Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Tuesday 16 January 2024


 Dear “ LostVotesChallenge “ Campaigners,



I support your cause whole-heartedly


In fact , I started lobbying for mobile-based “ Remote Voting “, some 8 years ago !


I urge you to forward this email , not only to millions who have registered on your site but also to all the Political Parties


With regards,


Hemen Parekh








From: Hemen Parekh [mailto:hcp@recruitguru.com]

Sent: Monday, November 2, 2020 10:54 AM

To: Cabinet Minister 2019; rajyasabha1_2020@recruitguru.comrajyasabha2_2020@recruitguru.comloksabha1_2020@recruitguru.comloksabha2_2020@recruitguru.comLoksabha3_2020@recruitguru.com; Chief Minister 2019; BJP National Executive; Editors; TV Anchors; Business Leader; Indian Think Tanks; TIMESjourno; amitabh.kant@nic.invch-niti@gov.infmo@nic.incea@nic.inbibek.debroy@gov.in; Surjit Bhalla; van@ifmr.ac.inprakash.j@sansad.nic.ineam@mea.gov.indrjitendras@gmail.comdrhrshvardhan@gmail.com; /; adityathackeray@me.commoshealth.akc@gov.inalav@ias.nic.incm@karnataka.gov.in; CM Mah; office@rahulgandhi.inkc.venugopal@sansad.nic.inkcvenugopal.org@gmail.comgkishanreddy@yahoo.comtc.gehlot@sansad.nic.inassocham@nic.ininfo@cii.inniti@recruitguru.comsupport@toilostvotechallenge.com





After 70 years of elections, some 290 million of voters ( out of 900 million ) cannot vote because they are a few hundred Km away from the Polling Booth for which they are registered

No method of " Remote Voting " for them - in a country which prides itself as " Software Super Power " !

Even as citizen of tiny ESTONIA have been voting ONLINE for past 15 years - without any problems !

Here are links to some 27 e-mails which I have sent to Cabinet Ministers ( starting 2013 ), pleading for Mobile-based Voting , in one day ( 10 hours ) - with Central Server declaring results by next morning !

I urge our Legislators to read this email and consider this :

408 Km vertical distance OK ?



408 Km vertical distance OK ?




It seems, during current ongoing presidential election, astronaut  Kate Rubins  voted from the International Space Station , flying 408 Km above the earth

Context :

Astronaut votes from Space

Extract :

Rubins and Nasa described the process as a form of absentee voting. A secure electronic ballot generated by a clerk’s office in Harris County, home of Nasa’s Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, was sent up via email to the ISS. Rubins filled out the ballot in the email and it was downlinked and delivered back to the clerk’s office.


NASA Astronaut Kate Rubins Casts Her Vote from Space 

Extract :

NASA astronaut Kate Rubins points to the International Space Station's "voting booth" where she cast her vote from space this month. This is actually Rubins' second time to vote from low-Earth orbit, having cast her first vote from space in 2016 when she was an Expedition 48-49 crew member.

Voting in space has been possible since 1997 when a bill passed to legally allow voting from space in Texas. Since then, several NASA astronauts have exercised this civic duty from orbit. Learn more about how astronauts cast their vote from orbit: https://www.nasa.gov/feature/astronauts-to-vote-in-space.



Ø  In India , some 290 million voters could not vote , simply because they were ( may be ) 408 Km away ( horizontally ) from their “ designated “ voting booth ! And we have no legal provision for REMOTE VOTING


Ø  A few months back, Times of India has launched a campaign called :

Lost Votes

Ø  For over 8 years now , I have been sending e mails to Cabinet Ministers / state Chief Ministers etc ., to pass a law which will enable all the voters ( some 900 million ), to vote using their mobile phones . My e mails listed below


Ø  It is understandable that politicians who could not / would not trust EVMs , are raising all kinds of doubts for a Mobile-based voting



Ø  In several of my e mails , I have given examples where mobile-based voting has been carried out successfully – using BLOCKCHAIN technology


Ø  If there is still any lingering doubts, I urge the politicians to take a look at :

              Ballotted  [  info@ballotted.com ]


             Highlights from the website ( watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ON68TZrZvak )


             #  Tamperproof

                  Votes can’t be added , modified or deleted

             #   Fully auditable

                  Our code, our methods , our finances, the votes, are all auditable. By


             #   No Central Control

                  Nobody controls the information and functionality of the counting

                  system. Not even us

             #   Voter Privacy

                   Votes can’t be associated with voters

              #   End – to – End

                   Securing every step of the process , including Registration, Voting

                   and auditing

              #   Customizable

                    Ballotted can be customized to your type of voting and election


Reference :

Cratos Principle

Webroot Democracy



Related Readings :


VotesApp                                                      [ 18 Dec 2012 ]


#   First Step to VotesApp ?                               [24 Jan 2020 ]

#  Slow and Steady ? Way Democracy Works      [ 12 Mar 2020 ]

#  Analysis Needed : Paralysis Avoided…………………[13 Sept 2020 ]



#  VVPAT ? How about EVBAT ?                           [ 28 Mar 2019 ]

#  Dark Side of Democracy                                 [ 08 Jan 2019 ]


#  Americans call it “ Voatz “                                [ 13 Aug 2018 ]

#  Where is the need ?                                         [ 05 Apr 2018 ]

#  Block Chain for Voting ?                                   [ 11 Mar 2018 ]

Thank You, Shri Ashwini Kumar Upadhyay          [ 19 Feb 2018 ]

Simultaneous Polling                                         [ 22 Jan 2018 ]


Poll Reforms : Time for a Consensus                  [ 21 Aug 2017 ]

A Blue Print for VotesApp ?                               [ 25  Apr  2017 ]

Electoral Reforms Capsule : A Bitter Pill ?           [ 05  Feb  2017 ]


Reforming Elections and Lok Sabha                    [ 20 Dec 2016 ]

#  One Nation , One Vote ?                                   [ 29 Nov 2016 ]

#  Filtering  Candidate  Information ?                     [18  Sept  2016 ]


#  One Poll  ,  One  Time                                       [ 06 Sept  2016 ]

#  Advantage  Incumbent  ?                                  [ 05  Sept  2016 ]

#   ROMP :  A Panacea ?                                        [ 06  Aug  2016 ]

#  The Greatest Reform ?                                       [ 12  June  2016 ]

#   One Day Polling is possible                                [31  Mar  2016 ]



#  How  to  Save  Rs  5511  crore  ?                         [12  Dec  2015 ]

#  Honey ! I shrunk  the  EVM                                  [21  Oct  2015 ]


#  All   Seasons  are  Election  Seasons                      [ 22 May 2014 ]

#  A  Software  Powerhouse  ?                                   [ 24  Apr  2014 ]

 Sun  Never  Sets                                                   [ 01  Apr 2014 ]


I urge every reader of this blog to :

Ø  Support the Times of India Campaign

Ø  Forward this blog to the Supreme Court, urging SC to treat it as a PIL ('supremecourt@nic.in)

I further request Times of India to sponsor / fund a Startup to develop, an Indian version of Ballotted.com and forward it to all MPs – MLAs – Ministers ( Central + States )


With regards,

 Hemen Parekh  /  02 Nov 2020 /  hcp@RecruitGuru.com  

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