Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Wednesday 17 January 2024



KIRAN : A Ray of Hope




Context :


Govt launches 24X7 toll free mental rehabilitation helpline KIRAN in 13 languages 


Highlights :


Ø  The Centre on Monday launched a 24X7 toll free mental rehabilitation helpline (1800-599-0019) for providing psychological support to people.

Ø  The helpline will offer mental health rehabilitation services with the objective of early screening, first aid, psychological support, distress management, mental wellbeing, promoting positive behaviour and psychological crisis management, the minister said.

Ø   “This toll free helpline will be operational 24 hours a day, seven days a week with the technical coordination of BSNL. It is backed by 660 clinical and rehabilitation psychologists and 668 psychiatrists,” he said.


Ø  The callers will then be connected to mental health experts who will help to resolve the issue or refer and connect to external help (clinical psychologists or rehabilitation psychologists or psychiatrists), the official explained.


Ø  Professional support for the helpline is being provided by the Indian Association of Clinical Psychologists (IACP), Indian Psychiatrists Association (IPA) and Indian Psychiatric Social Workers Association (IPSWA), he added.




Thank You ,



Ø  Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot

             [ Union minister for social justice and empowerment  officesjem@gmail.com  ]


Ø  Shri Ramdas Athawale 

             [ Minister of State for Social 

Justice & Empowerment / mos3-msje@gov.in ]



Thank you for this excellent – and timely -  initiative during the distressing times of COVID andemic





Please quickly up-grade this PLATFORM into an Online Portal where the distressed persons (hundreds of them at any given time ) can simultaneously obtain live / real-time, VIDEO CONSULTATIONS , from hundreds of Mental Health Experts ( each sitting in a VIRTUAL CABIN ) , as described in details in my following earlier E Mails :


Share - Your - Soul   ………………………………………………………………………………………[ 24 July 2016 ]



Highlights :


Ø  A Listener ( Mental Health Expert ), can login anytime and occupy his own virtual COUCH / CABIN ( " I am now available for listening " )


Ø  As soon as he does , a GREEN light will shine on the CABIN, showing the online availability of the concerned Listener


      This green light will tell the Talkers ( Patients ) : " Welcome ! I am ready to listen "




Ø  The light will turn RED , as soon as a Talker walks into Listener's CABIN ( " I am engaged right now " )


Ø  Any time any Talker ( Patient )  logs in, he will find if any Listeners ( Mental Health Expert ) that he had previously shortlisted , are available online


Ø  If he finds one, he simply CLICKS on the CABIN icon and enters that VIRTUAL cabin !



Ø  Simultaneously , both the Talker ( Patient ) and the Listener ( Expert ) , turn on their Skype ( on Mobile or Tablet ) to start the talk


Ø  Remember , Skype ID of neither the Talker , nor the Listener , is ever visible to each other !


Ø  All conversation / transaction , can ONLY take place through www...COUCH...com ( no bypassing ! )



Ø  The entire conversation will get recorded ( Video + Audio ) and can be downloaded by the Talker( Patient)  ( but not by the Listener ), if he so desires


Ø  Portal will be obliged to make this recording available to a Court of Law, in case of any litigation


Ø  Portal will carry a WARNING that it reserves the right to remove any Talker( Patient ) or a Listener ( Expert ) , if it finds that its service is being misused / abused ( will need defining , in detail )




Ø  The portal will NOT reveal any info / data (including Audio-Video recording ) of any user to anyone else.


Ø  However , portal will reserve the rights to subject those Audio recordings ( but not Video recordings ) to

an Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) software , which can , over a course of time , come up with a SOFTWARE

ROBOT that can take over the role of the HUMAN listeners !  

If you have any doubts , ask Ray Kurzweil  !


Ø  When that happens , this portal may morph into a PPO ( Psychology Process Outsourcing ) !


Ø  The portal will also reserve the rights to use the Audio recordings for offering Voice-to-Voice language


translation mobile app for the benefit of world-travelers




A Chatbot to drive away Blues ?   …………………………………………………………………….[ 23 June 2017 ]


Extract :


Ø  US's WoeBot Labs debuted on FB Messenger , a Chatbot offering " cognitive behavioral therapy " , for people wary of the stigma of seeking mental healthcare 



Quote from the website of WoeBot Labs :


Compassionate solutions for human problems


We believe that when technology is used to build understanding, it can help humanity in creative and effective ways. That idea lives at the core of our company and products, which deliver expert emotional support and tools in an easily-accessible app to help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Woebot, our chat-based tool, is the delivery mechanism for a suite of clinically-validated therapy programs that address many of today’s mental health challenges, from generalized anxiety and depression to specific conditions like postpartum depression, adult and adolescent depression, and substance abuse.


With regards,


Hemen Parekh / hcp@recruitGuru.com  /  08 Sept 2020


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