Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 2 January 2024

RE: FREE text to speech API

 Sandeep ,


I prefer Microsoft Azure since it gives ( of course , FREE ) , 5,000,000 characters per month


If each answer is ( say ) 1,000 characters , then this works out to 5,000 ANSWERS per month ( = 160 answers per day )


I have asked Kishan to try out this first




From: System Admin [mailto:systemadmin@3pconsultants.co.in]
Sent: 20 November 2023 08:56
To: Hemen Parekh; Kishan Kokal
Cc: vishesh@incomegroup.in; Nirmit Parekh; Hemen Parekh
Subject: RE: FREE text to speech API


Dear Sir


We will check all TTS options and update you which is the best and suitable to US.





Sandeep Tamhankar

+91 98333 03938

3P Consultants


From: Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 19, 2023 6:47 PM
To: Kishan Kokal <kokalkishan.official@gmail.com>; System Admin <systemadmin@3pconsultants.co.in>
Cc: vishesh@incomegroup.in; Nirmit Parekh <nirmit@3pconsultants.co.in>; Hemen Parekh <hcp@recruitguru.com>
Subject: FREE text to speech API


CAUTION: This email originated from outside the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

Kishan ,



Earlier this afternoon , I sent you email saying , we cannot afford Playht ( costing Rs 16 for each answer ! )


Then I inquired with BARD and got following answer


I think we should use one of these , based on your evaluation of ease of integrating with our site ( I don’t mind a close SYNTHETIC voice )






Yes, there are several free text-to-speech (TTS) APIs available. Here are a few of the most popular options:


Google Cloud Text-to-Speech:


This API offers a generous free tier with 1 million characters of text-to-speech synthesis per month for WaveNet voices and 4 million characters per month for Standard voices.

 It also supports a wide range of languages and voices, including many high-quality WaveNet voices.

Google Cloud TexttoSpeech API logoOpens in a new windowhttps://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcTi-XCu9xSF6yz1aqg2JxwPzvK8xPjoc-tf_hPeIJlqO1L2aY-og0Q5DM4G6TEoZ-CGcnPwGxBslK2czcXaEqiUoJNMEL4P9amX0Xjpz3dcmeLWconsole.cloud.google.com  



Google Cloud TexttoSpeech API logo





IBM Watson Text to Speech:

This API offers a free tier with 500,000 characters of text-to-speech synthesis per month. It supports a variety of languages and voices, including some that are specifically

 designed for different use cases, such as news broadcasting or customer service.

IBM Watson Text to Speech API logoOpens in a new windowhttps://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcSa5TqCYkz2C5PsunfJi8MVe8GANQ6KY-kCU1rWiCgAE5m2OmDZwYlW9jSq64ycNdY4fLh8M4ABsMl5TdXYRpVtpuZc__BGAAcloud.ibm.com


IBM Watson Text to Speech API logo





Microsoft Azure Text-to-Speech:

This API offers a free tier with 5 million characters of text-to-speech synthesis per month. It supports a wide range of languages and voices, including many high-quality neural voices.

Microsoft Azure TexttoSpeech API logoOpens in a new windowhttps://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfC8aWYyuN6-l4go9ygmtCKzijBWAOctfb4Z3BPXTHhrPyEr6lRJnX9JiPiyFtQDjQWY-t6UTQWZwgahQr00wtWFMk1sjOr6AA4AejPQlearn.microsoft.com


Microsoft Azure TexttoSpeech API logo




Amazon Polly:

This API offers a free tier with 1 million characters of text-to-speech synthesis per month. It supports a wide range of languages and voices, including many that are specifically

 designed for different use cases, such as news broadcasting or customer service.

Amazon Polly API logoOpens in a new windowhttps://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcQrfR_uaqNd_Crz91DCzdxO0P1IviJdLjxgPgt4E-zzvvcsOpZ3h0H2ZMTE4wTXo8WV7dxOtJOOSKOfDtnwDmlPGLCG-zuFy384www.cxtoday.com


Amazon Polly API logo





Voice RSS Text-to-Speech (TTS) API:

 This API allows you to convert textual content to speech. It is a good option for simple text-to-speech tasks.

Voice RSS TexttoSpeech (TTS) API logoOpens in a new windowhttps://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/favicon-tbn?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkMw3O8zuyZb0so4cihhtUMj3a1VGUXcvH9y6fs2kOlF3pfqu-jaOPLL18ZofJN5UN9FP-_tPEmIycrKqUPRzJPx0j3A5xv6pJTgwww.voicerss.org


Voice RSS TexttoSpeech (TTS) API logo




In addition to these general-purpose TTS APIs, there are also a number of specialized TTS APIs available for specific use cases. For example, there are TTS APIs for converting

text into audio for ePub books, creating podcasts, and generating audio descriptions for videos.


When choosing a free TTS API, it is important to consider your specific needs. You should think about the following factors:


The amount of text you need to convert to speech: Some APIs have free tiers with limited character limits.

The languages and voices you need: Not all APIs support all languages and voices.

The quality of the speech: Some APIs produce higher-quality speech than others.

The ease of use: Some APIs are easier to use than others.

Once you have considered these factors, you can start testing out different APIs to find the one that best meets your needs.

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