate of infections.. And so we have quarantined the entire hospital till the 16th of August. The vaccination program has just started a week back but is now on hold. Hopefully we should be back in action soon. Shall keep you posted. 

My pranams to Kaki.

I have also received your three books from papa. Hope to read them soon. Am astounded at your passion and zest. Truly inspirational Kaka ..so much to learn from you.. guess we need it ever so much in today's times. My sincerest appreciation on this truly commendable work on your part.

With respects,




On Mon, Aug 3, 2020, 7:23 AM Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com> wrote:



I presume this project must have been suspended during past few months due to lockdown


If it has re-started then let me know the present status


Batuk Kaka


From: grs@sanghavi.com [mailto:grs@sanghavi.com]
Sent: Monday, December 23, 2019 6:54 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Vishesh Parekh; Aneree Parekh
Subject: FW: Reg :: Mammography expenses from Smt Bhartiben Parekh fund
Importance: High


Respected Kaka,


Trust this email finds you well.  Kindly find attached herewith statement of  interest income - monthwise (From September 2019 to November 19. Total

Rs. 1,92,821/-  ) & statement  of  utilization (From 1.11.2019 to 21.11.19 = Rs. 1,92,000/- ).

You will be pleased to note that the awareness and prevention drive is doing very well. We are now in the process of upgrading the mammography machine. Shall keep you posted.

Pranams to Kaki.


With respects,



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