Dear Adam,
Thought following video might interest you
Hemen Parekh
From: Adam Zheng []
Sent: Monday, March 15, 2021 7:54 AM
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Sarah Yang; Lisa Wang
Subject: Re: FW: Downloading of PAI app
Thanks, I'll check it out.
On Fri, 12 Mar 2021, 11:16 Hemen Parekh, <> wrote:
Dear Adam,
Thought following news article might interest you
MIT tech generates 3D holograms in real-time
From: Adam Zheng []
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2021 9:26 AM
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Re: FW: Downloading of PAI app
dear hemen,
thanks a lot. look forward to it.
On Fri, Feb 19, 2021 at 11:18 AM Hemen Parekh <> wrote:
Dear Adam,
Accept my hearty Congratulations upon completing 7 successful years with OBEN
I wish you all luck in your future efforts to launch ( hopefully, soon ) DIGITAL avatars , which I await eagerly
With regards,
Hemen Parekh
PS :
Within next fortnight, I plan to launch my e-book , titled :
“ Communicating for Productivity “
{ I would have loved to incorporate in this e-book , a link to my digital avatar ! }
I will send you a link from where you can download it for free
From: Adam Zheng []
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2020 7:25 AM
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Lisa Wang; Sarah Yang
Subject: Re: Downloading of PAI app
We got your email.
On Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 2:37 PM Hemen Parekh <> wrote:
Dear Adam,
While I appreciate that you must be very busy, I would thank you for an acknowledgement
With regards,
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Saturday, November 28, 2020 11:43 AM
To: Adam Zheng; Lisa Wang
Subject: RE: Downloading of PAI app
Hoping to hear from you soon
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 7:54 AM
To: Adam Zheng; Lisa Wang
Subject: FW: Downloading of PAI app
Adam / Lisa,
Forwarding to you since 2 attempts ( to Sarah ) failed to deliver
Inconvenience regretted
With regards,
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 7:46 AM
To: 'Sarah Yang <> ('; ''
Subject: RE: Downloading of PAI app
Resending since first attempt failed to deliver
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Tuesday, November 17, 2020 7:44 AM
To: Sarah Yang <> (; ''
Subject: FW: Downloading of PAI app
Dear Sarah,
I hope you will soon get a chance to consider my request
Today , on my 61st wedding anniversary, that would be a great gift !
With regards,
Hemen Parekh
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2020 8:58 AM
To: 'Sarah Yang'; ''
Subject: FW: Downloading of PAI app
Dear Sarah,
Thanks for your mail ( which, somehow went to my junk folder ! )
You write :
Wed 11-Nov-20 10:55 PM
Thanks for reaching out, and apologize we might miss your earlier emails.
Do you refer to the "Avatar Generation" section, that you can simply upload your selfie and create 3D avatars instantly?
Best Regards,
Sarah Yang
Some 15 days back ( as soon as your site was re-launched , I did upload my selfie – which created animation of my head ( which did not resemble me ! ) . I suppose that could be some minor glitch and can be improved upon
As to what my expectation ( from the technologies described on your website – and in the white-paper of Project PAI ) is , you will need to go through the following emails exchanged between Adam and myself , - in reverse order , starting with my first mail ( at the bottom of this heap ) , dated : Aug 2019
As far as “ Image Enhancement “ and “ Voice Conversion “ features are concerned , your website reads – “ Coming Soon “ ( when ? )
For all the 3 features , your links read : “ Download SDK “
How do I get to download ? – and what do I do next ?
With your active guidance , if we manage to create a 3D hologram of myself which can “ dialogue “ through a Mobile App ( or , in the first phase , at least monologue ) , then we would have created an unprecedented USE-CASE for Oben Team’s revolutionary technological prowess !
( See :
v=AovM3xYpRUE&t=6s )
Perhaps no more than a handful people have , during their lifetime created as much of their own “ Digital Persona “ as I have , through notes / blogs / poems / photos / diary etc running into 20,000 + pages ( see my website )
Here is VIRTUAL me !
Awaiting your early reply,
With regards,
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 11:59 AM
To: 'Adam Zheng'
Cc: 'Lisa Wang'
Subject: RE: Downloading of PAI app
Dear Adam,
61 year old videos are rare. Here is one of my marriage ( 17 Nov 1959 ), which I just uploaded at :
I am trying to get some professional to improve by editing – if possible
PS :
Thought following article might interest you :
From: Adam Zheng []
Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 6:13 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Lisa Wang
Subject: Re: Downloading of PAI app
I will inform you when it is up. Thanks.
On Fri, Oct 2, 2020 at 7:07 PM Hemen Parekh <> wrote:
Dear Adam,
Just thought of inquiring if the Web Interface which you talked about in your earlier email ( Aug 10 ) , is now ready
With regards,
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Sunday, September 20, 2020 5:13 PM
To: Adam Zheng
Cc: Lisa Wang
Subject: FW: Downloading of PAI app
Dear Adam,
Currently I am reading :
The Future is Faster than you think ( Peter Diamandis ) . On page 132, he writes :
You don’t have to imagine. Robbins teamed up with Lifekind, a company that specializes in creating AI “ personas “of real people
These are audio- and photo-realistic simulations indistinguishable in everything from manners to memory
To recreate Robbins, Lifekind blended over 8 million images, with the complete library of his work – books, videos, blogs podcasts and tapes of live events
The result, according to Robbins, is “ an operating AI “ , not a bot
“ It won’t be able to do therapy ( yet ), but I’ll be able to make that happen ( eventually )
Already, the audio’s so good that my wife can’t tell it’s not me
But the most interesting part is the actual AI.
The opportunity to capture how a person thinks, feels, or creates is extraordinary
It has a memory capacity that dwarfs anything I have. And it has all my ( self help ) models , so it can look at you……. And using ( a particular ) model, decide that 20 percent of you is concerned, 30 percent is excited, 40 percent is engaged
It can literally do this in real time “
With regards,
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2020 12:21 PM
To: Adam Zheng
Cc: Lisa Wang
Subject: RE: Downloading of PAI app
Dear Adam,
Just came across following report that might interest you :
AI Can 'Bring People Back to Life' and Selfies Will be Used to Make 3D Clones, Expert Claims
Excerpt :
Tech boss named Eugenia Kuyda stated that the world is just a couple of years away from having online avatars that were predicted by The Simpsons.
Kuyda has already uploaded her closest Roman Mazurenko onto one of her creations following his death in a car accident, said that the show will get yet another prediction right.
When she was asked if AI will be able to bring people back to life, she told Lex Fridman podcast that it is most possibly down the road, as reported by the Daily Star.
She also stated that in some time humans will be able to just show a picture of a person that they want the avatar to look like and it will be able to generate a 3D model. "That's a no-brainer, that's almost here, it's a couple of years away," she said.
The co-founder of a chatbot named Replika talked about how she loaded overt 10,000 texts between her and Roman on to an AIpowered chatbot in 2016.
"I built a chatbot to just talk to him and it felt really creepy or weird and I didn't want to tell people because it felt like I had a skeleton," she said.
Hemen parekh
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 3:57 PM
To: 'Adam Zheng'
Cc: 'Lisa Wang'
Subject: RE: Downloading of PAI app
Dear Adam,
Thanks for your prompt response and the clarification, from which I understand that the following options are out of question :
Ø Audio recording of my comments
Ø Scanned image of my handwriting
Accordingly , I will get someone to “ type out “ my comments ( as per following example ) – then upload on my website ( quite like my blogs )
I presume those “ typed documents “ will reveal my “ digital personality “ for generating a better PAI
With regards,
Dialogue with Authors
When I read any book, I scribble my comments / notes in the margins
These reflect my views / opinions about what the author is saying – including my disagreement
Often, my comments are in the nature of telling myself :
Hey ! We should try out this idea in our own business ( Head-hunting / Online Recruitment )
Following are my comments re :
The Click Moment / Frans Johansson / 09 - 19 Jan , 2013
========== Page 2
2 days back I pitched to Professor Rahul Deshmukh of IIT Bombay and to Shuklendu, idea of enabling users of IIT Bombay, version of My Jobs , to exchange jobs amongst their contacts
It may be crazy but it could click
Page 3
On December 13 2012 , I requested Principal Damahe of LTIT To fix up a meeting with someone at IIT Bombay connected with Aakash Tablet project. He fixed meeting with Professor Deshmukh on December 15, where I carried 4 printouts of a letter addressed to Professor Pathak, to incorporate My Jobs on Akash
Deshmukh proposed a non-commercial version, using our site resources and database. I agreed. Let us wait and watch what comes out
Page 4
In my case , maybe such a moment was realization that no amount of promotional emailing can popularize My Jobs. Maybe the best way was to persuade the tablet manufacturers to pre -load My Jobs on tablets before dispatch
That made me write an email to
Two more reminders still no response
In third mail, I urged the recipient to forward it to Suneet Tuli - CEO . It clicked. Suneet responded positively.
I think that was March 2011
But it was only around March 2012 that the first batch of Aakash tablets arrived and failed
Akash 2 came out around November 2012
But Suneet could preload My Jobs only on the commercial version UbiSlate - not on Akash Tablets being delivered to IIT Bombay
But because of Datawind, I could convince Swipe Telecom and Teracom to do likewise
Some more are likely to agree
But biggest breakthrough could well be IIT- Bombay proposal
From: Adam Zheng []
Sent: Monday, August 31, 2020 2:35 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Cc: Lisa Wang
Subject: Re: Downloading of PAI app
Dear Hemen,
We are still working on the web interface. I will let you know once it is done. The current technology in the world cannot process your handwriting or audio reading to create your NLP automatically. It has to be done in a structured manner and costs lots of money. At Oben, we currently focus on only audio/facial avatar reconstruction and we work with partners who will build NLP. NLP is not our specialty.
On Sun, Aug 30, 2020 at 11:10 AM Hemen Parekh <> wrote:
Dear Adam,
This morning, I tried to look up U/I on and came across :
PAI Studio
Create your own AI-powered avatar content, instantly [ Learn More ]
The image on this page also carried icons / texts, for :
Ø Avatar > Voice > Background > Text > Voice Conversion
However , this U/I does not seem to be “ functioning “
I suppose this will go “ live “ soon
I also await your advice re:
Ø “ reading out ( in my own voice ) “ or
Ø “ typing out “,
Some 2000 pages of my handwritten comments in the margins of 200+ books ( approx. , 40,000 + pages ) that I have read over the past 30 year . I presume , Oben PAI can decipher from this massive content ( my views on diverse topics ), my digital personality
In the meantime , I have retained a software engineer to redesign ( really , “ re-configure the template “ ) of my site ( although it will continue to be on Blogger platform )
With regards,
From: Adam Zheng []
Sent: Tuesday, August 11, 2020 4:36 AM
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Re: Downloading of PAI app
Thank you for your support!
On Mon, 10 Aug 2020, 03:59 Hemen Parekh, <> wrote:
Dear Adam,
Your responsiveness amazes me ! Many thanks
I will await your next email announcement
I hope I can be the first person from India to create a 3D avatar on oben website
Wish you all luck – technically and commercially ( monetization of your services )
From: Adam Zheng []
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 2:25 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Re: Downloading of PAI app
We will launch two softwares in Aug. On the website, we will launch a web interface where you can upload your selfie, which can automatically create your 3D avatar. We will launch a PC software where anyone can use a pre-made avatar to create animation video or do live streaming. Pls wait for my email in Aug when the two interfaces will be ready for you.
On Sun, Aug 9, 2020 at 7:30 PM Hemen Parekh <> wrote:
Dear Adam,
Thanks for your response
From your response, I believe , I have to go through the following “ Stages “ of Avatar Development :
First > Simple Avatar
Creation of a simple avatar with basic 2D animation ( such as moving lips and eyelids ? )
I request you to tell me how to create this, right away
Second > “ Tell My Story “ Avatar
To create this, when ready , you will provide me with “ animation software “ . This will ( I guess ) will enable movement of other limbs ( hands – legs – neck etc ) . Hopefully, this avatar will dance / deliver speech / sing a song . But all of these will be “ one way monologue “
Third > “ Interactive “ Avatar
For this ( migration from Stage 2 ) to become a reality , I would need to “ train “ ( the Avatar already created in stage 2 ) with Texts / Voice / Images ( photos ) etc., which are on my blog-site.
This avatar will take “ questions “ from anyone and provide ( somewhat relevant ) answers ( as currently being done by some chatbots and robots like Sophia ? ) . It will learn from the content fed to it
If you agree that the above-mentioned “ Stage by stage Migration “ is feasible , I would like to start right away , considering my age – and the time it will take for :
Ø Animation Software ( under development at your end )
Ø NLP training to be undertaken at my end ( I suppose my son / grand daughter can do this , even if I am not around myself )
Please send me instructions – with payment terms , if any
With regards,
From: Adam Zheng []
Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 5:04 AM
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Re: Downloading of PAI app
We currently only do creation and animation of avatar. If you need the avatar to tell your own story, we will provide an animation software for you, which is still under development, to produce those animation videos. If you need your avatar to interact with real people using your own knowledge, you need to train your own natural language processing (NLP) using your contents. We currently don't do the NLP part. We are searching for an open-source NLP software to be integrated with our animation software.
On Sun, Aug 9, 2020 at 1:38 AM Hemen Parekh <> wrote:
Dear Adam,
Many thanks for your prompt reply
Is it possible to launch some avatar right away and later up-grade to “ photo real “ ?
If yes , then I request you to tell me how to proceed to create one – and how to share it with my old sisters
Will such avatar use content from , to tell “ my story “ ?
Incidentally , on my Youtube Channel , there are some 636 of my poem recitations ( my own poems in 3 languages ) , each averaging 2 minutes , in my own voice and my facial expressions
Do I need to make you any payment ? If so , do let me know
With regards,
From: Adam Zheng []
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2020 1:46 PM
To: Hemen Parekh
Subject: Re: Downloading of PAI app
Dear Heman,
If you need a photo real avatar made from your selfie, we will have this solution launched in the later half this year. Pls wait for our update.
On Sat, Aug 8, 2020 at 3:26 AM Hemen Parekh <> wrote:
Dear Adam,
Even as I await your response , I thought following news report which I just came across , might interest you :
U.S. company offers at-home hologram machines
company-offers-home-hologram- 093203912.html
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Thursday, August 6, 2020 2:37 PM
To: 'Adam Zheng'; 'Lisa Wang'
Subject: RE: Downloading of PAI app
Dear Adam,
Let me know if you need any further clarification
Will this ( avatar ) be a hologram or a 3D image on a mobile screen ?
Do I ( and my sisters ) need any special smart phone ?
If hologram, how do I project it ?
From: Hemen Parekh []
Sent: Saturday, August 1, 2020 8:58 AM
To: Adam Zheng; Lisa Wang
Subject: RE: Downloading of PAI app
Dear Adam,
Many thanks for your prompt response
As mentioned in my earlier email , I am old ( completed 87 years a month ago ) and not keeping very well ( in my house, I am able to walk around with a walking stick ). I have 2 older sisters ( aged 92 and 94 ) in towns 500 km away , who I cannot visit. One of them is bed-ridden for past 4 years
If I can create my virtual avatar, may be , I could be sitting next to their beds and sing some songs which we used to sing together, as children
That apart , on my personal blogging site ( ), I have uploaded some 20,000 + notes / reports ( many, handwritten ) which I wrote to my professional colleagues , over the past 60 years . These describe my thoughts / guidelines / suggestions / instructions etc ., on how to carry-out their jobs
Besides these , on this site, I have also uploaded :
Ø 600 + handwritten letters sent to me by my family-members / relatives / friends etc., over 50 years
Ø 650 + video recitation of poems ( in 3 languages, including English ) that I have written over past 75 years
Ø 2100 + blogs ( all in English ) containing my suggestions for reforms ( political + social + economic ). Most are sent as E Mails to our Central Government Cabinet Ministers – and quite a few , have been implemented as well
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