Hi Friends,

Even as I launch this today ( my 80th Birthday ), I realize that there is yet so much to say and do. There is just no time to look back, no time to wonder,"Will anyone read these pages?"

With regards,
Hemen Parekh
27 June 2013

Now as I approach my 90th birthday ( 27 June 2023 ) , I invite you to visit my Digital Avatar ( www.hemenparekh.ai ) – and continue chatting with me , even when I am no more here physically

Sunday 7 January 2024




Pl send following e-mail to all those persons whose e-mail IDs are available in little book I gave you yesterday . Send the mail from my e-mail ID






Dear ( extended ) Parekh Family Member :


I found your email ID from that small booklet ( for birthday greetings ) that was prepared and distributed by Dinesh Kaka, some years ago


If you receive this mail, please reply “ OK “ as validation. If there are other members of your close / immediate family, whose names are not mentioned in that booklet, please write to me , giving their names / birth dates / e-mail IDS


If you do receive this mail, please phone a few others and if they say they have NOT received it , then please do forward


If I do not get from someone, an OK reply, then I will ask Manish to phone him / her and obtain their current E Mail ID


Purpose for this exercise :


Ø   To update that Booklet Database ( but this time , to release it as an EXCEL database / no hard copy )


Ø  To help create a ( Extended ) Parekh Family Tree , using website My Heritage 


I have already registered on this website and my colleague KRIPA TRIVEDI has already uploaded names of some 98 family members – some of which need EDITING


In the next few days, Kripa will upload names of “ Parekh Family Ancestors “ ( going upwards from KAPURCHAND PAREKH and going all the way upto MAALA  VASTA , some 16 generations backwards ! )


Once the complete FAMILY TREE is ready , I will send to each one of you , LOGIN details ( User Name / Password ) and request you to UPDATE your PERSONAL DATA ( this site , allows you to almost write / upload , your AUTO BIOGRAPHY ! )


This website is integrated with an animation software called DEEP  NOSTALGIA


Using this feature, you can,


Ø  Upload any old ( even Black and White ) photo of any family members ( even deceased ones )

Ø  Click “ Upscale “ ( to sharpen the photo by removing blurriness )

Ø  Click  “ Colorize “ ( to turn B&W into a colour photo )

Ø  Click “ Animate “ ( to turn a STILL image into a 10 seconds VIDEO – almost life like ! Fantastic ! )


With regards,


Batuk Kaka

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