Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 14 January 2024


 Dear Shri Das,


Just read your article in today’s Time of India :


Don’t Kill 2nd Green Revolution 


In which you write :


Ø  Hence, successful reformers spend more time selling reforms than doing them. India’s reformers have failed in this regard, which is why 29 years after 1991, India still reforms by stealth and Indians cannot distinguish between being pro-market and pro-business.


Ø  His government resorted to stealth, pushed the farm bills through Parliament without talking to the opposition, states, or farmer organisations


I cannot agree with you more – and that is why I have sent following e-mails to our Cabinet Ministers / State Chief Ministers / MPs / NITI Aayog etc :


Ø  Selling Farm Laws before selling Farm Crops ………………..[ 24 Sept 2020 ]

Where I wrote :

“ Opposition parties finding fault with government-sponsored bills, is nothing new. Nor any undisciplined behavior in parliament, much of a surprise

If however, these protests spill-over across entire country, then we can conclude that :

Ø  Government has miserably failed in “ Convincingly Selling “ the  “ Farmer-Friendly “ provisions of these bills to the farmers

Ø  Opposition has admirably succeeded  in “ Convincingly Misleading “ the farmers , by raising  doubts / fears



Ø  Thank You, Shri Tomarji …………………………..[ 28 Nov 2020 ]


Where I wrote :


Dear Shri Tomarji,

Various Farmers Unions have expressed following fears in respect of the FARM LAWS just passed :

Ø  The Contract Farming law will make them vulnerable to exploitation by Corporations

Ø  If Contract Farming picks up in a BIG WAY, Govt may stop buying at MSP – might even scrap MSP

Now, if the CONTRACT FARMING Act carries a clause that no contract can be valid / legal ( not even allowed to be registered on e-NAM portal ) if it is below the MSP ( relevant to the contracted crop ), then the farmers fears will get satisfactorily addressed

On top of this, you may want to give assurance following assurance to the farmers :

Ø  For the crops which are currently not covered by MSP, we will, in consultation with the Farmers’ Unions , come up with MSPs in each case ( for CONTRACT FARMING only ) , over the next 5 years. Such MSPs will be 100 % above the COST of PRODUCTION

Ø  The INPUT COSTS ( for each such crop ) will get determined by  AI technology as described at :

              Influence farmers and win Votes ? ……………………………..[ 04 Feb 2019 ]



With regards,


Hemen Parekh



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