Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 23 January 2024

FW: March at ObEN - Create Your Own Personal AI with PAIYO

 Subject: FW: March at ObEN - Create Your Own Personal AI with PAIYO


Dear Nikhil,


I regularly follow up your PAI announcement, including the following :



Very honored to use ObEN, Inc hashtag#PersonalAI hashtag#PAI technology to create the hashtag#avatar of my 107 year-old grandmother-in-law using her selfie. We started with my desire to leave a copy of me behind for my children when I traveled. Now we have a whole portfolio of hashtag#AI that can create an AI avatar that talks, looks, and interacts like you with as little as a single selfie and short voice recording. We've added hashtag#chatbot features, multi-language conversion so you can speak in your voice in any language, with motion and facial animation AI technology for a full virtual immersive experience. One of the requests we get most often is how people can create there PAI and also pass it down to their family by permission their PAI data on the blockchain, leaving an interactive memory of themselves behind. So proud to have a technology that makes a difference in people's lives, whether they are 7 or 107. Kudos to ObEN team. hashtag#artificiallintelligence https://lnkd.in/eiwg9ZU



May be , I mentioned in my earlier mails that :


#  I would like to create a VIRTUAL AVATAR ( holographic ) of myself , with  which , my children / grand children and a great grand daughter , can interact from their mobiles


#  I am 86 and right now going through a very bad spell of ill-health ( HERPES )


#  Although, I  have created very little original content  ( Poems  - Blogs – Essays – Posts on FB/Linkedin / Photos – Videos etc ) , in the past 4 months, I have a hugh amount of such original DATA about my life , on my web site   www.hemenparekh.in . which can be used to create my Virtual Avatar (on entire web, I   believe, there is nothing parallel ! )


#   I request your help / guidance as to how to go about this creation of Virtual Avatar


#   I would be happy to reimburse any expenses incurred


With regards,


Hemen Parekh  /  Mumbai 



From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Thursday, April 4, 2019 9:37 AM
To: 'nikhil@oben.com'
Subject: FW: March at ObEN - Create Your Own Personal AI with PAIYO


Dear Nikhil,



Just came across following report :


VR is an incredibly versatile platform that can transcend space and distance, bringing us closer together in a new virtual medium,” said ObEN CEO Nikhil Jain. “The technology depicted in movies, where colleagues all over the world can have virtual meetings as if they were in the same room, or friends hang out in a virtual clubhouse when they are hundreds of miles apart, that is what we are building with EPIC LIVE PLAY.” 


(https://medium.com/oben/oben-and-softbank-collaborate-to-develop-new-mobile-vr-social-experience-fc4663e378f5  )


In the meantime, I await your response to my following mail




Hemen  /  www.hemenparekh.in



From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]
Sent: Friday, March 29, 2019 5:30 PM
To: 'ObEN'
Cc: 'nikhil@oben.com'; hcp@RecruitGuru.com
Subject: RE: March at ObEN - Create Your Own Personal AI with PAIYO


Dear Nikhil,


About a year back , I sent you following email :


From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]

Sent: 11 January 2018 16:30

To: 'contact@oben.com'


Cc: 'hcp@RecruitGuru.com'






Dear Nikhil,



In today’s Business Line , following was reported :



For about four years now, Nikhil Jain , founder and CEO of a company called ObEN ( means “ above “ ) has been working on the idea of making a DIGITAL COPY of EVERYONE in the World


What’s more, he has the funding to do it.


The thought came from Jain’s personal life, when he felt it would be rather nice to leave a copy of himself at home – one that had some PERSONALITY , looked like him, and could do some things he couldn’t


The DIGITAL COPY should be a full PERSONAL AI


First up, take a selfie and make it into a 3D avatar . Next , a voice sample allows it to TALK in your VOICE


And finally, a PROFILE gives it TRAITS to make up your PERSONALITY


One area where this project is progressing is in the creation of DIGITAL COPIES of celebrities including Bollywood stars who can interact with their fans without being there . No harm in that


But on the flip side, there are applications of a DIGITAL COPY that could be highly unsettling, especially since they could be immortal



What you are doing is of great interest to me , since , some 15 years back , I wrote a note titled :


VIP  :  A  Virtually  Immortal  Person



Then , with the object of “ Immortalizing “ myself , around 4 years ago , I started preparing a chronicle of my life , under :





You will find the details in the attachment  (  there are still hundreds of documents to be uploaded  )


Is there any chance that you can help me achieve this objective  ?





With Regards,


hemen  parekh /  Mumbai







( M ) +91 - 98,67,55,08,08


By now , on my web site (  www.hemenparekh.in  ), I have uploaded 25,000 + documents ( my personal writings for past 50 years of professional life ) plus :


#   700 videos of recitals of my poems ( in my own voice )


#   600 + letters written to me by my family and friends over 50 years


#   1500 + photographs of myself and my family members


I have a Samsung Galaxy J2 android phone and offer myself to create my personal AI avatar


Awaiting your early reply


Hemen parekh


From: ObEN [mailto:contact@oben.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2019 8:31 PM
To: hcp@recruitguru.com
Subject: March at ObEN - Create Your Own Personal AI with PAIYO


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March at ObEN - Create Your Own Personal AI with PAIYO


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ObEN has released the Alpha version of PAIYO - our first application on the Project PAI Blockchain!

When ObEN was first founded, we made it our mission to bring personalized intelligent avatar technology - we call them Personal AI or PAI - to everyone in the world. In the last few years, the B2B side of our business has grown tremendously, including partnerships with major companies like AfreecaTVSM EntertainmentCCTVMedstar Hospital, and more. But behind the scenes, we’ve continued to work on an app that would allow anyone to use our technology and create their own PAI.

This month, we’ve made a giant leap forward in that mission with the launch of PAIYO Alpha, a social app built on the Project PAI Blockchain. PAIYO Alpha was made available to over a thousand testers who had signed up for a first look at the app. As the first ObEN app on the PAI Blockchain, all of the data used to authenticate our users are stored on the blockchain, providing an innovative way to provide added protection for their digital double.

The First Fourteen Days

Since PAIYO’s launch earlier this month, we’ve gotten a tremendous amount of feedback and support from users. The graphic below details everything our app users have achieved over two short weeks.


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As next steps, we are working on adding new features based on tester feedback, and releasing an Android version of the app as well. We hope that as PAIYO continues to grow and evolve, it will help change the digital landscape and create a new way for people to create content, communicate online, and connect with each other.


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